July 27, 2024

Exclusive — Whip Tom Emmer: Joe Biden ‘Clearly Lied’ About His Involvement in Hunter’s Business Dealings

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement that President Joe Biden “clearly lied” about his involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings. “Joe Biden clearly lied to the American people about his involvement in his son’s corrupt business dealings,” Emmer said in a statement to Breitbart News. “The Biden family’s

Tucker Carlson: Ray Epps Lied to January 6 Committee About When He Left Capitol 

Mysterious January 6 figure Ray Epps lied to the January 6 Committee about when he left the Capitol grounds on the day of the riot, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson argued Monday. Carlson, releasing never seen video footage from January 6, 2021, alleged that Epps misled the January 6 Committee in a sworn testimony. Carlson claimed

RNC’s McDaniel: Biden Lied – Medicare, Social Security Are off the Table

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Joe Biden lied at his State of the Union address when he said Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Anchor Dana Bash asked, “You accused President Biden of using scare tactics when it comes to Republicans wanting to

George Santos lied to a judge in 2017 bid to help a ‘family friend’ charged with fraud

NEW YORK — George Santos lied to a Seattle judge about working for Goldman Sachs while speaking at a 2src17 bail hearing for a “family friend” who later pleaded guilty to fraud in an ATM skimming scheme, according to an audio recording of the proceeding and court records. “So what do you do for work?”

Incoming GOP Congressman George Santos Admits He Lied About Significant Portions of His Background

Incoming Republican Congressman George Santos admitted this week that he lied about significant portions of his background, including his work and education histories. Last week, a New York Times investigation revealed that Santos may have lied about his résumé as well as other alleged unsavory details about his past. On top of claiming that he attended

Teen Romanced by George Santos: He Lied to Me, Too

Pedro Vilarva was 18 when Santos, then 26, swept him off his feet and fed him malarkey.Updated Jan. 03, 2023 4:50AM ET / Published Jan. 02, 2023 7:15AM ET Alejandra Villa Loarca/Newsday RM via GettyA man who was 18 years old when he began dating and then moved in with George Santos—while the future congressman was married to a woman—says he was

Trump: Media ‘Now Admitting I Was Right About Everything They Lied About’

Former President Donald Trump said in a statement through his Save America PAC that the corporate media has admitted he “was right about everything they lied about before the election.” “Have you noticed that they are now admitting I was right about everything they lied about before the election?” Trump stated in his press release.…

DOJ: China Military Member Lied to Secure J-1 Visa, Conduct Research at Stanford University

A member of the Chinese military lied to federal immigration officials to secure a visa to the United States so she could conduct research at Stanford University in California, a federal indictment states. A federal grand jury has issued a superseding indictment against Chinese national Chen Song, 39-years-old, for allegedly fraudulently securing a J-1 visa…

‘I Was Lied To’: Meghan McCain Lashes Out At Biden, Fauci And Amazon Over COVID Hypocrisy

Meghan McCain lashed out Friday at President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Amazon, saying that everyone was sending mixed messages with regard to COVID-19. McCain began a segment of ABC’s “The View” by saying that she wished authorities like Fauci could have treated Americans like adults from the beginning instead of telling people that…

Lisa Page Testimony Highlights Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Lied To Chairman Devin Nunes

On January 3rd, 2018, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein entered an agreement for witness testimony.   One of those witnesses was FBI Attorney Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe’s former special counsel. href=”http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/04/doj-deal-gives-nunes-access-to-all-documents-witnesses-sought-in-russia-probe-letter-says.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>WASHINGTON – January 4th – House investigators will get access this week to “all remaining investigative documents” […]

VIDEO: Louis Gohmert asks Strzok how many times he looked into his wife’s eyes and lied to her

There’s a lot going on here, and yet these two minutes encapsulate the flavor of the whole thing about as well as anything could. The first thing you’ll notice is how desperately the Democrats are trying to use any and every procedural maneuver they can think of to protect Strzok from having to answer the […]

Netanyahu: Iran ‘brazenly lied’ about nuclear program, continued work after deal.

ï»ż Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of lying about its nuclear program in a speech broadcast live Monday, revealing information he said showed the Islamic Republic had for years worked on developing nuclear weapons, and continued to pursue such weapons even after signing the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. The premier, who has […]

Andrew McCabe Lied. So Will the FBI Apply the Same Rules Against Him That It Applies to All of Us?

It’s official: Andrew McCabe lied. The new report from the Justice Department inspector general concludes that McCabe, the former FBI deputy director, lied to then-FBI Director James Comey, to other FBI agents, and to officials of the Office of the Inspector General. Some of those lies came when McCabe was under oath. What did he […]


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) revealed to Fox News host Laura Ingraham Thursday evening that disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied repeatedly to the Justice Department. We've got exclusive new info about the firing of the FBI's Andrew McCabe. @Jim_Jordan and @RepMarkMeadows join us to reveal it, next! — Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 30, 2018 […]

McCabe Allegedly LIED To The FBI — Predictably, The Media Is Blaming Trump For His Firing.

Media Blames Trump For McCabe’s Firing, Downplays IG Report The OPR reportedly made its recommendation on the basis of an upcoming inspector general report that accuses McCabe of serious misconduct. McCabe allegedly leaked information about the 2016 Clinton investigation to the press and then lacked candor — a fireable offense in the FBI — when […]

Trump: What About When Hillary Lied to the FBI?

