July 27, 2024

‘Google’ isn’t just a name — and some internet users are shocked to learn what it means

Did they Google it? Google might be one of the most popular search engines on earth, but many people are just discovering how it got its unusual name. The title’s etymology has come to light via a resurfaced post on the forum platform Quora, in which a user inquired: “Is Google an acronym?” This prompted […]

Dem Rep. Robert Garcia: Thinking of Immigration as a Security Issue Means We Can’t See It as Economic Necessity

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) said that because we’ve lumped immigration in with border security, we can’t think of immigration as an economic necessity because it’s viewed as a security issue. Host Ali Velshi said, “Congressman, I’m always — I’m concerned about, in this country, we have, accidentally

Chicago Alderman: Giving Work Permits to Asylum Seekers Just Means They’ll Stay Despite Not Being Allowed to

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez stated that giving work permits to asylum seekers in America is “just perpetuating the inevitable that they’re all going to be found as not having merit to be here, and then expect them to fully, at some point, self-deport, which

Cuellar: ‘Sad’ that McCarthy Ouster I and Dems Voted for Means House Is Paralyzed

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) stated that it’s “sad” that the ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House, which he voted in favor of, along with all the Democrats who voted, means that the House can’t act on important issues. Cuellar said, [relevant remarks begin around

Breitbart Business Digest: What the Jobs Report Means for 2024

A Choose Your Own Adventure Jobs Report The conventional wisdom about Friday’s disappointing jobs data was that there was a little something for everyone. And, for once, the conventional wisdom is right. The headline jobs number fell below Wall Street’s expectations, suggesting a softening of the labor market. The average workweek slipped as well, which

‘IT MEANS FREEDOM’: Americans share what the Fourth of July means to them

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ahead of July Fourth, visitors to the nation’s capital shared what it means to be an American as they passed the Washington monument, honoring one of the nation’s Founding Fathers. “To me, it means freedom,” Rosemary, of Colorado, told Fox News. WHAT DOES THE FOURTH OF JULY MEAN TO YOU? AMERICANS RESPOND. […]

Oops: $3 Billion Pentagon Accounting Error Means More Arms for Ukraine

What’s a lazy couple of billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars when there’s a war in Eastern Europe to fight? That question was answered Thursday when the Defense Department revealed it can send more weapons to Ukraine without Congress spending approval after the Pentagon overestimated the value of the arms it has already sent Kyiv by some $3

‘Can’t tie our own hands’: Presidential candidate warns an AI pause for US means ‘China running with it’

SEABROOK, N.H. – Pausing artificial intelligence development in the U.S. while China continues to advance its own programs would create a risk to Americans, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy told Fox News.  “A temporary pause amongst U.S. companies — if China is actually running forward with it — that doesn’t do anything in alleviating the […]

Tina Turner Taught Us What It Means to Really Feel

This is a preview of our pop culture newsletter The Daily Beast’s Obsessed, written by editor Kevin Fallon. To receive the full newsletter in your inbox each week, sign up for it here.The longer the tease, the more alive I felt. I’ve watched all the videos. Sometimes it seemed like the tease went on forever.

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Lack of Regulatory Guardrails Means FTX Won’t Be the Last Crypto Exchange to Collapse

The arrest of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has exposed the dire lack of regulatory guardrails in the crypto world; and without proper oversight, FTX will not be the last crypto exchange to collapse, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney explained. In an interview Tuesday on Larry Kudlow’s eponymously named Fox Business show, Carney noted that the

Jim Jordan Vows to Use ‘All Means Necessary’ to Hold Biden Border Chief Accountable for Migration Crisis

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) responded Tuesday to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) call for President Joe Biden’s border chief to resign, saying in a statement McCarthy was “right” that “Americans deserve accountability” for the record number of illegal migrant crossings that have occurred over the past two years. Jordan said Republicans would hold Department

Exclusive — The Power of the Purse: McCarthy Says ‘Every Means Possible’ on Table for GOP to Roll Biden with Leverage

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania — House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively that all options are on the table when it comes to how a Republican majority next would pressure Democrat President Joe Biden to achieve the GOP “Commitment to America” agenda and roll back the Biden agenda. “We’re going to use every means possible

Establishment Media Float Another Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theory: ‘Backwards’ Pants Means ‘Dementia’

Key players in the establishment media floated a conspiracy theory former President Donald Trump (R) wore his pants “backwards” Saturday and it was proof he has “dementia.” New York Daily News columnist and “Obama guy” Brandon Friedman got the conspiracy theory revved up by posting on Twitter a poor quality video someone shot of a…


Journalist Alex Newman says, “If Trump manages to pull it off and stay in, it’s still going to be a very, very rough ride. If Biden does get in, it’s not going to be a rough ride just for the short term, but it may be the end of our constitutional republic as we have […]

What Brett Kavanaugh means to this country.

Brett Kavanaugh not being confirmed to the United States Supreme Court boils down to the most qualified judge being rejected. It would indicate the hijacking of the selection process where truth, decency, and due process were absent throughout. And Democrat senators either ignorant of the Constitution or just filled with unquenchable hatred have gleefully embarrassed […]

#FreeTommy Rally: ‘Islam Means Submission. Will You Submit, Or Resist?’

