February 7, 2025

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing?

Michael Waltz and John Ward are those candidates who are here NOT to represent the interests of the People… A MESSAGE FROM THE PAST: “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”Ā  ā€“ Dietrich Bonhoeffer These words could […]

Shapiro’s Fox News Show Beats CNN, MSNBC, HLN Combined.

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro’s Fox News show beat CNN, MSNBC, and HLN combined in total viewers on Sunday during the network’s third installment of the show. The October 7 episode of “Ben Shapiroā€™s Election Special” also took the top spot in the coveted 25-54 age demographic during cable news prime time hours with 329,000 […]

America, the radicalized.

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios It’s going to get worse. Virtually every major American institution is being radicalized ā€” or being reshaped by the radicalization of our public lives. You see this most vividly in politics, where the White House and Congress are often the cause and effect of the radicalization. You now see it in the […]

Not All Women: GOP Women Are Furious Over Democrats’ Anti-Kavanaugh Smear Campaign; UPDATE: Dem Strategists Worry.

The Democratic Party is the one that supports women, is for women, and is fighting for their rights. And yet, some of their biggest supporters in business and media are absolute pigs. Look at disgraced former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, former CBS News Executive Les Moonves, and of course, former Hollywood media mogul […]

Conservative Revolt at–Facebook?

Conservative Facebook employees fed up at the social media behemothā€™s oppressive, intolerant corporate culture have created an internal group to fight back. Itā€™s no secret that social media platforms have been suppressing and marginalizing ideas they donā€™t likeā€”and the ideas they donā€™t like are overwhelmingly of the conservative and patriotic variety. But this new revolt […]

John McCain (1936-2018): Conservative Frenemy, American Hero.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) passed away Saturday, 4:28 p.m., at the age of 81 after a months-longĀ battle with brain cancer. McCain was born on a U.S. Navy base in Panama in 1936, the son and grandson of career Navy officers. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and served as a Navy pilot in the […]

Bokhari: This Is What ā€˜Election Interferenceā€™ Actually Looks Like.

The purge of the right on social media was once a slow trickle, with high-profile bans happening only occasionally, and then subsiding. With just three months until the midterm elections, the Masters of the Universe in Silicon Valley have turned online censorship into a cascade. Earlier this month, Alex Jones was blacklisted on virtually every […]

Trump Admin Files Suit Against Facebook For ‘Discriminatory’ Policie.

The Trump administration is going after Facebook for allegedly engaging in housing discrimination. On Friday, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson filed a lawsuit against Facebook, accusing the tech giant of discrimination for allowing “landlords and home sellers access to advertising tools that limit which prospective buyers or tenants can view certain online […]

Trump Blasts Social Media ā€˜Censorship’: ā€˜Discriminating Against Republican/Conservative Voicesā€™

ā€œSpeaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we wonā€™t let that happen,ā€ POTUS says in Saturday tweet-storm. President Trump on Saturday issued a tweet-storm following the removal of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his InfoWars shows from most major social media platforms earlier this month. ā€œSocial Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices,ā€ the […]

Ocasio-Cortez Refuses To Respond To Shapiro’s $10K Debate Offer.

Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has chosen not to respond to Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro’s debate offer in which Shapiro offered to make a $10,000 donation to her campaign if she agreed to a debate or, if she preferred, to use the debate to raise money for charity. The Daily Wire has reached out to […]

CONFIRMED: Tech Giants Are Colluding Against Conservatives ā€” Infowars Now Banned from Apple, Facebook and Google-YouTube on Same Day.

Liberal Tech Giants Facebook, Twitter, Google-YouTube and Wikipedia have all stepped up their harassment of conservative publishers since the 2016 election. The far left and Democrats understand that conservatives get their news from online publishers. Since the election The Gateway Pundit found from traffic analysis that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative […]

Twitter Suspends Candace Owens ā€” Then Says It Was ā€˜An Errorā€™ After Backlash.

Twitter suspended conservative commentator Candace Owens on Sunday for imitating New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeongā€™s anti-white tweets, but restored Owensā€™ account access following a backlash on social media. Owens, the communications director for conservative activist group Turning Points USA, on Saturday sent out a pair of tweets quoting Jeongā€™s anti-white statements ā€” […]

What Does it Mean to Be Conservative?

I am in Austin, TX, to have a conversation with conservatives about conservatism and public policy. I am calling this conversation the “Resurgent Gathering” as conservatives spend two days exploring how to spark a conservative resurgence in the country. What does it mean, in the 21st century, to be a conservative? In the age of […]

Conservatives Reject Unilateral Disarmament In The Face Of Liberal Social Fascism.

We are not better than that, and this is who we are. Weā€™re fighting back, no matter how much and how shrilly the Fredocons complain. Weā€™re Normal Americans and weā€™re done being the guests of honor at the liberalsā€™ witch burnings. Case in point, one James Gunn. Heā€™s a tiresome lefty jerk who jumped on […]

Black Conservative Activist Stands With Judge Jeanine In Viral Video ā€” ā€˜No Group In America More Bigoted Than Leftistsā€™

Teenage black conservative activist CJ Pearson came to Judge Jeanine Pirroā€™s defense in a viral video posted to his Twitter account Friday. ā€œ@JudgeJeanine, America stands with you,ā€ he wrote above the video. ā€œIf youā€™re a black and conservative, they call you an Uncle Tom. If youā€™re female and conservative, youā€™re called things that Iā€™m not […]

What the left’s anti-Second Amendment crusade is really about.

