July 27, 2024

NBC’s Todd: ‘I Guess Greg Abbott Was Right’ that Dems Would Turn on Biden when They Had to Deal with Migrants

On Wednesday’s broadcast of NBC’s “MTP Now,” host Chuck Todd discussed complaints and demands for help from the federal government from Democratic officials in New York and Massachusetts about the influx of migrants in their areas and said that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) “was right” that Democratic-run cities would be angry at the Biden

REPORT: Cuomo Grants Conditional Pardons To Dozens Of Sex Offenders. Guess Why.

“This is hands-down the most egregious public policy misstep Andrew Cuomo has made in his eight years as governor …” Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) has granted conditional pardons to dozens of convicted sex offenders “deemed too dangerous to be returned to the community” so they can vote, says a report from left-leaning outlet the New […]

Who Financed The Hamas Riots Targeting Israel? One Guess.

You’ll never guess who financed the violent riots instituted for weeks by Hamas on the Israel-Gaza border. Go to the head of the class if you answered Iran. And the revelation that Iran was backing the attempt for Hamas operatives to gain access to Israel and possibly slaughter innocents didn’t come from Israel; it came […]

MORE BRAINWASHING: Guess How Many Of Top 50 National Universities Have Conservative Commencement Speakers.

Take a wild guess. How many of the top 50 national universities (as ranked by U.S. News & World Report) that have one commencement speaker, have a conservative as the speaker this year? The answer, from a survey conducted by Young America’s Foundation (YAF): one. The one speaker, Deloitte CEO Cathy Engelbert, is speaking at […]

Guess Whose House Wasn’t Raided by the FBI.

If there was any doubt that Robert Mueller’s Ahab-like goal is the unseating of President Trump at all costs and by any means, it was erased by the thuggish FBI raid he orchestrated on the home and office of Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen. Can’t find any collusion between Trump and Russia?  Hey, why not look […]

Critics Blast Trump’s Planned Deployment of National Guard Troops to the Border, But Guess Who Else Did That?

President Trump is proposing to send National Guard troops to the Southern border, apparently in response to reports about a ‘caravan’ of migrants making its way through Mexico toward the United States.  Under pressure, the Mexican government has moved to break up part of the caravan, but it looks like some number of these would-be […]

Top Ten Most Popular Governors ALL Belong To Same Party. Take A Wild Guess Which One.

In a newly released list of United States governors ranked by popularity from Morning Consult, Republicans put Democrats to shame, taking all the top slots. Republican Governor Charlie Baker of the typically blue state of Massachusetts took the top spot with an impressive 75 percent approval rating. Taking second was another Republican governor from a traditionally Democratic state, […]

After Iran Sentences Another American Hostage, State Dept. Can’t Guess Why

WASHINGTON — The State Department said Tuesday that it can’t determine why Iran sentenced yet another American citizen to a lengthy stretch behind bars on trumped-up charges this week. San Diego resident Robin Shahini, 46, a grad student pursuing a master’s degree in homeland security, was visiting his Alzheimer’s-afflicted mother in Iran when he was seized […]

The 15 Most Recent Terrorist Attacks In France. Guess What They Have In Common.

In the last four years in France, there have been 15 separate terrorist incidents. It would be disingenuous to state that Islam has nothing to do with this trend, as the perpetrators in every incident were Muslims. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has led his country through a series of terrorist attacks for year, […]

Guess who gets the most welfare in America…you’ll be WRONG

Regardless of your opinion about welfare, there’s near universal agreement that it should be restricted to our own citizens. For the most part – it is – but that doesn’t mean that the system is free of abuse. As the Washington Examiner puts it, there are plenty of illegal immigrants “cashing in:” Illegal immigrant households receive […]

Polar Temperature Recordings ‘Proving’ Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess

NOAA’s GOES-East satellite / NASA.gov Temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork, a climate researcher has said. Dr Benny Peiser heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which last month announced its intention to launch a wide-ranging review of the data underpinning claims on […]

Second Shooter in Texas Attack Identified; Guess What Religion He Is

Authorities have identified the second shooter in the attack on participants at the ‘Muhammad Art Contest’ held in Garland, Texas and sponsored by Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative. Nadir Soofi was a Muslim and reportedly a Pakistani immigrant who lived in Phoenix, Arizona. He was the roommate of the other attacker, earlier identified as […]

Israelis Were Asked to Name the ‘Worst’ U.S. President for Israel of the Last 40 Years. Guess Who They Chose.

More than 60 percent of Israeli Jews named President Barack Obama as the “worst” U.S. president for Israel in the past four decades, according to a new poll published Tuesday in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal. President Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House, Oct. […]
