July 26, 2024

Carter Page Is Suing The People Who Spied On Him For $75 Million

Carter Page filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department, the FBI, and several key figures in Crossfire Hurricane for $75 million on Friday.  The FBI obtained four warrants to surveil Page based on unverified allegations in the Steele dossier.  An inspector general’s report showed that FBI investigators withheld exculpatory information in applications for spy warrants…

TRUMP: Looks More And More Like Presidential Campaign Was ‘Illegally Being Spied On’ By Feds.

President Trump took to Twitter early on Sunday morning to declare that it is “looking more and more” like his 2016 campaign for the presidency was “illegally being spied on.” Looking more & more like the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon (surveillance) for the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and […]

Informant Spied on Trump Campaign Before the FBI Officially Began Its Probe.

Current and former officials — apparently so fearful that an FBI informant’s identity and role would be outed by congressional Republicans — confirmed both to the New York Times and the Washington Post in an attempt to offer their own narratives first. Both outlets offered details that readily identify the informant — but do not […]

Shocking: NSA whistleblower tells Tucker Carlson Trump, Supreme Court, Congress likely spied on.

A former National Security Agency employee claimed in a shocking interview Friday night the NSA likely did spy on President Donald Trump’s phone calls and emails, as well as those belonging to justices on the Supreme Court, members of Congress, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson […]

12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up.

What I am about to present to you is what really happened. All the proof is linked below, but what I’m about to do is what I call “Revealing the Matrix,” showing you the truth backed by incontrovertible fact and the media’s own words. Not my words. Not President Trump’s words. The media’s words. We’re […]
