July 26, 2024

Irish PM Leo Varadkarā€™s career ended because he went woke

Irelandā€™s prime minister, or Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar has resigned as both head of the government and leader of his political party ā€” Fine Gael ā€” causing a political hurricane in the country.Ā  The news follows a brutal referendum loss that saw more than 70% of the Irish electorate vote down proposals to amend the Constitution […]

Slovak PM looks to curb migration by deploying forces to Hungarian border

The new Slovak government announced a big deployment of police and armed forces Monday along the border with Hungary to prevent growing numbers of migrants entering the country. Prime Minister Robert Fico did not immediately give details of the deployment but said that illegal migration must be controlled or else people linked to “terrorist” groups […]

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau reportedly stuck in India after G20 summit due to aircraft issue

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is currently stuck in India after his aircraft experienced a technical issue, according to his office. Trudeau was attempting to leave India on Sunday after the Group of 20 summit in New Delhi when the Canadian Armed Forces discovered a mechanical issue, CTV News reported.Ā  “Upon our departure for the […]

Russia assailed by Albanian PM after failed attempt to prevent Ukraine President Zelenskyy from speaking at UN

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama didn’t mince words Wednesday while criticizing Russia’s attempt to block Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy from speaking at the United Nations Security Council meeting in New York.Ā  Rama noted that the notice of speaking orders was given in advance and any objections should have been raised beforehand. “I want to assure […]

Exclusive: Joe Lieberman Slams Biden for Not Inviting Israeli PM to White House and for ā€˜Strengtheningā€™ Iran

Former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman slammed the Biden administration for its having yet to invite the Israeli premier to the White House while accusing it of ā€œstrengtheningā€ the otherwise ā€œweakā€ Iranian regime. Lieberman demanded an immediate invitation for Netanyahu and called to make the Islamic Republic of Iran ā€œmore afraidā€ of the U.S. In an

Swedish PM Slams Disinfo Claiming Social Services Kidnap Muslim Children

Swedenā€™s Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson slammed a Muslim-led disinformation campaign that has claimed Swedish social services are kidnapping children from Muslim parents. The campaign, which has been going on since late 2021, claims that children are being forcibly taken from Muslim families in Sweden and has spread across social media channels. ā€œWhat we have now

Meloni To Become First Truly Elected Italian PM in Over a Decade

National conservative Brothers of Italy leader Giorgia Meloni is set to become the first elected, rather than appointed, Prime Minister of Italy in well over a decade following a series of technocrat and otherwise imposed Prime Ministers leading unstable and untenable coalitions. Giorgia Meloni will be the first party leader to win a national election

Blob Wins: Just 38 Days in, New PM Truss Sacks Finance Minister, Backs Down on Key Pledges

Liz Truss is no radical and is certainly not a political outsider, but her very slight deviation from political norms and Treasury orthodoxy has been so harshly punished by the markets and the media just 38 days in we witness the unedifying spectacle of a brand new Prime Minister throwing her brand new Chancellor to

LIVE 7:30 PM ET: Ron DeSantis Stumps for Lee Zeldin in New York

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will join Lee Zeldin for a free ā€œGet Out the Voteā€ rally in Long Island, New York at 7:30 p.m. ET on October 29. * Click the ā€œSaveā€ button below the video to access it later on ā€œMy List.ā€ Follow EpochTV on social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/EpochTVus Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/EpochTV Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@EpochTV…

Premiering at 7:30 PM ET: Verdi Gala: International Opera Arias Festival ā€˜Tino Pattieraā€™

The 12th International Opera Arias Festival ā€œTino Pattieraā€ā€”Verdi Gala at Rectorā€™s Palace in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on July 5, 2019 Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra Marc Tardue, conductor Katarzyna Holysz, soprano Dubravka Å eparović MuÅ”ović, mezzosoprano Paulo Ferreira, tenor Melih Tepretmez, baritone Credit: Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra Youtube:Ā https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_VHC9xDWDkhEuRKRzEdBw Website: www.dso.hr FB: @dubrovniksymphony ā€“ https://www.facebook.com/dubrovniksymphony/ IG: @dubrovniksymphony ā€“ https://www.instagram.com/dubrovniksymphony/ _ Follow…

Biden Is Down For A Stanley Cup Wager With Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

President Joe Biden accepted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeauā€™s Stanley Cup Final wager in a late Monday evening tweet. Trudeau tweeted out his respect for both teams and teased a possible wager between himself and Biden in the middle of the first quarter of Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final, prompting an almost-immediate response…

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Equates ‘Abusing’ Mohammed to Holocaust Denial

People who cast insults against Islamā€™s prophet Mohammed should be treated the same way as those who deny the Holocaust, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Saturday. He added that claiming ā€œfreedom of speechā€ is no protection against hurting the feelings of observant Muslims. Speaking after a week of violent protests inĀ PakistanĀ by a radical IslamistĀ party…

Trump Meets with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe at Mar-a-Lago Resort.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday for two days of meetings with U.S. President Donald Trump. Abe finds himself in an unexpectedly precarious position back home due to a snowballing scandal as he faces an American president determined to drive hard bargains with both allies […]

