July 26, 2024

WATCH: Iranian Missiles Intercepted over Islamic Holy Site Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

David Silverman/Newsmakers via Getty Images Israel intercepted missiles over one of Islam’s holiest sites, the Dome of the Rock, during the attack launched by the Iranian regime this weekend. Video captured several missiles being intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome in the sky above the Dome of the Rock, one of the world’s oldest surviving works

US forces shoot down ballistic missiles in Red Sea, kill gunmen in attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels

The US military fired on and sank three boats operated by Iran-backed Houthi rebels – killing their crews – after the militants tried to attack a Maersk container vessel in the Red Sea early Sunday, officials said. Helicopters from the USS Eisenhower and USS Gravely warships opened fire on “four Iranian-backed Houthi small boats,” sinking three of […]

53 injured as Russian ballistic missiles target Kyiv; Zelensky pleads in DC for more help

Russia’s second missile assault on Kyiv this week injured at least 53 people, damaging homes and a children’s hospital, Ukrainian officials said on Wednesday, as President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded in Washington for more help for his country. The windows of residential apartment blocks were blown out and frightened residents streamed out onto the street to […]

U.S. Pledges to Help Australia Manufacture Guided Missiles by 2025

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) – The United States will expand its military industrial base by helping Australia manufacture guided missiles and rockets for both countries within two years, the allies announced on Saturday as they ramped up defense cooperation to counter China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific. The new cooperation on guided weapon production follows a

‘Need Every Rocket We Can Get’ –Made Missiles Against Russian Forces

‘Need Every Rocket We Can Get’ — Ukraine Using North Korean-Made Missiles Against Russian Forces Serhii Mykhalchuk/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images The Ukrainian armed forces have been using missiles made in North Korea to fire against the Russians despite their notorious unreliability, a report from the Financial Times has claimed. Ukrainian artillery crews are

France, Germany Kick Off NATO Summit With New Missiles, Tanks For Ukraine

NATO’s annual summit in Lithuania kicked off with major new pledges of military support, with new missile systems and tanks heading east from Germany and France. While Ukraine’s leadership may have expressed disappointment that it is not to join the alliance at this annual conference of the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

Ukraine: Russia launches cruise missiles into Kyiv and other cities, killing at least 8 people

Air raid sirens echoed throughout Ukraine’s capital city of Kyiv early Friday morning as Russia fired more than 20 cruise missiles and two drones at it and other parts of the country, leaving at least 23 people dead, three of which were children, officials said. The missile barrage was Russia’s first direct attack on the […]

Ukrainians to start training on Patriot missiles in US as soon as next week, officials say​

A sign is pictured at Scott Gate, one of the entrances to Oklahoma’s Fort Sill, in this 2014 photo. Sue Ogrocki/AP CNN — Ukrainian troops are set to begin training on the Patriot missile system in the United States as soon as next week, two US officials familiar with the matter tell CNN. The training […]

Trump and Putin Meet for 1-on-1 Discussion on Trade, Military, Missiles, Nuclear, and China

President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin briefly spoke to cameras before beginning a one-on-one meeting Monday that Trump said would include discussion of nuclear arms, China, and hopes of building an “extraordinary relationship.” Trump and Putin met at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, to give opening statements before beginning their closed-door private […]

‘Russia, get ready’: Trump says ‘nice and new’ missiles will strike Syria.

In this file photo taken on March 13, 2018, US President Donald Trump gestures after speaking to military personnel at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California.(AFP Photo/Mandel Ngan/Alternative Crop) US President Donald Trump on Wednesday warned Russia that “nice and new” missiles would be heading to Syria and Moscow should “get ready.” […]

Stunning. Hillary Clinton Gave Russia the US Technology for Hypersonic Intercontinental Nuke Missiles

On Wednesday Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened the West with unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missiles. Putin announced that Russia had developed an intercontinental nuclear missile that can’t be stopped or shot down by any country’s defence system The Russian leader said the rocket travels 20 times the speed of sound and has unlimited range. Now we […]

Nukes, Missiles, And A Touch Of Terror: It’s Been A Really Crazy Year On The Korean Peninsula.

