July 26, 2024

America First Legal Sues DOJ for Failing to Require Hunter Biden Register as Foreign Agent

America First Legal (AFL) announced a lawsuit against the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland over their failure to require Hunter Biden to register as a foreign agent. As Breitbart News reported, CEFC China Energy Co., a company linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), paid Hunter Biden a $1 million legal retainer and $3.8 million in consulting fees. Two

IRS Agent Claimed He Can ‘Go Into Anyone’s House At Any Time,’ Jim Jordan Says

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Friday demanding to know why an agent had told a woman that he could “go into anyone’s house at any time I want.” Jordan revealed in the letter that a he’d recently learned of allegations about an IRS agent who

Vikings release Adam Thielen as free agent receiver market gets some juice

One of the premier receivers of the last five-plus years is looking for a new home. The Minnesota Vikings are releasing Adam Thielen after ten seasons with the team, NFL Network reported. The 32-year-old was set to carry a nearly $20 million cap hit for the Vikings in 2023, and with Minnesota projected to be […]

Border Patrol Agent Dies on Duty in Texas

A Border Patrol agent died in an all-terrain vehicle accident near McAllen, Texas, Wednesday morning. The agent was tracking a group of suspected migrants away from the border. Raul Ortiz, Chief of the United States Border Patrol, said the agent’s coworkers located the unresponsive body and initiated lifesaving efforts. Please see statement on today’s death

US Capitol Police Agent David Bailey Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was The SAME OFFICER THAT LET STEVE SCALISE GET SHOT in 2017!

                  REDPILLED Media can exclusively reveal the name of Ashli Babbitt’s murderer and his bloody history involved in gunning down Trump supporters in DC. On January 6th, unarmed 14-year high-ranking Air Force veteran and patriotic Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was savagely gunned down by the US Capitol […]

Source says FBI agent used 2016 briefing on election interference as ‘cover’ to question Trump team

EXCLUSIVE: A newly declassified document obtained by Fox News reveals that the FBI agent who delivered the defensive briefing on election interference to the Trump campaign in August 2016 “actively listened” for certain topics – using it as a “cover” to monitor then-candidate Donald Trump and Michael Flynn, a source familiar with the document said.The document, obtained by…

BOOM: THE REAL RUSSIA COLLUSION CONSPIRACY! The FBI, DOJ and DNC All Sought Dirt on Trump from Former MI6 Agent Steele While He Was Being Paid By Russians!

The DNC, FBI and the DOJ all sought dirt on Presidential candidate and then President Donald J. Trump.  They were willing to work with UK MI6 Agent Christopher Steele who was also working with Russians at the same time.  This is the real Russia Collusion story. Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele was all over the […]

Former KGB Agent Explains The Brainwashing Of America

ï»ż Yuri Bezmenov (alias Tomas Schuman), a Soviet KGB defector, explains in detail his scheme for the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies at a lecture in Los Angeles, 1983. “Marxist-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students without being challenged, or counter […]

Fireworks at Strzok hearing as GOP reps fume at anti-Trump FBI agent, threaten contempt

A defiant Peter Strzok said the scrutiny he is facing over his anti-Trump text messages amounts to “just another victory notch in Putin’s belt,” according to the FBI official’s remarks prepared to be delivered before House committees Thursday morning. Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Strzok, who is slated to testify in a public hearing […]

BREAKING: This is the FBI agent who worked on Hillary Clinton probe, labeled Trump supporters ‘retarded’ and texted ‘f**k Trump’ to her colleague lover – seen for the first time since her identity was revealed after release of IG report

BREAKING:  This is the FBI agent who worked on Hillary Clinton probe, labeled Trump supporters ‘retarded’ and texted ‘f**k Trump’ to her colleague lover – seen for the first time since her identity was revealed after release of IG report The FBI agent on the Hillary Clinton email investigation who traded anti-Trump texts with her […]

Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Suit Against Clintons, Soros, Podesta, Brock

Conspiracy theorists (and conspiracy factists) are running wild as infamously outspokenGary Byrne has filed a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) suit against what some call the Democrat Deep State. Defendants in the case include: CLINTON FOUNDATION, CLINTON-GIUSTRA ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP, MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA, CORRECT THE RECORD, AMERICAN BRIDGE 21ST CENTURY, CITIZENS FOR RESPONSIBILITY AND […]

SHOCK REPORT: Hillary Clinton’s Emails Accessed By ‘Foreign Actor’ — And FBI Agent Who Pledged To Stop Trump Knew About It

On Thursday, two House committees revealed that “foreign actors” accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, including one “secret” email, from her private server. According to Fox News: Fox News obtained the memo prepared by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, which lays out key interim findings ahead of next week’s hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael […]

US found chlorine gas, nerve agent in samples from Syria attack: report.

Blood and urine samples from the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria have tested positive for chlorine gas and a nerve agent, according to U.S. officials. MSNBC reported Thursday that the U.S. obtained samples from the attack site in Douma, a suburb of Damascus, and determined that they contained traces of chlorine […]

Theresa May Throws Down Gauntlet To Russia: Expels 23 Russian Diplomats After Nerve Agent Attack.

On Wednesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May announced that the United Kingdom would expel 23 Russian diplomats in response to the nerve agent attack in Salisbury that targeted a former Russian spy and his daughter. The UK will expel 23 Russian diplomats from the country after concluding that the Russian state is responsible for the […]

“Obstruction of Justice” – Special Agent Strzok Text Message Highlights FBI Investigative Intent

Since Thursday night we’ve been combing the FBI files to figure out exactly what FBI Agent Peter Strzok was referencing in one of the most recently released text messages. We have discovered the context and the text is now damning. House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte read this specific text message on Thursday night during an […]

Former “High-Level” CIA Agent Warns “Terrified” Deep State Wants President Trump “Taken Out” (VIDEO)

According to former “high level” CIA agent Kevin Shipp, the Deep State is so “terrified” of President Trump that they want him “taken out.” Shipp was a CIA Anti Terrorism expert and was assigned as a protective agent for the Director of Central Intelligence. He is the recipient of a Medallion for overseas covert operations, two […]

BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan GOES NUCLEAR On Rod Rosenstein Over-Trump Hating FBI Agent Peter Strzok (VIDEO)

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) absolutely grilled Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein over Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok’s role in both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and Mueller-Russia probe during Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing. Video credit: Fox News Insider ï»ż Fox News Insider reports: Jordan focused in on the newly-released text messages from 2016 between agent Peter Strzok and another […]

BREAKING: Key FBI Agent Involved In Russia Investigation, Exonerating Hillary, Targeting Flynn, Also Sent Anti-Trump Text Messages, Fired By Mueller

Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Cal On Monday, the FBI’s reputation with regard to its investigation into Hillary Clinton, Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, and its investigation into Trump officials including former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, took a serious hit. That hit came courtesy of FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was fired by […]

FBI Agent Who Supervised Trump-Russia Probe Reportedly Sent Anti-Trump Text Messages.

A top FBI agent at the center of both the Clinton email and Trump-Russia investigations was removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team for exchanging derogatory text messages about the president with a colleague. Peter Strzok, a veteran FBI investigator, was shuffled off to the FBI’s human resources department by Mueller after the Justice Department’s […]

Immigrant Aunt of Slain Agent: Build Border Wall.

Immigrant Aunt of Killed Border Agent Wants Trump’s Wall, Father Says Agent was Attacked The immigrant aunt of recently killed Border Patrol Agent Rogelio Martinez told The New York Times that she supports Trump’s border wall and asked how many more agents have to die before we secure our border. The agent’s father told the […]

BREAKING: U.S. Border Patrol Agent Killed While on Duty.

The United States Border Patrol released a press release Sunday evening announcing the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent from injuries sustained while on duty this morning in Van Horn, Texas. “Agent Rogelio Martinez and his Big Bend Sector partner were responding to activity while on patrol near Interstate 10, in the Van Horn […]

Russia’s Secret Agent Man Hiding in Plain Sight

In order to keep the masses in the dark, Fake News leans on a typical tactic of cultural Marxism—projection, falsely projecting Conservatives as the only purveyors of Fake News. It isn’t just that lies get halfway around the world before truth ever gets its pants on, it’s that social media is an unidentified swamp creature […]

Will the Real Russian Agent Please Stand Up?

The civil rights “icon,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), has suddenly discovered the dangers of Russian influence in the U.S. political process. He tells Chuck Todd of NBC News, “I don’t see this President-elect [Donald J. Trump] as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy […]

The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent

The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back. Khizr Muazzam Khan graduated in Punjab […]

Muslim former FBI agent who refused to wiretap fellow Muslims now Homeland Security Adviser

If you are an enemy of the state, you will rise in the Obama administration. “Muslim former FBI agent who refused to wiretap fellow Muslims now Homeland Security Adviser,” By Robert Spencer, June 21, 2016: Back in 2002, Gamal Abdel-Hafiz was in the FBI, and refused to conduct a secret recording of a Muslim suspect. […]

DHS Agent May Have Planned High-Level Assassinations

Authorities are investigating whether a Homeland Security employee with top-secret clearance was planning to assassinate top officials at the agency’s Washington headquarters when he entered the building earlier this month with a loaded revolver, a 3-inch folding knife, an infrared camera, pepper spray and handcuffs. Jonathan Wienke, an analyst in the Office of Intelligence and […]

Border Patrol Agent: Border Has ‘Gotten Less Secure’ ‘Lucky to Catch 45% of What Crosses’ – WATCH

  Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera, who is a member of the National Border Patrol Council, which has endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, stated that the border has “gotten less secure” in the last few years and agents are “lucky to catch 45% of what crosses” with “extremely porous large stretches of our border […]


Not only did the Obama administration scrub counter-terror programs of jihad and Islam, now we find out that his administration scrubbed the records of Muslim terrorists. If the enemedia was not aligned with the jihad force, this would be front page news across the nation. Who gave the order to scrub the records of Muslims […]

Border Patrol Agent: We Will Be Terminated If We Try To Enforce The Law

A top Border Patrol agent revealed Thursday that if border agents follow the law and ask illegal aliens why they are coming to the U.S. they will be terminated. The Border Patrol previously had a policy of “catch and release” that drew the ire of Border Patrol agents: “These orders are called Notices to Appear (NTA). […]

Border Agent Blames OBAMA Admin’s ‘Catch and Release’ Policy for Continuing Influx of Illegals Crossing the Border

  A Border Patrol agent from Texas told the Senate Wednesday that although numbers are down, illegal immigrants continue to flow into the U.S. from Mexico because they know they will not be deported by U.S. authorities. Agent Chris Cabrera, who has spent his entire career patrolling the Rio Grande Valley, testified before the Senate […]
