July 27, 2024

Turkey’s Erdogan Gears Up for Another Incursion into Syria and Iraq

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to be preparing for another military incursion into the border regions of Syria and Iraq to fight the PKK, a violent Marxist Kurdish separatist group seen by Erdogan’s government as the primary threat to Turkey’s security. Erdogan said after a cabinet meeting last week that he was preparing a

Cotton: ‘Serious Reservations’ About Iraq, Syria Strikes Being a Strategic Success

Friday on FNC’s “Special Report,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) expressed his doubt about the efficacy of the U.S. strikes in Iraq and Syria earlier in the day. Cotton told host Bret Baier he had “serious reservations” about the strategic success of the missions. “Well, first off, I want to express my admiration for our brave

Defense Department releases videos of 2 airstrikes on Iranian proxies in Syria

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) released two videos of airstrikes conducted by U.S. forces on Iranian proxy fighters in Syria, which took place over the weekend. On Sunday, a senior U.S. defense official said at least six Iranian proxy fighters were killed in the U.S.’s attacks on Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) stations in […]

Report: Iran-Backed Militias Attack U.S. Forces in Syria Four Times in Less than 24 Hours

American and anti-ISIS coalition forces in northeastern Syria were attacked at least four times over the past 24 hours, including three rocket and drone strikes on Sunday night, a U.S. military official told Reuters on Monday. The attacks were almost certainly launched by Iranian proxy forces. According to Reuters’ source, the heaviest attack came on Monday

UAE warns Syria to not get involved in Israel-Hamas war: report

The United Arab Emirates warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to refrain from intervening in the Israel-Hamas war or allow attacks on Israel from Syrian soil.  Axios reported the news first, citing two UAE sources briefed on the matter.  Foreign leaders outside Israel are concerned the war could spill into neighboring Lebanon or escalate into a […]

American Forces Shoot Down Turkish Drone Hovering near U.S. Base in Syria

The Pentagon confirmed on Thursday that American armed forces shot down a Turkish drone near Hasakah, northeast Syria, because it hovered over America’s base in the region and officers deemed it to be a “potential threat.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement on Thursday that he held a conversation with his Turkish

A Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia

President Joe Biden confused Libya and Syria three times during a Sunday press conference at the G-7 Summit in Cornwall, United Kingdom. The president was responding to a question from NBC News’ Peter Alexander about what actions the administration plans to take against Russian President Vladimir Putin. Biden talked about Russia’s ongoing military actions in…

Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War

Opening incriminating documents from the conflict up to the public could discourage Biden from escalating America’s role.How many Syrians did you vote to kill on Election Day? Thanks to our perverse political system, the answer will be revealed over the next four years if the Biden administration drags the U.S. back into the Syrian Civil…

First Win for Trump-Putin Summit: Agreement to Restrain Iran in Syria.

President Donald Trump has been criticized by the media and by Beltway politicians of both parties for his meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday. But the summit has already produced a very significant win: namely, agreement to avoid a war in the Middle East by restraining Iran in Syria. As Breitbart […]

Israeli Defense Minister: ‘We Hit Nearly All The Iranian Infrastructure In Syria’

A day after President Trump announced that the United States was pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, Iranian Al-Quds forces based in Syria reportedly launched rockets at Israeli forces in the Golan Heights. Israel responded with its most extensive military operation in years and what the IDF described as its largest strike against Iranian […]

Israel strikes dozens of Iranian targets in Syria.

Iran targets Israel from Syria, Israel responds Israel struck 50 Iranian targets in Syria after 20 rockets were fired towards Israel’s front defensive line in the Golan Heights early Thursday morning by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp’s Quds Force, the IDF announced. The targets all belonged to IRGC’s Quds Force and included intelligence sites, logistics […]

Syria accuses Israel of new strikes while IDF orders bomb shelters opened.

An Israeli air force F-15 fighter jet flies during an exhibition as part of the graduation ceremony of air force pilots at Hatzerim air base in southern Israel. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS) The army also said it raised preparedness of “troops for an attack” and deployed air defenses in the north of the country. Israeli […]

Iranians killed in alleged Israeli strike on military site in Syria.

A satellite image shows Syria’s T-4 military air base. (photo credit: GOOGLE MAPS) The target was reportedly an underground missile production facility and depot for surface-to-surface missiles. The Syrian army confirmed Sunday that several military bases in northern Syria were struck in an attack blamed on Israel by the Hezbollah-affiliated newspaper Al Akhbar. According to […]

Tariffs, Trade, Terrorism, Syria, Iran on the Table for Trump and Macron Bilateral Meetings.

U.S. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron are expected to tackle controversial topics from trade to terrorism during the first state visit of the Trump administration. Trump and Macron will discuss economic, diplomatic, and global issues during the state visit, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders informed reporters on Monday. “The first lady […]

US found chlorine gas, nerve agent in samples from Syria attack: report.

Blood and urine samples from the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria have tested positive for chlorine gas and a nerve agent, according to U.S. officials. MSNBC reported Thursday that the U.S. obtained samples from the attack site in Douma, a suburb of Damascus, and determined that they contained traces of chlorine […]

China Joins Russia, Iran in Condemning U.S. Strike on Syria: ‘We Oppose the Use of Force’

China joined dictator Bashar al-Assad’s allies Russia and Iran in condemning the precision airstrikes by the United States, France, and Britain on Saturday. The airstrikes targeted regime scientific research centers in Syria in response to the recent chemical attack against civilians that the Pentagon has attributed to the Syrian regime. A day prior to the attack, […]

Trump, allies praise Syria strikes as Moscow seethes.