This discusses a reaction to the gun control debate. I am convinced that the left’s war on the Second Amendment has nothing to do with public safety (even if some of their foot soldiers believe it individually, and even though the argument is renewed frequently, especially but not exclusively if a gun is used in […]

MORE BRAINWASHING: Guess How Many Of Top 50 National Universities Have Conservative Commencement Speakers.

Take a wild guess. How many of the top 50 national universities (as ranked by U.S. News & World Report) that have one commencement speaker, have a conservative as the speaker this year? The answer, from a survey conducted by Young Americaā€™s Foundation (YAF): one. The one speaker, Deloitte CEO Cathy Engelbert, is speaking at […]

Liberalism Must Be Destroyed.

If you thought conservatives could ā€œmake niceā€ with liberals, that ā€œboth sides have the countryā€™s best interest at heart,ā€ you were wrong. This week more of the con-jobs and character assassinations the political left is attempting have been exposed, and if it doesnā€™t make you realize theĀ Liberal Industrial Complex will stop at nothing to protect […]

Kanye West Praises Conservative Candace Owens, And The Left Loses Its Mind.

Rapper Kanye West on Saturday shocked the Left’s system by daring to offer his support to a conservative YouTube personality named Candace Owens, A.K.A. “Red Pill Black.” ā€œI love the way Candace Owens thinks,” West posted on Twitter. I love the way Candace Owens thinks — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018 About eight minutes […]

CENSORED! How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative Speech

Executive Summary (Full Special Report can be found here.) Like it or not, social media is the communication form of the future ā€” not just in the U.S., but worldwide. Just Facebook and Twitter combined reach 1.8 billion people. More than two-thirds of all Americans (68 percent) use Facebook. YouTube is pushing out TV as […]

YOU GO, GIRL! Ingraham’s Audience 20% Higher Than Before Boycott.

Revenge is sweet. The advertiser boycott campaign launched on March 29 against Fox News host Laura Ingraham by leftists following her tweet about Parkland high school anti-gun activist David Hogg has had a paradoxical result: since April 9, her show has averaged roughly 2.7 million, 20% higher than the week, March 26-29, prior to the […]

What The Laura Ingraham Boycott Is Really About.

Advertisers are dropping Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she made fun of Parkland survivor David Hogg this week. On Wednesday, Ingraham tweeted a Daily Wire article mocking Hogg for whining about getting rejected by four different colleges. It was not a smart move for a cable news host to tease a high school student […]

PRAGER: Trump, Adultery, Morality.

Some years ago, I wrote a column about adultery and politicians. In light of the Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal interviews concerning their alleged (and probable) affairs with President Donald Trump, it is time to revisit the subject. I do not agree with those — right or left, religious or secular — who contend that […]

Project Veritas Bombshell: Twitter Engineers Explain How They ‘Shadow Ban’ Conservatives – VIDEO

Direct Messaging Engineer Pranay Singh talks to Project Veritas. Image via YouTube. No, you weren’t being paranoid. Everything you ever suspected about Twitter censoring right-wing opinions through “shadow bans” is true. In his latest sting, conservative muckracker James O’Keefe caught eight current and former Twitter employees admitting on camera that they engage in the practice. […]

Hereā€™s The List Of Conservative Leaders Who Impacted American Culture In 2017.

United in Purpose, a nonprofit whose mission is to unite and equip conservatives in the promotion of Judeo-Christian principles, hosted an inaugural annual Impact Award luncheon Dec. 6, honoring 12 conservative leaders who are making a transformational impact on American culture. A wide array of conservative leaders on the groupā€™s award committee voted on entrepreneurial […]

The 7 Biggest Conservative Wins of 2017.

ā€œMaking America Great Againā€ isnā€™t going to happen overnight. But, 2017 has surely been a good start. So, before leaping into the new year, letā€™s take a look back at what Republicans have accomplished. Here are seven major conservative wins worth celebrating. Judicial Picks, Including – But Not Limited to – Justice Neil Gorsuch Ā  […]

8 Freedom Fighters You Should Know About From 2017.

There are talkers and doers, sowers of dissatisfaction seeds and agents of lasting change. Much of my column work over the year is dedicated to exposing the worst in politics, pop culture, media, and the policy arena. But to ring out 2017, Iā€™m raising a toast to some of my favorite bulldogsā€”vigilant citizens, independent journalists […]

Two Americas: Liberals and Conservatives See Patriotism Very Differently.

If you have ever suspected that conservatives and liberals live in two different worlds, a new poll confirms your suspicions. It is no surprise that right and left differ on policy issues such as gun control or border security, but the poll released Friday by the Ear to the Ground Listening Project shows that we […]

Weā€™re the Type of Americans They Want to Go Away.

I am the type of American they want to go away. I get along with cops, soldiers, preppers and country boys — the sort of guys who know how to shoot, know how to take care of themselves and would watch your back in a fight if it came to that. I donā€™t much like […]

America’s Greatest Conservative Thinker Goes Mainstream.

The year was 2009. In a sign of the times, the new left-wing president, Barack Obama, was photographed greeting Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez with a handshake and a grin stretching from ear to ear. The following day, Hugo wanted to give his new buddy a gift ā€” an infamous Marxist tract called The open veins […]
