July 26, 2024

‘Dark Dawn, a Threat to Society’… ‘Our 9/11’: Left Mourns as Populist Veteran Geert Wilders Wins Landslide Election

‘Dark Dawn, a Threat to Society’… ‘Our 9/11’: Left Mourns as Populist Veteran Geert Wilders Wins Landslide Election Getty Images One of Europe’s leading globalists will leave office and his hoped-for replacement, a Green-Left veteran Eurocrat has been soundly defeated in the Dutch elections, triggering an outpouring of grief as veteran anti-Islamification campaigner Geert Wilders

Spain: Veteran Populist Lawmaker ‘Shot in Face’ by Motorcycle Getaway Gunman

Getty Images / Collage A retired Spanish politician, a former leader of the main parliamentary opposition party and founder of the second largest opposition party, was shot in the face as he walked out of church on Thursday. 78-year-old Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a retired politician, appears to have narrowly survived what may have been an assassination

Seven Police Injured After Riots in Spanish Mass Migration Area During Visit of Populist Leader

Two people were arrested and seven police were injured following rioting, allegedly involving Moroccan migrants, in the Spanish North African enclave of Ceuta during a visit by populist VOX party leader Santiago Abascal. Violence broke out in the city, which is located on the North African coast and borders Morocco, during a visit to the…

Populist Uprisings and the Inversion of Inflation

Today’s populism echoes that of the 1890’s, but changes to the economy have muddied the waters.Hotly contested elections are nothing new in this country, nor are elections fought around themes of populism. These battles have been fought as far back as the first iteration of American populism with James Weaver and his protégé William Jennings…

MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: Trump’s Dialogue With Italy Is A Boon To The Populist Revolution.

President Donald Trump’s meeting with the new Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Tuesday represents more than backslapping, especially to a Europe searching for American support against liberalism gone wild. Across Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, and Brexit Britain, the populist-nationalist movement is searching for air support from someone they regard as the greatest […]

Trump-bashing left-wing populist wins country’s historic presidential election.

MEXICO CITY –  In an election many Mexicans hope will be a turning point for a country beset by decades of corruption, violence and enduring poverty, voters turned to a left-wing populist some supporters refer to as a “messiah.” A savior from the two major parties that have failed to deliver on promises of reform, […]

Hungary’s Viktor Orban: populist, patriot and set to be PM again.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban calls it a “historic victory” in Sunday’s parlimentary election which will give him a third consecutive term in office (AFP Photo/ATTILA KISBENEDEK) Budapest (AFP) – Hungary’s all-powerful premier Viktor Orban, his party victorious in elections Sunday, is the self-styled defender of Christian Europe against the “poison” of immigration, an admirer […]

The Long Game: Bannon Creates Political Coalition to Advance Populist Economic Nationalist Agenda and Smash the Establishment

Former White House strategist and current Breitbart News executive chairman has teamed up with conservative donors Robert and Rebekah Mercer to promote insurgent candidates to challenge the GOP establishment and create an organizational apparatus to advance the populist and economic nationalist policies championed by those candidates. Kenneth P. Vogel and Jeremy W. Peters report in the […]

Brexit 2.0: Populist Revolt Worldwide Catches Fire as Donald Trump Takes Aim at Globalist Hillary Clinton – WATCH

The globalist movement is on the run as the British people on Thursday voted to “Leave” the European Union. The vote to Brexit—a hard-fought campaign by nationalist populists in the United Kingdom—puts the world elite on their heels, as a similar but bigger and stronger such movement is brewing right here in the United States. […]


Sometimes presidential candidate Donald Trump seems to be winging it, but other times he acts with clockwork timing and political precision. The unveiling of his tax plan comes at exactly the right moment, when he needed to deliver something substantive. Its contents are a mixture of center-right reforms and populist juice that will probably go […]

Republicans cast into turmoil as Donald Trump rides the populist surge

For Donald Trump the entrepreneur, it was a damaging week. Two major television networks severed ties, Macy’s dropped his clothing line and Carlos Slim, the even richer Mexican tycoon, ended a joint venture with him. But for Donald Trump the inveterate showman and Republican challenger for president, the week was a triumph as he climbed […]