UKIP leader Gerard Batten, For Britain leader Anne Marie Waters, and former Breitbart London editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam joined Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders and members of Tommy Robinson’s family for a massive rally outside Downing Street on June 9th. Organisers claim around 20,000 people attended the rally, where speakers called on the Government to release […]

Unarmed citizens means submission: the Cuban experience.

Cuban citizens have been disarmed under a dictatorship for over half a century. (PanAm Post) After the recent shooting at a public school in Florida, the immediate response of several citizens and politicians was the demand to disarm the civilian population or restrict access to certain weapons. From a “social justice” position, the perpetrator is […]

What The Latest Stupid Government Shutdown Means.

On Monday, Democrats caved on their manufactured government shutdown. In an attempt to generate a groundswell of support for a legislative re-enshrinement of former President Obama’s executive amnesty, Democrats filibustered a continuing resolution to fund the government. That tough stance lasted precisely three days. Then, Democrats voted overwhelmingly with Republicans to fund the government in […]

AL GORE: Global Warming Means Bitter Cold — Duh.

For the last dozen years or more, the Left has been doing some fancy footwork over “global warming. First, it turned out that the Earth wasn’t really warming — the temperature rise stopped for more than a decade. So global warmists said it was just a “pause.” (They’d later say they “found” the rise — […]


Stella Morabito discusses political correctness as a means of centralizing power by silencing people on an individual level. It’s all about controlling your personal relationships.  A former intelligence analyst, Stella Morabito, who grew up in a left-wing family and calls herself a “realist,” is speaking out about mass manipulation, political correctness and the transgender agenda. […]

Uranium One Means Mueller Must Recuse Himself from Russia Probe

At the end of their lengthy editorial regarding the new Uranium One revelations —  “Team Obama’s stunning coverup of Russian crimes” — the New York Post editorial board writes: Until September 2013, the FBI director was Robert Mueller — who’s now the special counsel probing Russian meddling in the 2016 election. It’s hard to see how […]

Listen up, UN — Trump means what he’s telling you

To all you besuited, bespectacled, and soon-to-be bewildered diplomats slogging around the United Nations General Assembly this week, try to understand this: Donald Trump means every word of what he’s going to tell you. Which is: the United States is done with being blamed for everything that goes wrong in the world, and then paying […]

Sec. of Defense Mattis Sent DoD Employees a Letter Right After Swearing In — ‘Mad Dog’ Means Business

Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis wasted no time in asserting his leadership after he was overwhelmingly confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Friday. Almost immediately after his swearing-in, Mattis sent a letter to DoD employees, showcasing his legendary command style as he prepares to head the Pentagon. “It’s good to be back and I’m grateful […]

WORLD WAR III? Obama Just Put Troops Along Lithuania’s Border. Here’s What That Means.

Are we headed for World War III? The emergence of the Russian-Iranian-Syrian alliance is causing many to ask if we’re overdue for a major war between the West and the next axis of fascism. Russian hostility against the United States is now reaching Cold War levels as Vladimir Putin as his neo-Soviet imperial army push […]

We Asked What Fidel Castro’s Death Means To You. Here Are Your Stories

For Cuban exiles, Thanksgiving came a day late. That’s how one local Cuban characterized the death of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro late Friday night. As Miami grappled with the news into Saturday, most while out celebrating on Calle Ocho, thoughts turned to a future without the man that has defined Cuba — and South […]

Egyptian MP: Trump’s Election Means ‘Dark Days for Muslim Brotherhood’

An Egyptian lawmaker celebrated Donald Trump’s victory in Tuesday’s U.S. presidential elections as “a strong message against Islamists.” Mustafa Juneidi said he was sure Trump was going to win, and said that “dark days are awaiting the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies.” He also said that Egypt’s relations with the US “will improve, as Trump […]

WATCH: Ben Carson Tells RNC Clinton’s Role Model ‘Acknowledges Lucifer’ — Here’s What He Means

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, himself a vanquished candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, seemed to link Hillary Clinton to “Lucifer” during his six-minute speech at the GOP convention Tuesday night. “Now, one of the things that I have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors, was Saul Alinsky,” Carson said, deviating […]

What Clinton Investigation Means For Her Security Clearance

WASHINGTON — FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday he would not recommend criminal prosecution of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information. But he did suggest another remedy: The loss of her security clearance. If she were anyone else, Comey said in a televised press statement, the facts uncovered in the FBI’s […]

A Mandate for Liberty, a Rejection of Subservience: What Brexit Means

Yesterday, Britain was offered a choice between fear and freedom. It chose freedom. Decisively. As I write, shortly after 6:00 a.m. London time, the tally is not quite complete, but it is already clear that Brexit won by more than one million votes. The projected margin, with only a handful of localities yet to count, is […]

What Veterans Day Truly Means

As some of us enjoy a day off of work and a chance to sleep in on this Wednesday, take just a second out of your day and reflect on our fellow Americans who have put their country before themselves. Veterans Day is not just another holiday, but more importantly, it is a day to […]