Often portrayed as a cartoon villain, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un proved himself to be quite the contrary in 2017, openly challenging the U.S. and the international community with new threats. This young murderous tyrant showed the world that he will go to any length to secure his reign, from killing family to forcing […]

Nikki Haley: ‘Most Damning Report Yet’ Confirms Iran Is Providing Missiles to Houthis in Yemen.

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, noted this week that there is mounting evidence showing that Iran is indeed arming Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen in violation of the U.N. resolution that codifies the nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world powers into international law. During a U.N. Security Council meeting […]

North Korea ‘will test missiles weekly’, senior official tells BBC.

North Korea will continue to test missiles, a senior official has told the BBC in Pyongyang, despite international condemnation and growing military tensions with the US. “We’ll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis,” Vice-Foreign Minister Han Song-ryol told the BBC’s John Sudworth. He said that an “all-out war” would […]


US military has launched more than 50 missiles aimed at Syria: NBC News The U.S. military has launched more than 50 missiles aimed at Syria, NBC News reported. A U.S. military official told NBC that 59 tomahawks had been fired, which hit an airfield near Homs. Earlier Thursday, Reuters reported that a British diplomat had […]

U.S. Launches 60 Missiles at Syrian Bases After Chemical Weapons Attack

The United States launched dozens of cruise missiles Thursday night at a Syrian airfield in response to what it believes was the Syrian government’s use of banned chemical weapons blamed for having killed at least 100 people on Tuesday, U.S. military officials told NBC News. Two U.S. warships in the Mediterranean Sea fired at least […]

Iran Spends Nuclear Deal Money on Troops, Missiles, Arms for Terrorists

Critics of the Iranian nuclear deal charged that the Obama administration was not sufficiently concerned with how Iran would spend the money from its post-sanctions windfall. Evidently, departing President Obama and his team thought domestic political pressures would oblige the Iranian government to invest more heavily in constructive economic pursuits. Reuters reports that, on the […]

Iran shows off missiles targeting Israel

TEHRAN — Iran showed off missiles, warplanes, tanks and marching troops on Wednesday in a display of military strength in the face of growing regional tensions. The Islamic republic used the 36th anniversary of the start of the Iran-Iraq war to parade arms including 16 ballistic missiles through Tehran. A new missile with multiple warheads, […]

Iran Says New Missiles Will Be Designed Specifically To Kill US Ships

The Islamic Republic of Iran plans to build new high-speed cruise missiles that could pose a significant threat to U.S. ships operating in the Persian Gulf. Iranian defense minister Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan announced Sunday that his country made significant advances in surface-to-surface missile technology, and is now close to creating its own supersonic cruise […]

Russia Threatens the United States for Deploying Missile Defense System in Europe

As United States and NATO officials celebrated the opening an Aegis anti-ballistic missile defense system (ABMD) in Romania on May 12, 2016, Russia said the system had raised the risks of a nuclear war. The ABM called Aegis Ashore was essentially transferred from a Navy ship launch pad onto land at the Deveselu air base […]

Lebanon Passenger Flight Bound for Portland, Oregon Contained 2 HELLFIRE MISSILES

“Bomb-sniffing dog discovers 2 Hellfire missiles bound for Portland,” AFP, March 13, 2016 (thanks to Armaros): BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbia’s authorities are investigating reports that a cargo package bound for Portland contained two missiles with explosive warheads on a passenger flight from Lebanon. N1 television said the package with two guided armor-piercing missiles was discovered […]

Iran fires 2 missiles marked with ‘Israel must be wiped out’

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran test-launched two ballistic missiles Wednesday emblazoned with the phrase “Israel must be wiped out” in Hebrew, Iranian media reported, in a show of power by the Shiite nation as U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visited Jerusalem. The new missile firings were the latest in a series of tests […]

Rubio And Cruz Launch Missiles At Trump During Debate

With Donald Trump on the verge of running away with the Republican nomination for president, Marco Rubio 79% and Ted Cruz 97 % repeatedly and aggressively challenged the New York business throughout Thursday night’s debate in Houston. Rubio — the Florida senator who some Republicans have accused of not doing enough to go after Trump […]

Iran: Missiles Pointed at U.S. Targets

A senior Iranian military leader warned this weekend that “all U.S. military bases in the Middle East are within the range of” Iran’s missiles and emphasized that the Islamic Republic will continue to break international bans on the construction of ballistic missiles. Much of this missile work, like the details of Iran’s advanced arsenal, remains secret, […]
