February 8, 2025

Globalist Coup: Brexit Loser David Cameron Back in Government Amid Purge of Right-Wing

Globalist Coup: Brexit Loser David Cameron Back in Government Amid Purge of Right-Wing Getty Images Former British Prime Minister David Cameron has returned to the British government over eight years after he resigned from Parliament, parachuted in by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as part of a clear leftward lurch as he reshuffles his cabinet. David

Former Brexit leader Nigel Farage slams ‘left-wing agenda’ trying to erase youth support for the monarchy

In a historic event, King Charles III was officially crowned king during Saturday’s coronation, just eight months after his mother Queen Elizabeth II passed away. With the new monarch, however, has come some discussion about the future of the institution. Former Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage argued on “Cavuto Live,” Saturday, that the coronation likely […]

EU Commission VP Reveals Northern Ireland Brexit Deal Is Bad for UK in Leaked Recording

EU Commission VP Reveals Northern Ireland Brexit Deal Is Bad for UK in Leaked Recording KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP via Getty Images The Brexit deal on Northern Ireland negotiated by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was merely designed to placate the British public and will still leave the European Court of Justice with ultimate authority over the British

Countdown to No Deal: Boris Govt Warns Brexit Talks Are in Their ‘Last Week’

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s foreign minister said Sunday there is only about a week left for the UK and the European Union to strike a post-Brexit trade deal, with fishing rights the major obstacle to an agreement. As talks continued between the two sides in London, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said “I think we are…

In UK, Trump throws fuel onto Britain’s fiery political debate over Brexit

LONDON – The U.K. woke Friday to discover that President Trump had thrown fuel onto the country’s already fiery political debate — on a day in which he will hold a joint press conference with under-siege Prime Minister Theresa May, meet with Queen Elizabeth II and witness tens of thousands of demonstrators march through London […]

Delingpole: Brexit Is Dead – Strangled by Theresa May and Her Cabal of Remainer Cronies.

Brexit is dead –  strangled at the weekend by Prime Minister Theresa May and her cabal of Remainer cronies. It was a brilliant coup, masterfully conducted with a sadist’s attention to detail. All the ministers in the Cabinet were hauled up to Chequers, the Prime Minister’s country residence, where their phones were confiscated, as though […]

BREXIT! PM Signs Official Letter to Brussels Beginning Britain’s Departure from the European Union

LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Theresa May will file formal Brexit divorce papers on Wednesday, pitching the United Kingdom into the unknown and triggering years of uncertain negotiations that will test the endurance of the European Union. Nine months after Britons voted to leave, May will notify EU Council President Donald Tusk in […]

Theresa May Urged To Call General Election NEXT MONTH To Push Brexit Through Quickly

A covert group of Tory MPs, kept secret from even the Cabinet, has been putting together a plan since early December for the Prime Minister to call an election for February following a surge in support for the Conservative Party. The move depended entirely on the outcome of the Supreme Court hearing held last month, […]


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Republican nominee Donald Trump’s use of the ‘Believe in America’ in his speech at the Republican convention perhaps heralds an age of new international populist collaboration. Speaking in front of the crowd at the Republican National Convention (RNC) tonight Mr. Trump hit several regular populist talking points: immigration and the criminality that […]

Exclusive — Donald J. Trump: ‘I’m A Messenger To A Movement’ That Is ‘Bigger Than’ Brexit

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Donald J. Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, tells Breitbart News exclusively he thinks what is happening in the United States is “bigger than” the Brexit in the United Kingdom. “This is bigger than what happened in the U.K.,” Trump said. “This will be bigger than what happened in the U.K. What […]

Brexit for America

Independence Day weekend is a perfect time to reflect on personal freedoms and responsibilities. The Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence were about overbearing, despotic kings. Brexit, Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, was much about overbearing bureaucrats in Brussels. This year’s US elections likewise center on gaining a new measure of freedom from […]

After Brexit, U.S. Congressman Promotes #Amexit from UN

As the pro-national sovereignty movement continues to surge in Europe following the historic British “Brexit” vote to exit the European Union, a growing push for a United States “Amexit” from the United Nations and other international institutions is gaining steam. After the Brexit, Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie (shown being sworn in), a leading constitutionalist, […]

