July 26, 2024

Justice Department Covering for ‘Deep State’ by Not Charging Sam Bankman-Fried

The Justice Department (DOJ) has been accused by multiple sources of covering for the “deep state” by not holding a second trial against disgraced former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried for his allegedly unlawful political donations and bribery of foreign officials, the New York Post revealed Saturday. Federal prosecutors said on Friday that they will not

Dak Prescott can rewrite his Cowboys narrative with deep postseason run

No quarterback in the NFL is scrutinized with the level of intensity Dak Prescott is year after year. Much of that has to do with the inordinate amount of attention his team, the Cowboys, gets. Much of it has to do with the talent Prescott has around him. All of those things raise the expectation […]

Deep Blue Illinois Ranks Dead Last on Economic Racial Equality

The “deep blue” State of Illinois ranks dead last in racial equality, according to a recent study by personal finance company WalletHub. WalletHub’s findings come despite the ultra-“woke” policies of the state’s controlling Democrats. The study looked at how blacks and whites are faring economically in all 50 states by measuring poverty rates, homelessness, employment

Dems see a surprising new path to retaking the House — through the Deep South

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (left) needs to flip only five seats in the 2src24 election to claim the speaker’s gavel, but he’ll need the help of South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn (right), Congress’ most powerful Southern Democrat. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Democrats are entertaining a once-unlikely prospect: retaking the House majority by winning in the

Exclusive — Kash Patel Suing Defense Department for ‘Obstructing’ Release of His Book that Exposes Deep State

Kash Patel, former chief of staff at the Pentagon and former deputy director of national intelligence, is suing the Department of Defense (DOD) for “obstructing and infringing” on his right to publish unclassified information in his upcoming book,” according to a complaint exclusively obtained by Breitbart News. In Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and

Trump and Republicans Have ‘Deep State’ Envy

Republicans don’t want to eliminate the “Deep State”—they want to be the Deep State.That’s the thinking behind support for Donald Trump’s attacks on the Justice Department and the FBI.Many Republicans—ranging from candidates like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Vice President Pence, and also the conservative-leaning

Deep State Celebrates Tucker Carlson Departure from Fox with Anonymous Leaks

Senior ranking officials within President Joe Biden’s Department of Defense who spoke on condition of anonymity were reportedly filled with “delight and outright glee” at Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News, according to Politico. Carlson’s segments on Tucker Carlson Tonight frequently criticized the upper ranks of the U.S. military for being “woke.” “What if the

Hysterical Putin Pals Claim the Deep State Took Out Tucker Carlson

The explosive news of Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News came as a surprise to many, including some of his biggest fans: propagandists who are shilling for the Kremlin on Russian state TV.During Monday’s broadcast of The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, state TV propagandists discussed the best ways for Russia to attack America on its

Seth Meyers Gloats Over Tucker Carlson’s Deep Scorn for Donald Trump

Someone get Seth Meyers a bowl of popcorn, as watching Tucker Carlson’s utter contempt for Donald Trump be exposed—one snark-filled text at a time—is his new White Lotus. “The only thing I thought Tucker Carlson was capable of hating with a passion were female M&M’s who were a 7 or lower,” the Late Night host

Trump Pledges to ‘Totally Obliterate the Deep State’ if Elected President

Former President Donald J. Trump said on Saturday he would “obliterate the Deep State” if elected president and told supporters he is their “warrior” and “retribution.” “In 2016, I declared I am your voice. Today, I add, I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I

Watch NASA Fire Its Next Gen Rocket Engine for Deep Space

NASA has successfully tested a new type of rocket dubbed the rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE)—laying the groundwork for a future propulsion system that could take us to the Moon and even beyond Mars into deep space.The RDRE’s design allows it to use less fuel than current propulsion systems, while also producing more power and

Deep Blue Portland, Oregon Rejects Voting Rights for Foreign Nationals

The most Democrat region of Oregon rejected a ballot initiative to allow foreign nationals to vote in local elections. On Tuesday, voters in Multnomah County, Oregon — home to the deep blue sanctuary city of Portland — voted down the initiative that would have possibly allowed foreign nationals, including illegal aliens, the right to vote

DeSantis Critical Race Theory Ban Being Torpedoed By Florida Deep State Education Bureaucracy

Our friends Keith Flaugh and Pastor Rick Stevens, Managing Directors of the Florida Citizens Alliance, alerted us that the amazing and bold leadership that Governor Ron DeSantis and Republican Richard Corcoran, Florida’s Commissioner of Education, have provided by banning the teaching of critical race theory in Florida’s public schools is being undercut by the Leftwing […]

Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded.

We’ve long known that unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in. The Obama administration’s IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn’t […]

Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose”

 Federal Employee for State Department: “Resist everything… Every level. F**k sh*t up.” Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Embedded in Federal Government Positions, Actively Resisting Stuart Karaffa Does Work for DSA While on Taxpayer’s Dime: “I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail.” “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal […]

The Deep State Exposed: Investigation Uncovers Foggy Bottom Anti-Trump Leak Factory.

