July 27, 2024

Deep State Celebrates Tucker Carlson Departure from Fox with Anonymous Leaks

Senior ranking officials within President Joe Biden’s Department of Defense who spoke on condition of anonymity were reportedly filled with “delight and outright glee” at Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News, according to Politico. Carlson’s segments on Tucker Carlson Tonight frequently criticized the upper ranks of the U.S. military for being “woke.” “What if the

Why Gary Cohn’s departure from the White House could be good news.

The usual media spin is being applied to the announcement of Gary Cohn’s pending departure from his post as President Trump’s economic adviser.  It just has to be a disaster, an indicator of “chaos” in the White House and evidence that all right-thinking people agree that the newly announced proposed tariffs in steel and aluminum import […]

Al Franken’s Touching Departure.

I never thought I’d see it, but Al Franken has finally gotten around to calling a moving van. While it is true that Franken was given virtually no chance to defend himself against multiple groping allegations (your side made those rules, not us), remember, it was never his practice to give that chance to anyone […]

Trump Admin Memo: DACAs Should ‘Prepare’ for ‘Their Departure’ from U.S.

Recipients of the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which has given more than 800,000 illegal aliens temporary amnesty since 2012, should “prepare” for “their departure” from the United States, a document from President Trump’s administration notes. In memos obtained by ABC News, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is urging all illegal […]

BREXIT! PM Signs Official Letter to Brussels Beginning Britain’s Departure from the European Union

LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Theresa May will file formal Brexit divorce papers on Wednesday, pitching the United Kingdom into the unknown and triggering years of uncertain negotiations that will test the endurance of the European Union. Nine months after Britons voted to leave, May will notify EU Council President Donald Tusk in […]

Obama’s Disgraceful Departure

Although President Barack Obama acted friendly toward Donald Trump, aiding him in the transition and meeting with him, behind the scenes he left Trump with a number of policy landmines that our new President must confront as he pursues his agenda. “We didn’t discuss the negative, we only discussed the future and the positive. And […]

Cuba After Obama’s Departure: What Is the Castro Brothers’ Real Agenda?

A few weeks have passed since President Obama’s trip to Cuba, where he gave a historic speech that was broadcast throughout the country, and the next day appeared at an exhibition baseball game between the Cuban national team and an American team from Tampa, Florida. Cubans, who for years had been instructed to yell anti-American […]
