July 26, 2024

Globalist Coup: Brexit Loser David Cameron Back in Government Amid Purge of Right-Wing

Globalist Coup: Brexit Loser David Cameron Back in Government Amid Purge of Right-Wing Getty Images Former British Prime Minister David Cameron has returned to the British government over eight years after he resigned from Parliament, parachuted in by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as part of a clear leftward lurch as he reshuffles his cabinet. David

The Globalist War on Humanity and Nudging

The globalist war on humanity continues. The billionaire crowd of the World Economic Forum and U.N. cohorts are attacking humans from every angle because their goal is to reduce the global population to a billion by any means necessary in order to “save” the planet from an imagined Armageddon hundreds of years from now. They […]

Republican Kari Lake: Democrat Katie Hobbs Is ‘an Open Borders Globalist’

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs is an “open borders globalist,” Republican candidate Kari Lake asserted in an interview.  Katie Hobbs is “an open borders globalist” who “wants to take what Newsom has done for California which is destroy that state and do the same thing here in Arizona” Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake remarked in…

Bannon Receives Schlafly Award in St. Louis; Slams ‘Elitist,’ ‘Globalist’ GOP Establishment

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon received the Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Award Sunday at a “Put Americans First” rally hosted by the late conservative great’s foundation in St. Louis, Missouri. Accepting the award, Bannon called Schlafly a prominent fixture of the post-war American conservative movement most famous for her momentous leadership in the shocking […]

At UN, Trump Praises Constitution and Exposes Globalist Schemes

During his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Donald Trump praised the U.S. Constitution and slammed a number of key globalist schemes to undermine it — mass migration, pseudo-“free trade” regimes that attack national sovereignty, the erosion of patriotism, and more. Trump also issued a scathing condemnation of communism and socialism, saying […]

Top CFR Globalist Warns UN Will Get “Hammered” by Trump

Amid escalating outrage surrounding the scandal-plagued United Nations, globalists seem to be in a panic about the fate of their beloved international organization under the incoming administration. Indeed, a high-ranking globalist with the global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a chief promoter of the UN “dictators club” for generations, whined last week that the […]

Globalist War Against Humanity Shifts Into High Gear: Cars, Cash, Literature and Independent News All Targeted For Elimination

As witnessed recently by the Washington Post’s horrifyingly dishonest “journalism” naming 200 independent media websites as pawns of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the dying establishment media is desperately trying to establish a news monopoly by discrediting all competing indy news publishers. In doing so, the Washington Post (and its writer Timberg) just abandoned any last […]

Globalist War on Cash Accelerates

As part of the globalist establishment’s ongoing push to create a totalitarian “cashless society” where every transaction can be tracked and controlled, Indian authorities last week suddenly demonetized the two largest denomination bills in circulation. In Sweden, where government already tracks and monitors almost everything, central bankers are plotting the creation of a “digital currency” […]

Globalist Panic: United Nations Urges Action to STOP TRUMP

The United Nations urged globalist supporters to take action to stop Donald Trump. The UN links to the globalist progressive website AVAAZ which is linked to the far left smear site Media Matters. AVAAZ is running a globalist campaign this week to stop Trump. The Politico reported: The United Nations News Centre — the official […]

Globalist Obama: Terrorists, Racist Cops Are ‘Chronic Impulses’ to Be Defeated by Global Elites

Globalist elite cooperation can defeat the “chronic violence” that is caused by real jihadism in France and supposed racism in police forces, President Barack Obama told a roomful of foreign ambassadors July 15. “Overnight in Nice [France], we witnessed another tragic and appalling attack on the freedom and the peace that we cherish … [and] […]

Revolt (and Revenge) of the Elites: More Globalist Sabotage of Brexit

“Brexit was a rejection of Britain’s governing elite. Too bad the elites were right.” That’s the title of an article by one of the globalist elites’ veteran agents, Jeremy Shapiro, now research director for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Formerly, he was a hand at […]

Stephen Miller: Hillary Clinton a Corrupt ‘Economic Globalist’ Who Enriches Herself by ‘Selling Out America’ – AUDIO

During his appearance on Breitbart News Sunday, Stephen Miller, senior policy adviser to Donald Trump, finds Big Media’s coverage of the Brexit vote as unsatisfactory as its coverage of the U.S. presidential campaign. He cited CNN’s coverage of Trump’s major speech last week as an example. “Mr. Trump did a speech recently, laying out some […]

Brexit 2.0: Populist Revolt Worldwide Catches Fire as Donald Trump Takes Aim at Globalist Hillary Clinton – WATCH

The globalist movement is on the run as the British people on Thursday voted to “Leave” the European Union. The vote to Brexit—a hard-fought campaign by nationalist populists in the United Kingdom—puts the world elite on their heels, as a similar but bigger and stronger such movement is brewing right here in the United States. […]

FLASHBACK: Ted Cruz responds to ‘globalist’ smear (video)

“The candidate’s assertion that CFR is working to undermine U.S. sovereignty is factually wrong. The accusation is ludicrous…” – CFR Vice President Lisa Shields criticizing Ted Cruz in 2011 Before and after becoming Senator, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz repeatedly, unapologetically and aggressively defended the sovereignty of the United States. Whether he was loudly denouncing Agenda 21 or taking on […]

Globalist Insider Larry Summers: “Trump Is a Serious Threat to American Democracy”

Summers, of course, sees no irony or hypocrisy in his remarks, or in his failure to recognize that his boss, Barack Obama, is (and has been, for the past eight years) “demagogically offering the power of his personality as a magic solution to all problems — and making clear that he is prepared to run […]

Bilderberg 2015: Mystery Surrounds Shadowy Globalist Summit

A shadowy collection of globalists embedded throughout centers of power worldwide — political, military, banking, media, intelligence, business, academia, and more — wrapped up their annual Bilderberg summit on June 14 in Telfs-Buchen, Austria. The secrecy-obsessed confab has been receiving increased attention, relatively speaking, even from even the establishment press in recent years, following decades […]
