July 27, 2024

State Dept. on How They’ll Ensure Gaza Aid Isn’t Stolen: We Need ‘Every Lever’ for Aid

During an interview with CBS on Wednesday, State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel responded to a question on what the U.S. is doing to ensure that the aid it is dropping into Gaza will get to the right people by stating that “every lever possible needs to be pulled when it comes to humanitarian

Florida-based nonprofit evacuates Americans from Israel, asks ‘where is’ State Dept

Americans in the hundreds have turned to Project DYNAMO to find a way out of Israel as airlines pause services and avenues out of the country continue to disappear.  “My team of case managers, who are based in America, they’ve been awake for three days just fielding hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of […]

Republicans grill Labor Dept on farm worker visas, as official warns of ‘terrible’ conditions

Republicans in the House and Senate are questioning reported processing delays in the H-2A agricultural worker visa program — and asking if they are related to comments made by a Labor Department official they said may show “bias” against the program. On Thursday, Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman Virginia Foxx and Workforce Protection […]

FDNY commish Laura Kavanaugh booed at FDNY vs. NYPD hockey game amid dept turmoil

Embattled FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh was loudly booed when she was introduced at the annual FDNY vs. NYPD hockey game at UBS Arena in Long Island on Saturday. As soon as Kavanagh’s name was announced on the loudspeaker before the friendly match, a cacophony of boos rained down from the stands as she made her […]

L.A. Fire Dept. Battles Blaze Using Lot Considered for Temporary Homeless Housing

The Los Angeles Fire Department is using the Will Rogers State Beach parking lot as a staging area as it battles a wildfire above the Pacific Palisades neighborhood — the same lot L.A. City Council member Mike Bonin wants to use for homeless shelters. As Breitbart News has reported, Bonin has proposed building temporary homeless…

FLASHBACK: Guccifer (Marcel Lehel Lazar) Says Guccifer 2.0 Is Creation of NSA and US State Dept. – It was an “Inside Job”

On Friday Crooked Cop Rod Rosenstein announced that Guccifer 2.0 broke into the Democratic servers. 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted. This comes 4 months after the Mueller Special Counsel took over the investigation of Guccifer 2.0. Crooked and corrupt Assistant US AG Rod Rosenstein held a cyber law enforcement announcement in March to announce […]

Judicial Watch: Obama State Dept. Gave Soros $9 Million to Support ‘Socialist-Communist’ Activities in Albania.

Billionaire investor George Soros. (Sean Dempsey/PA Wire URN:34840135) The U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2016 sent $9 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to a Soros-backed group which used the money to fund far-left political activities in Albania, newly released documents show. Important Judicial Watch obtained docs revealing […]

Betsy DeVos: Dept. Of Ed To Review Obama-Era School Discipline Reform Policy.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos told CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday Night that the Obama-era school discipline reform policy is now under review. “We are studying that rule. We need to ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn in a safe and nurturing environment. And all students means all students,” DeVos told host Lesley […]

FBI, DOJ and State Dept. Refuse More than 30 Requests to Turn Over Documents to Senate Committee Since 2015.

Today’s bombshell report from the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs implicates former President Obama in the Obamagate scandal and the Hillary Clinton email scandal.  The report notes that the Committee is still waiting on information requested by the Committee from the FBI, DOJ and State Departments dating back as far as 2015! In Appendix B […]

State Dept. Releases Huma Abedin Emails From Weiner’s Laptop.

“Yet another really grave national security crime that Mr. Comey apparently thinks is no big deal.” If you want to bury something, the perfect time to release it is Friday evening of the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Case in point: the State Department has released the e-mails Huma Abedin had on husband […]

Obama State Dept Made Deal With Hillary Allowing Removal Of Records. Here’s What They Removed.

Newly-revealed documents obtained by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch reveal that the Obama State Department allowed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin to remove sensitive documents that were not to be made public records. Judicial Watch received the records on Thursday in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request […]

Entire Fed Dept. Resigns in Protest of Trump => #FakeNews Media Forgets to Mention It Was Created by Obama, Had Not Met This Year

The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities made headlines last week when they very publicly resigned in mass protest over President Trump’s “racist” comments on the Charlottesville riots. President Trump correctly put blame on antifa terrorists who clashed with the neo-Nazi group on the ground. Far left comedian Kal Penn posted the committee’s […]

Grassley: Clinton Aides Had Access To State Dept. Classified Docs After She Announced Presidential Run

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton managed to retain access to classified and top secret documents for herself and six staffers after she announced her run for the presidency in April 2015. The State Department recently told the Judiciary Committee that six of Clinton’s former aides were referred to as “research assistants,” which enabled their clearance to go […]

Report: Hillary, 6 Aides Had Access to Classified State Dept Info After Leaving Office

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network correspondent Ed Henry reported Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had revealed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the 2016 presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, and six of her aides retained their access to top secret and classified information after leaving the State Department in 2013. Hillary […]

Former Obama State Dept Official Explains Why They Never Said ‘Radical Islam’

A former Department of State official confessed Monday that the reason no one in the Obama administration referred to certain acts of terror as “radical Islam” is because they were scared of alienating Muslim allies. In an op-ed written for The New York Times, Richard Stengel, who previously served as under secretary of state for […]