A Syrian soldier inspects the wreckage of a building described as part of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) compound in the Barzeh district north of Damascus, during a press tour organised by the Syrian government after US-led strikes (AFP Photo/LOUAI BESHARA) Washington (United States) (AFP) – US President Donald Trump and his British […]

Klukowski: President Trump’s Syria Strikes Are Constitutional.

While experts can debate whether striking Syria is good policy, the legal reality should not be open to debate: President Donald Trump’s strikes against Syria were fully authorized by the U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution says that only Congress has the power “to declare War.” However, Article II, Section […]

BATTLE ASSESSMENT: Here Is How The Devastating Strike On Syria Went Down.

The early morning coalition strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons infrastructure Saturday destroyed three critical targets, crippling the Syrian regime’s ability to create chemical weapons. “We sent a very clear message last night,” Pentagon spokesman Dana White explained Saturday, further commenting, “We hope he [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] heard it.” Around 4 a.m. in Syria, American, […]

U.S. strikes on Syria, launched in concert with British, French allies, are “now underway.”

President Donald Trump says the United States has “launched precision strikes” on targets associated with Syrian chemical weapons program. Trump spoke from the White House Friday night. He says a “combined operation” with France and the United Kingdom is underway. Trump says that last Saturday, Syrian President Bashar Assad deployed chemical weapons in what was […]

Trump Puts Off Syria Strike Decision, Will Consult with Allies.

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Donald Trump on Thursday put off a final decision on possible military strikes against Syria after tweeting earlier that they could happen “very soon or not so soon at all.” The White House said he would consult further with allies. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned such an attack carried […]

The Pentagon Is Worried About Accidentally Killing Russian Troops During A Syria Attack

As Pentagon planners ready a possible military response to a suspected poison gas attack in Syria, one danger has sparked special concern — whether U.S. airstrikes may inadvertently kill Russian soldiers in Syria and escalate the regional war into a confrontation between Washington and Moscow. The chances of a potential clash would increase if President […]

‘Russia, get ready’: Trump says ‘nice and new’ missiles will strike Syria.

In this file photo taken on March 13, 2018, US President Donald Trump gestures after speaking to military personnel at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California.(AFP Photo/Mandel Ngan/Alternative Crop) US President Donald Trump on Wednesday warned Russia that “nice and new” missiles would be heading to Syria and Moscow should “get ready.” […]

Latest Israeli Airstrike in Syria Likely Stopped New Iranian threat.

Amid fallout from chemical weapons attack, Israel enforces its own red lines in Syria, while sending a message to Iran and Hezbollah. The recent missile strike on a military airbase deep in the central Syrian desert looks like the latest installment in a long-standing Israeli campaign to police its red lines against highly dangerous developments […]

U.S. Navy Destroyer Heads Towards Syria as Trump Vows ‘Major Decision’

A U.S. Navy destroyer reportedly entered waters near Syria shortly after President Donald Trump promised to make a “major decision” Monday on whether to order airstrikes against Bashar al-Assad. The Associated Press reports that the USS Donald Cook is now closing in on Syrian shores, armed with the same Tomahawk cruise missiles the U.S. used on a […]

Trump cancels South America trip to ‘oversee the American response to Syria’

* President Trump will not travel to South America this week, the White House says. * Vice President Mike Pence will make the trip in Trump’s stead. * The White House says Trump will stay in the U.S. in order to “oversee the American response to Syria and to monitor developments around the world.  […]

Disaster: Obama’s ‘Smart Power’ Syria Policy Was a Catastrophe, and Trump is Trying to Clean Up the Mess.

The wages of the Obama administration’s shambolic foreign policy on Syria were felt again over the weekend, as dozens of Syrians in a rebel-held city — including young children — were gassed to death in a horrifying apparent chemical weapons attack.  The New York Times reports that the slaughter appears to have helped the Assad […]

WATCH: Team Obama Said Syria Had Been Cleansed Of Chemical Weapons. Over And Over And Over Again.

The Obama administration spent its years routinely stating that the arc of history bent toward justice, that human rights violations violated the world’s sensibilities, and that unlike cowboy-esque Republicans, Democrats would ensure that the world remained safe from the predations of monsters like Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. In fact, President Obama issued a “red line,” […]

Russia, Syria blame Israel for deadly strike on Syrian air base.

An Israel Air Force F-15 flies overhead during an exercise in the Golan Heights on February 23, 2014. (Gu Ashash/Israel Air Force/Flickr) In a rare move, Russia on Monday accused Israel of carrying out a predawn missile strike on an air base in central Syria that reportedly killed 14 people, among them Iranian nationals. Dictator […]

Trump threatens a “big price” after reports of deadly chemical attack in Syria.

An affected Syrian child receives medical treatment after Assad regime forces allegedly conducted a poisonous gas attack in the city of Douma on April 7, 2018. Anadolu Agency/Getty Images On Saturday, dozens of people were killed in Syria in a suspected chemical attack. Aid groups are blaming President Bashar al-Assad’s government for the assault; United […]
