July 27, 2024

‘This Is How People Get Red-Pilled’: Meghan McCain Flames Media For Attacking Marjorie Taylor Greene, Running Cover For The Squad

Meghan McCain slammed media during Monday’s broadcast of “The View,” arguing that concern about anti-semitism was very one-sided. McCain said that there was a concerted effort to make an example of Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for anti-semitic remarks while a similar effort was underway to either ignore or excuse similar statements from prominent…

Cindy McCain on Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘I Believe in’ President Biden

Cindy McCain, the spouse of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she believed in President Joe Biden on his proposal to withdraw from Afghanistan. Anchor Jake Tapper said, “I want to ask you about President Biden’s decision and announcement to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. Senator…

‘Give Me An Absolute Break’: Meghan McCain Flames Chris Cuomo For Response To Andrew Cuomo Accusations

Meghan McCain lashed out at CNN anchor Chris Cuomo after he publically addressed the accusations against his brother, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. McCain said in a Monday evening tweet that the way the Cuomos handled their public relationship was part of the reason that Americans didn’t trust media. (RELATED: Meghan McCain Blasts Chris…

‘I Was Lied To’: Meghan McCain Lashes Out At Biden, Fauci And Amazon Over COVID Hypocrisy

Meghan McCain lashed out Friday at President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Amazon, saying that everyone was sending mixed messages with regard to COVID-19. McCain began a segment of ABC’s “The View” by saying that she wished authorities like Fauci could have treated Americans like adults from the beginning instead of telling people that…

‘I Fear Censorship’: Meghan McCain Warns ‘Five Dorks In Silicon Valley’ Have Too Much Power

Meghan McCain said Monday that Twitter’s move to purge thousands of accounts only heightened concerns about censorship and the power held by Silicon Valley. During a segment of ABC’s “The View,” McCain addressed the news that President Donald Trump — along with a number of other accounts — had been banned from Twitter. Saying that…

As The Washington Establishment Memorialized John McCain By Hating On A Sitting President, Donald Trump Got The Last Laugh.

“[John] McCain’s funeral seems to be shaping up as the Washington Establishment’s response to Trump. Wonder if it’ll have a lasting impact.” So wrote Wall Street Journal correspondent David Wessel on Saturday morning, reacting to the fact that the late Senator’s funeral rites seemed to be essentially about “two things” – as political comedian Tim Young put […]

Mike Pence Honors Senator John McCain At Special Capitol Service.

“John McCain served his country honorably.” Speaking on behalf of the Trump administration, Vice President Mike Pence paid tribute to the late Sen. John McCain at a special ceremony in the United States Capitol Rotunda. After welcoming guests and family members to the Friday service, Pence avoided partisanship and focused on Sen. McCain’s extensive service […]

Same Liberal Media That Called John McCain a Racist and Islamophobe — Praise Him as Hero in Death

In 2008 the liberal mainstream media did everything they could to denigrate and slander John McCain and lift Barack Obama into the White House. Despite the fact that McCain was a weak candidate that didn’t stop the media from slandering him as a racist and Islamophobe. Via Teen Vogue: According to a 2000 San Francisco Gate report, […]

John McCain (1936-2018): Conservative Frenemy, American Hero.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) passed away Saturday, 4:28 p.m., at the age of 81 after a months-long battle with brain cancer. McCain was born on a U.S. Navy base in Panama in 1936, the son and grandson of career Navy officers. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and served as a Navy pilot in the […]

BREAKING: John McCain Dies At Age 81

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) passed away on Saturday at the age of 81 — just one day after the McCain family announced that he would no longer seek treatment in his battle against brain cancer. McCain, a former Vietnam POW and Navy pilot, passed away at 4:28 p.m. after battling against glioblastoma since July 2017. […]

McCain reveals that Obama called him to thanks for killing Obamacare repeal.

As he unburdens himself from the cares and bonds of a lifetime, and never will face Arizona voters again, Senator John McCain is letting it all hang out.  In his forthcoming final book, which may sell more copies to Democrats than to Republicans, he reveals a friendship of sorts. Caitlin Yilek writes in The Daily […]

Report: John McCain Does Not Want President Trump at His Funeral.