Hungary’s Viktor Orban: populist, patriot and set to be PM again.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban calls it a “historic victory” in Sunday’s parlimentary election which will give him a third consecutive term in office (AFP Photo/ATTILA KISBENEDEK) Budapest (AFP) – Hungary’s all-powerful premier Viktor Orban, his party victorious in elections Sunday, is the self-styled defender of Christian Europe against the “poison” of immigration, an admirer […]

BREXIT! PM Signs Official Letter to Brussels Beginning Britainā€™s Departure from the European Union

LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) ā€“ Prime Minister Theresa May will file formal Brexit divorce papers on Wednesday, pitching the United Kingdom into the unknown and triggering years of uncertain negotiations that will test the endurance of the European Union. Nine months after Britons voted to leave, May will notify EU Council President Donald Tusk in […]

Leftists March in Britain, Want PM May to Cancel Trump Visit

(AP Photo/Alastair Grant) A who’s who of left-wing personalities and activists in Great Britain marched in front of 10 Downing Street in London, protesting President Trump’s executive order on refugees and calling on Prime Minister Theresa May to cancel a state visit by the president later this year. Daily Mail: Downing Street earlier stood firm […]

HISTORIC! British PM Theresa May Praises Trump; Delivers Speech on Defense of British-US Alliance and Western Culture (VIDEO)

British Prime Minister Theresa May delivered an historic speech today before Republican Summit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was a speech of historic proportions. Her defense of the US-British Alliance was refreshing and powerful. Her defense of Western Culture was well-timed and badly needed after the Obama catastrophe. UK Prime Minister Theresa May: The relationship between […]

Angry Israeli PM Summons US Ambassador Over UN Vote

An angry Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned U.S. Ambassador Daniel Shapiro Sunday to talk about the U.S. abstention in a U.N. Security Council resolution opposing Jewish settlements. Neither the State Department nor Netanyahu’s office commented on Sunday’s meeting.The foreign ministry summoned ambassadors from the 14 nations that voted for the resolution Friday, but reports […]

Former Israeli PM Shimon Peres Dies

Former Israeli head of state Shimon Peres died early Wednesday at a hospital in Tel Aviv surrounded by his family and loved ones. He was rushed to a hospital on September 13 after suffering from a major stroke. After two weeks of living on a respirator, the last member of Israelā€™s founding fathers finally succumbed […]

LIVE STREAM VIDEO => Trump Holds ANOTHER MASSIVE Rally in Akron, Ohio ā€“ 6:30 PM ET

Republican Donald Trump is holding ANOTHER MASSIVE Rally in Akron, Ohio on Monday night! Women for Trump! #Akron @IngrahamAngle @AndreaTantaros @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @ericbolling pic.twitter.com/iVWOrf5SXt ā€” Lauren Canzonetta (@LaurenCanz) August 22, 2016 Itā€™s ANOTHER MASSIVE CROWD! Wow!!! 1 hour till @realDonaldTrump speaks in Akron, Ohio! People are still flooding in! #ShowYourCrowds pic.twitter.com/s6EzNEbx5Y ā€” VOTE TRUMP […]

VIDEO: Cameron resigns as British PM after shock Brexit triumph

  British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday announced he would resign in the coming months, following the UKā€™s dramatic vote to leave the European Union. Cameron said he is not the ā€œcaptainā€ that will steer the country through negotiations to leave the 28-nation bloc, which he opposed, and said he would tender his resignation […]

PM lambastes modern anti-Semitism as Israel remembers Holocaust

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used his speech at the start of Israelā€™s Holocaust Remembrance Day to hit out Wednesday at Islamist extremists and Europeans for continuing to incite against Jews and question the Jewish stateā€™s right to exist, which he said was tantamount to anti-Semitism. The Yad Vashem museum in Jerusalem hosted the ceremony that […]

Hungary’s PM Orban: ‘Islamization’ banned by constitution

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary’s constitution bans “Islamization” because the document aims to protect Hungarian language and culture, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Monday. Orban also said the constitution forces the government to oppose any kind of mass migration that would endanger those principles. “To be clear and unequivocal, I can say that Islamization is […]

Belgian vice PM admits: Muslims celebrated in the streets after Brussels jihad massacre, media ignored them

Young, old, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands slaughtered in cold blood, and still the media, political and cultural elites are covering for these savages. Itā€™s time for a revolution against the enemedia, the jihadis and their handler/apologists. Muslims celebrated Brussels, just as they celebrated 9/11. And 15 years later, the West is as subdued […]

Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border

As you might have heard, Sweden has a refugee problem. Weā€™ve spent quite a bit of time documenting the countryā€™s trials and travails over the course of the last 12 months during which time Sweden has taken on more than 160,000 asylum seekers. Last month, on the heels of reports from Germany that men of […]

PM Netanyahu orders massive call up of Border Police troops amid terror surge

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered a massive call-up on Saturday of Border Police forces in an effort to quell the ongoing wave of unrest and violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories that has seen a week of almost daily terror attacks against Israelis. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  […]
