July 26, 2024

FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan Linked to Marxist Organization Supporting Columbia University Protesters

Democrat FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan has ties to a Marxist organization, the Law and Political Economy (LPE) Project, which supported the pro-Palestinian protesters involved in the encampment at Columbia University. Khan, who is currently serving as the chairwoman for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), is also an associate professor of law at Columbia University who

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Equates ‘Abusing’ Mohammed to Holocaust Denial

People who cast insults against Islam’s prophet Mohammed should be treated the same way as those who deny the Holocaust, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Saturday. He added that claiming “freedom of speech” is no protection against hurting the feelings of observant Muslims. Speaking after a week of violent protests in Pakistan by a radical Islamist party…

Sadiq Khan Lights Up London Sky with BLM Fist for New Year Fireworks

Mayor Sadiq Khan surprised locked down Londoners with a divisive New Year display which used fireworks and drones to light up the night sky with the clenched fist symbol of Black Lives Matter. Khan, whose term in office has been extended for a year without an election as a result of the Chinese virus pandemic,…

Despite Piles of Evidence, Manhattan Bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami Not Put on Any Watch List

With the arrest of Ahmad Khan Rahami, the suspected Manhattan bomber, evidence is pouring in that various organizations, including the FBI, may have dropped the ball. CNN reports that Rahami traveled to Afghanistan, as well as Quetta, Pakistan in 2011. During his time in Pakistan, he was married. According to CNN: “Quetta is considered a […]

Khizr Khan Erases His Website — But We Grabbed Copies!

  Matthew Boyle reports at Breitbart that Khizr Khan, the controversial immigration lawyer who assailed Republican Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention last week, has taken down his professional website. That Mr. Khan took down his law firm’s website doesn’t prove anything by itself but it is odd behavior. It suggests Khan has something […]

Khan just went on live TV and declared ALLAH is forcing Trump to…

Muslim DNC speaker Khizr Khan is still making headlines, despite saying he wanted out of the spotlight. By now, everyone knows of Khan, the father of a slain Muslim American soldier who lost his life fighting for us in the Iraq war, who gave what has become the most talked about speech from last week’s […]


A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: It was a well-planned trap — and Trump should have known better and avoided the bait.  But he bit and a ton of bad publicity descended on him from every quarter of the Left and the Right.   The demon DEMS achieved their objective — initially.  In the end, Trump […]

Roger Stone: Everything You Need to Know About Donald Trump and Khizr Khan

Now that John McCain has once again jumped on the bandwagon of the establishment politicians dishonestly attacking Trump, the mainstream media will get to write pieces that say “EVEN Republican John McCain said…”, as if someone the McCain imprint equals truth. I wish this were as simple as it being another case of Sen. McCain […]

Khizr Khan and Clinton Cash Tie Terror, Immigration and Email Scandals Together

Democrats rely on a con man to send a message to the glassy eyed progressive fools, masquerading as a constitutionalist.  Khan has a track record of promoting Sharia Law, money laundering and is financially tied to the corrupt Clinton crime family and Saudi Arabia.  He has helped middle eastern operatives to enter the US under […]

Now We Know Why Khizr Khan Hates Trump – He Specializes in Programs Selling US Citizenship

Democrats, the liberal media and #NeverTrumpers are criticizing Donald Trump for responding to Muslim Khizr Khan’s attacks at the DNC Convention. Khan attacked Trump over his plan to restrict Muslim immigration to the US. Khan’s son was killed in Iraq War in 2004. Hillary Clinton supported the war. Donald Trump did not. Now, we know […]