Fake News: Media Reports State Dept. ‘Mass Resignation,’ Officials Actually Fired

Today’s Fake News freakout began with a buzzing swarm of headlines about “mass resignations” by the “entire senior level of management officials” at the State Department resigning in some stunning act of protest against President Trump. Before long, we learned we were talking about four people, and they did not resign, they were fired. “The State Department’s […]

State Dept Investigating Obama Admin’s Last Minute Donation to Palestinian Authority

Americans were rightly incensed when we learned that the Obama administration sent wads of money to the Palestinian Authority just hours before President Trump took office. The PA has ties to the terror organization Hamas. Now, the State Department plans to investigate the former administration’s decision to “quietly release” $221 million to the Palestinians. The agency noted […]

Obama grotesquely had himself awarded a Defense Dept. medal yesterday

President Obama has another ironic award for his trophy shelf, to accompany his Nobel Peace Prize and all those participation trophies he got at Punahou for his basketball skills.  His appointee and subordinate Ash Carter yesterday pinned a military medal —  the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service — on his boss, as […]

State Dept Admits Iran Is Wrong, Trump Actually Can Rip Up Nuclear Deal

The State Department on Tuesday admitted that President-elect Trump can kill the Iran deal if he so chooses, despite Iran saying there was “no possibility” it could be overturned. “It’s not a formal treaty, and, of course, no one else can prevent any party to this agreement from walking away,” spokesman Mark Toner told reporters […]

Reuters: Hillary Hid $1 Million Gift From Qatar From State Dept., Lied About It Only A Month Ago

In essence: When Hillary became Secretary of State, she agreed to a policy insisted upon by the Obama Administration that before the Clinton Foundation would accept major gifts from foreign governments, she would give the State Department a heads-up and an opportunity to raise any concerns they might have. Clinton Foundation was trying to pretend […]

NYPD Chief: If FBI and Justice Dept. Fail To Garner Timely Indictments NYPD Will Go Public!

New York Police Department detectives working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner turned over a laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources tells SuperStation95. Congressman Weiner’s laptop contained 662,871 emails of which 11,112 […]

After Iran Sentences Another American Hostage, State Dept. Can’t Guess Why

WASHINGTON — The State Department said Tuesday that it can’t determine why Iran sentenced yet another American citizen to a lengthy stretch behind bars on trumped-up charges this week. San Diego resident Robin Shahini, 46, a grad student pursuing a master’s degree in homeland security, was visiting his Alzheimer’s-afflicted mother in Iran when he was seized […]

State Dept. And White House Coordinated To ‘Crush’ Clinton Email Coverage

The State Department and White House coordinated to shield Sec. of State John Kerry from being asked last March about Hillary Clinton’s emails in an interview on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” newly released emails show. “Think we can get this done so [Kerry] is not asked about email,” Jennifer Palmieri, then the White House’s […]

State Dept Docs: Obama Took Six Hours to Respond to Benghazi

President Obama did not personally respond to Benghazi on the night of the attack until more than six hours after the White House convened an emergency conference call, according to little-noticed State Department records reviewed by Breitbart News. Obama’s six-hour absence, during which the United States military did not have presidential orders to enter Libyan […]

How Hillary Used State Dep’t, Tax Dollars to Outsource American Jobs

Hillary Clinton’s State Department oversaw a government agency’s expenditure of millions of taxpayer dollars to help companies outsource American tech jobs to foreign countries. In 2010, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars building schools in Sri Lanka and Armenia, specifically to increase those countries’ outsourcing capacity to take away American jobs. “The U.S. Agency for […]

Computer Specialist Who Deleted Hillary’s Emails Granted Immunity by Justice Dept

Paul Combetta was a computer specialist from Platte River Networks who apparently specialized in deleting emails. He made Hillary Clinton’s emails disappear even after requests from Congress to keep them. Yet, despite that seemingly guilty deed, the Department of Justice has just granted him immunity. As a result, the House Oversight Committee’s request to investigate the deletions have hit […]

BREAKING: Amid Clinton Foundation questions, State Dept. makes STUNNING announcement

The “most transparent administration ever” is at it again — in typical fashion, once again stonewalling the release of information in the name of protecting their gal Hillary. Even as questions about Hillary’s meetings as Secretary of State — and what appears to conflict of interest between her Clinton Foundation and her State Department — have […]

Clinton Foundation Donors Flooded Visitor Logs at State Dept. During Hillary Clinton’s Tenure

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president. At least 85 of 154 people […]

Clinton Emails Indicate Illicit Ties Between State Dept., Clinton Foundation

New documents reveal that the Clinton Foundation’s alleged illegitimate ties to the US State Department may be in violation of the ethics agreements that Hillary Clinton agreed to in order to be appointed and confirmed as Secretary of State. Newly published records from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State raise further concerns that she utilized her […]

Newly Released Clinton Emails Shed Light on Relationship Between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Washington (CNN)Newly released emails from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state raise questions about the nature of the department’s relationship with the Clinton Foundation. Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, released 296 pages of emails from the Democratic presidential nominee, including 44 that Judicial Watch says were not previously handed over to the State […]