Preisdent Trump senses a double standard when it comes to lying to the FBI. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is in trouble for lying to the agency over his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak last year. Trump, convinced that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is guilty of misleading the agency as well, wanted […]

BREAKING: DNC, Hillary Campaign Paid To Compile Trump-Russia Dossier, Clinton Lawyer Allegedly Lied About It

Earlier this year, BuzzFeed News broke a shocking story: the FBI had reported an intelligence dossier making its way around Washington, D.C. to President Trump. That dossier contained allegations ranging from the credible to the wild — the wildest, of course, being the accusation that Trump had hired prostitutes while in Moscow to urinate on […]

Obama Lied, Americans Died: Released Iranians Tied to Terror, Nuclear Proliferation.

Former President Barack Obama lied to the American people about the infamous prisoner swap that was part of the Iran deal in 2016, and released fugitives who were considered major national security threats, according to an investigative report by Politico. “Obama, the senior official and other administration representatives weren’t telling the whole story on Jan. 17, […]

So, The Obama Administration Knew Syria Didn’t Hand Over All Its Chemical Weapons, But Lied To Us Anyway?

Life comes at you fast. That’s all I can say right now about the Obama administration’s disastrous Syrian policy that did nothing to stop bloodshed or hold any one accountable for that matter because it probably would have led to a military decision that President Obama didn’t want to make. In 2014, the administration celebrated […]

12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up.

What I am about to present to you is what really happened. All the proof is linked below, but what I’m about to do is what I call “Revealing the Matrix,” showing you the truth backed by incontrovertible fact and the media’s own words. Not my words. Not President Trump’s words. The media’s words. We’re […]

Reuters: Hillary Hid $1 Million Gift From Qatar From State Dept., Lied About It Only A Month Ago

In essence: When Hillary became Secretary of State, she agreed to a policy insisted upon by the Obama Administration that before the Clinton Foundation would accept major gifts from foreign governments, she would give the State Department a heads-up and an opportunity to raise any concerns they might have. Clinton Foundation was trying to pretend […]

WikiLeaks: More Evidence Obama Knew and Lied About Hillary’s Email Server

‘We need to clean this up,’ Clinton aide says, Obama ‘has emails from her — they do not say state.gov’ A March 2015 email chain released by WikiLeaks Tuesday is further proof that President Obama lied to the American people when he said he found out about Hillary Clinton’s private email server from news reports. […]

NBC Crank Lester Holt Interrupted Trump 41 times, Hillary 7 Times 
And Lied About His Positions

On Monday Republican Donald Trump debated Democrat NBC crank Lester Holt and scandal-plagued Democrat Hillary Clinton. Holt interrupted Donald Trump 41 times. He interrupted Hillary Clinton 7 times.   Lester Holt was particularly hard on Donald Trump in a heated exchange on the Iraq War. The Daily Caller reported: Holt interrupted Trump a record 41 […]

Rubio: Obama Administration ‘Outright Lied’ About Air Marshals on Flights to and from Cuba – VIDEO

If you are planning a trip to Cuba, you might want to postpone it until an honest and trustworthy administration takes over that can ensure your safety. A top TSA official admitted Wednesday that Cuba has not yet agreed to allow U.S. air marshals aboard scheduled airline flights between the the United States and Cuba […]

Boom! Benghazi Hero: “I’ve Seen the Video” – Obama, Hillary Watched Attack Live, Then Lied (VIDEO)

Benghazi Hero Says “We’ve Seen Drone Video” Obama, Hillary Knew It Wasn’t a Protest and Lied– Hillary Clinton watched the attack live by drone video then went out the next day with Barack Obama and blamed a mysterious YouTube video no one had ever seen. On Thursday Benghazi hero John Tiegen set the record straight. […]

PROOF OBAMA LIED => US Iranian Hostage Abedini Says Iran Held Plane on Tarmac Until Ransom Plane Arrived (VIDEO)

On January 17, 2016, a cargo plane with $400 million in foreign currencies was secretly sent to Iran. This was the same day the Iranian regime released four American hostages held in Tehran. L to R: Matt Trevithick (Photo Credit Robin Wright) Amir Hekmati, Jason Rezaian (Photo Credit AP), Saeed Abedini (News 4). Barack Obama […]

Charles Woods: Hillary Clinton Stood Over My Son’s Flag Draped Casket and Lied To Everyone – VIDEO

Over the weekend, Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton accused two Benghazi families of “not understanding her” the day bodies of the Americans killed in Benghazi were returned home. This wasn’t the first time Clinton essentially called Charles Woods, father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, and Pat Smith, mother of information officer Sean Smith, liars. Woods […]


Trey Gowdy grilled James Comey on Hillary Clinton emails.   FBI Director James Comey testified at a hearing on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers while serving as secretary of state, as well as the decision to not recommend criminal charges against her.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) during a question and […]

WATCH: Hillary Lied Under Oath=> Said She Checked in on Benghazi Survivors – But Called JUST ONE of 35 Survivors

In October 2015 Hillary Clinton testified before Congress. Hillary told the Benghazi committee she checked in on the government personnel who were injured during the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Hillary told the committee, “I talked to the survivors when they came back to the United States.”   Now we know that this was another Hillary […]

DEVASTATING: GOP Benghazi Report Concludes Obama, Hillary Did NOTHING to Save US Lives – Then Lied Continuously

House Republicans will release their final report on the Benghazi attacks Tuesday morning. The report concludes what we already knew. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton DID NOTHING to save US lives in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. They spent precious time instead during the attack concocting a lie they would tell the American public about […]