It was mid-May, about six weeks after Trump appointee Mari Stull began her new job as senior adviser at the State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs. As senior adviser at the bureau, Stull was in charge of making sure President Trump’s agenda was represented at the many international organizations the U.S. participates in and […]

TRUMP FIRES WARNING SHOT AT DEEP STATE: Devin Nunes to Release Depositions from 70 Witnesses Before Election (VIDEO)

Rep. Devin Nunes: We believe those depositions need to be published before the November election: “I think full transparency is in order here.” House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into the Obama administration interference in the 2016 elections. Rep. Devin Nunes: Maria, the American people […]

The Deep State State vs. The American People

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Donald J. Trump, in the largest upset in modern American political history, was elected the 45th President of the United States of America.  And every day since then, his administration has been clouded by the wholly-created “scandal” of the “Russian collusion” investigation being conducted by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller appointed […]

TRUMP DROPS BOMB ON DEEP STATE: Illicit Actions Revealed – Obama Admin Caught in Act Spying on Political Opponent.

On Monday evening Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) revealed Congressional investigators have learned the FBI and DOJ previously leaked information to the press then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify seeking FISA warrants on Trump advisor Carter Page. They knew all along the story was bogus and planted the evidence in […]

Is the Deep State Winning?

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. By any reasonable standard, the presidency of Donald Trump has so far been a success. After eight years of Barack Obama’s sluggish recovery from the 2008 Great Recession, the economy is “blistering,” as MarketWatch put it, its vigorous growth creating jobs, raising incomes, […]

The Deep State State vs. The American People.

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Donald J. Trump, in the largest upset in modern American political history, was elected the 45th President of the United States of America.  And every day since then, his administration has been clouded by the wholly-created “scandal” of the “Russian collusion” investigation being conducted by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller appointed […]

Exposed: the Deep State’s Authorship and Publication of the Dossier.

The Internet is full of information, some of it not well researched or considered, but every now and then a star appears on the horizon. To my mind the new star is Yaacov Apelbaum, who, using his considerable technical skills, has produced a masterpiece of well-documented analysis underscoring the nonsensical and partisan nature of the […]

Top Headline – The Deep State is Censoring Voices That Do Not Agree With Them

Alex Jones is the latest victim of the Deep State silencing voices that speak out against it. The Alex Jones and Infowars Facebook, Youtube, Apple, and Spotify content has been removed for violating hate speech, bulling, and violence policies while pages on the left that violate the same policies remain and thrive.    Source: […]

8 KEY TAKEAWAYS: A Deep Dive Into The Scandalous FISA Warrant Used To Spy On The Trump Campaign.

For those who haven’t had the time to review the 412-page FISA application that was used to spy on the Trump campaign, I’ve culled a few key highlights. 1. The Application Lied About Carter Page Carter Page is described as “an agent of a foreign power”, which was and is clearly not the case. Carter […]

Here are the SIX BIGGEST DEEP STATE LIES from the FISA Memo to Spy on Republican Candidate Donald Trump and His Campaign.

The FISA memo used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on President Trump was released last week. Although heavily redacted, the biggest lie in the FISA application is what was not shared. We now know that the Steele Dosier was materially the sole support for the FISA application the FBI used to […]

Trump Puts the Deep State on Notice

President Trump will consider revoking the security clearances of former CIA boss John Brennan along with the clearances of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and former CIA Director Michael Hayden. These officials, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday, “politicized and in some cases actually monetized […]

Donald Trump, Jabberwocky, and the Deep State’s Gordian Knot

I’m currently on a ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, nearing my old home town of Honolulu, but through the miracle of limited-bandwith wifi technology and satellite TV have been able to keep up with the exploding heads back on the mainland. That this is an orchestrated stampede seems beyond question: President Trump’s […]

Democrats and Deep State Terrified of What Putin May Tell Trump at Helsinki Meeting.

The Democrats, Deep State Mueller and Rosenstein and their MSM are doing all they can to prevent President Donald Trump from meeting with Russian President Putin. Why are they so persistent in stopping the President of the US from meeting with Putin?  You would think this was a good thing, right? President Trump is planning […]

Pirro: Peter Strzok ‘the Personification of the Deep State Itself — Where Fascism Rules’

  During her Saturday opening statement for Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Jeanine Pirro castigated “pompous, arrogant, indignant, sarcastic, smug, condescending, defiant and unapologetic” FBI agent Peter Strzok for his behavior at this week’s congressional hearing. Pirro said Strzok was both the “personification of the righteous left” and the “personification of the deep state.” “Strzok seems […]

Strzok: Trump-Hating Texts Were an Expression of My ‘Deep Patriotism’

During his opening remarks in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Thursday, Peter Strzok defended his anti-Trump texts, insisting that they were merely expressions of his own deeply-held personal beliefs and had no effect on the Clinton email or the Trump-Russia collusion investigations. “Like many people, I had and expressed […]