Revolt (and Revenge) of the Elites: More Globalist Sabotage of Brexit

“Brexit was a rejection of Britain’s governing elite. Too bad the elites were right.” That’s the title of an article by one of the globalist elites’ veteran agents, Jeremy Shapiro, now research director for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Formerly, he was a hand at […]

Bad News for HIllary Clinton=> Brexit Issues Are Driving Voters in US Battleground States – VIDEO

Newt Gingrich joined Chris Wallace today on FOX News Sunday. Newt argued there are several parallels in the US as the movement behind the Brexit vote. Newt is right. The movement behind the Brexit vote is the same anti-establishment sentiment voters feel today against elites in Washington DC. This will only help Donald Trump and […]

WATCH: With Brexit, A Lot Seems To Be Grounded In Immigration

If there’s one thing that’s going to be discussed about the recent Brexit referendum, it’s immigration. The UK voted to leave the European Union last Thursday—and many Britons have had it with their inability to govern themselves as a sovereign nation. One man explicitly said he voted to stop the flow of immigration; he didn’t’ […]

Hillary Is Panicked after Brexit: “Donald Trump Has a Real Chance of Winning”

The media elites are pushing the meme today that the Brexit has nothing to do with Donald Trump and Donald Trump will not benefit from the shocking vote. Donald Trump savors the Brexit vote today in Scotland. But not Hillary Clinton. She’s panicked. Hillary sent out this email to donors tonight: No matter what the […]

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

The momentous victory for the Brexit campaign signals a new era of freedom for the British people. After more than four decades of being shackled to the European Union (previously the European Economic Community), Great Britain has declared its independence. The vote for Brexit (52 percent of Britons cast ballots to leave the EU) is […]

A Mandate for Liberty, a Rejection of Subservience: What Brexit Means

Yesterday, Britain was offered a choice between fear and freedom. It chose freedom. Decisively. As I write, shortly after 6:00 a.m. London time, the tally is not quite complete, but it is already clear that Brexit won by more than one million votes. The projected margin, with only a handful of localities yet to count, is […]

Brexit Decision Deals Another Blow to Obama

The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union is the second major blow to President Barack Obama — and his legacy — in as many days. The country’s historic referendum decision, which brought the resignation — effective in October — of U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron was made official one day after the Supreme Court left Obama’s immigration […]

Brexit 2.0: Populist Revolt Worldwide Catches Fire as Donald Trump Takes Aim at Globalist Hillary Clinton – WATCH

The globalist movement is on the run as the British people on Thursday voted to “Leave” the European Union. The vote to Brexit—a hard-fought campaign by nationalist populists in the United Kingdom—puts the world elite on their heels, as a similar but bigger and stronger such movement is brewing right here in the United States. […]

BREXIT Signals the End of the New World Order – Happy Independence Day Britain!

We Americans have July 4th, and the Brits now have June 23rd. In the words of Nigel Farage, leader of the the UKIP and top proponent for the United Kingdom to leave the European, the Brexit vote was Britain’s “Independence Day.” June 23rd will be the day that the British people filed their papers to […]

VIDEO: Cameron resigns as British PM after shock Brexit triumph

  British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday announced he would resign in the coming months, following the UK’s dramatic vote to leave the European Union. Cameron said he is not the “captain” that will steer the country through negotiations to leave the 28-nation bloc, which he opposed, and said he would tender his resignation […]

Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama

British voters chose to “leave” the European Union on Thursday, defying the polls — and President Barack Obama, who had urged Britain to “remain” in the EU. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also urged Britain to stay in the EU. Only Donald Trump had backed the campaign to leave. Republican strategists had panned […]

Brits Slam Obama For ‘Bullying’ Voters Over Brexit

LONDON, United Kingdom – The hashtag #F***OffObama trended on Twitter today after the US President demanded the British vote to stay in the European Union. Mr Obama flew 4000 miles to warn that Britain would face consequences if it votes to leave the EU. In advance of the presidential visit the former Conservative leader Iain […]