Arizona Senator John McCain has reportedly expressed his desire, or lack thereof, to have President Donald J. Trump at his funeral. According to the New York Times, he does not want the man there at all. Sen. McCain, who is suffering from terminally ill brain cancer, has told close friends and associates that he would […]

Fusion GPS Admits They Used Dopey Trump-Hater John McCain to Pass Russian Dossier to Intel Community.

Fusion GPS knew they needed to find an extremely gullible politician to pass on their fake dossier about Trump hiring hookers to piss on bed to the US intelligence community… And they found one! John McCain was more than eager to pass the ridiculous document to the intelligence community out of his unhinged hatred for […]

McCain Slams ‘Half-Baked, Spurious Nationalism’ While Accepting Liberty Medal

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) receives the Liberty Medal from former Vice President Joe Biden in Philadelphia on Oct. 16, 2017. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) slammed “half-baked, spurious nationalism” as “unpatriotic” as he accepted the National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal in Philadelphia on Monday evening. The annual award bestowed upon “men and women of […]

President Trump Goes There => Blasts Liar John McCain over His Obamacare Deceit and Lies

Never Trump Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) said Monday that she will be voting against the most recent Obamacare repeal legislation, effectively killing the Graham-Cassidy bill. Republicans John McCain, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul joined Susan Collins to kill Obamacare reform. Republicans will now have to wait until next year to repeal and replace Obamacare. The GOP […]

McCain, The Man That Saves Obamacare Again!

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said in a statement on Friday that he will oppose the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill. McCain’s vote against Graham-Cassidy effectively tanks renewed efforts to repeal Obamacare. McCain said in a statement: I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and […]

Thanks to McCain, Obamacare premiums to rise 15%, 63 counties to lose coverage in 2018

Obamacare, which could have been killed off last summer, were it not for the saving vote of Sen. John McCain of Arizona, is continuing its living-death death spiral and taking its unwilling consumers down for the ride. Insurance premiums under Obama’s Affordable Care Act are set to jump 15% in 2018 according to projections from the Congressional […]

EXCLUSIVE – Joe Arpaio Hits Back at John McCain, Declares After Pardon ‘I’m Not Going Away’

Speaking in a radio interview recorded on Saturday, former sheriff Joe Arpaio declared “I’m not going away” and hinted at a public career move one day after being pardoned by President Donald Trump. Arpaio also used the interview to hit back at Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for criticizing Trump’s decision to pardon the former sheriff […]

Rand Paul on McCain’s Criticisms Of Trump: ‘We’re Very Lucky John McCain Is Not in Charge’

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) addressed Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) criticism of the Trump administration. Partial transcript as follows: KARL: And I think it’s fair to say that you are second to none in the Senate when it comes to fighting for civil liberties. So let me ask you about specifically […]

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016

Employees of a hedge fund founded by the king of the Institutional Left, billionaire and Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, donated tens of thousands of dollars to top Republicans who fought against President Donald Trump in 2016, donation records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show. Soros Fund Management, a former hedge fund that […]

BREAKING: McCain and Graham Seek to Gut 9/11 Bill to Immunize Foreign Governments Funding Terrorists

WASHINGTON, DC – DECEMBER 06: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) (L) speaks as Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) (R) listens during a news conference about the conflict in Syria December 6, 2012 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The senators held a news conference to announce their supports on taking actions on Syria. (Photo by Alex […]

DONALD TRUMP Won More Youth Votes Than McCain, Romney and Hillary Clinton!

Donald Trump shattered the GOP primary record this year by 1.4 million votes. And he won more youth voters than John McCain or Mitt Romney. Trump also received a larger percentage of the youth vote than the previous two Republican candidates. The Washington Examiner reported: Donald Trump has so far won more support from younger […]


The whole world is upside down, especially in the Republican Party. When a powerful United States Senator faces no Party repercussions after smearing everyday Americans, there is something horribly, terribly, and self-destructively wrong with the GOP. There is no question that Donald Trump took a cheap shot at Republican Senator Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)43% . […]
