July 26, 2024

Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Vows to Pardon Trump If He Is Convicted So ‘We Can Move On’

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Thursday she would pardon former President Donald Trump if he is convicted of federal crimes. Her comments came during a campaign event in Plymouth, New Hampshire, MSNBC noted Friday. The outlet reported: “A leader needs to think about what’s in the best interest of the country,” Haley went on.

Exclusive — Donald Trump: Joe Biden ‘Probably Would’ Pardon His Son Hunter Biden

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik PALM BEACH, Florida — Former President Donald Trump, the 2024 GOP presidential frontrunner, told Breitbart News exclusively last week that he expects Democrat President Joe Biden would probably pardon his son Hunter Biden if the latter is convicted of crimes on the many criminal charges he faces. “I think he [Joe Biden]

Vivek Ramaswamy: I Would Pardon Trump — ‘Clearly a Politicized Persecution’

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that he would pardon former President Donald Trump if he became president. Guest anchor Kasie Hunt asked, “Let’s move on now to federal prosecutors added new obstruction of justice charges against former President Donald Trump on Thursday. The indictment, the superseding indictment

Pollak: Trump Could Win From Jail, Take the Oath, Pardon Himself, and Leave

Breitbart News’ senior editor-at-large Joel B. Pollak said Wednesday that Donald Trump could be elected president from jail, take the oath of office, pardon himself, and leave. Pollak discussed that bizarre, but theoretically possible, scenario with Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater on SiriusXM Patriot 125 on Wednesday morning (available via podcast, below). Slater asked Pollak whether he

Mark Levin: If Elected, Trump Can Pardon Himself from State Charges, Too

Gage Skidmore/Flickr Conservative radio host and litigator Mark Levin argued this week that former President Donald Trump can pardon himself from state charges if he wins the presidency, under existing Department of Justice policy and the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause. Levin has outlined his argument several times on the Mark Levin Show. Conventional wisdom holds that

Mike Pence Won’t Say Whether He Would Pardon Trump If Convicted: ‘It’s Premature’

MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images Former Vice President Mike Pence and a 2024 presidential contender would not say whether he would pardon former President Donald Trump if he is convicted, calling it “premature” and a “hypothetical.” Pence was asked if he as president would pardon Trump during a radio interview Wednesday on the Clay Travis and Buck

‘Reeks Of Politicization’: Ramaswamy Clashes With Dana Bash Over Promise To Pardon Trump

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy clashed with CNN host Dana Bash over his promise to pardon former President Donald Trump Sunday. “Reading that indictment and looking at the selective omissions of both fact and law, Dana, I’m even more convinced that a pardon is the right answer here,” Ramaswamy told Bash on “State of the

Texas Governor Plans to Pardon Army Sgt. Convicted in Austin BLM Protest Shooting

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Saturday that he plans to pardon Army Sergeant Daniel Perry who was convicted on Friday for shooting a man who allegedly pointed an AK-47 at him. The announcement followed a statement by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who sharply criticized Travis County District Attorney José Garza who he described as

Gov. Greg Abbott: ‘Working as Swiftly as TX Law Allows’ Regarding Pardon of Sgt. Daniel Perry

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) used a tweet Saturday to say that he is “working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.” Breitbart News reported that U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Perry was found guilty of murder on Friday, following a trial over a 2020 confrontation in which he claims that Garrett

FACT CHECK: Did Trump Tweet That He Is ‘Considering A Full Pardon’ For Bill Cosby?

An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a tweet from President Donald Trump that states he is “considering a FULL PARDON” for actor Bill Cosby. Verdict: False There is no record of Trump sending or deleting the tweet. It appears to be fabricated. Fact Check: Multiple Facebook users have shared the image of the supposed…

John Kasich Dismisses Flynn Pardon During Exchange With Jim Acosta: ‘I Want To Move On’

Former Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich told CNN’s Jim Acosta that he wants “to move on” from ongoing outrage about President Donald Trump’s pardon of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Trump officially pardoned Flynn on Wednesday after a years-long legal battle that began when the retired general pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators,…

REPORT: Trump Tells Confidants He Plans To Pardon Michael Flynn

November 24, 2020 10:33 PM ET President Donald Trump has reportedly told confidants that he plans to pardon Michael Flynn, his former National Security Advisor, as part of a series of pardons to take place before he leaves the White House, Axios reported. SCOOP: Trump has told confidants he plans to pardon Michael Flynn, per…

AMAZING! Dinesh D’Souza Reveals Moment POTUS Trump Called Him About His Presidential Pardon (AUDIO)

Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza faced political persecution after he directed and released anti-Obama film, “2016: Obama’s America”. He was indicted over illegal campaign contributions. It was an obvious witch hunt. On Thursday, President Trump announced publicly he would be issuing a full pardon to Dinesh D’Souza. Dinesh D’Souza celebrated on his Twitter account with an […]

‘Stupid Question’: Trump Fires Back at Reporter Over Potential Cohen Pardon.

President Donald Trump met with reporters during a bilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, and he didn’t take kindly to a reporter who tried to ask him about his personal attorney Michael Cohen. During a brief appearance before the press, Trump and Macron answered questions about negotiations between their two countries on […]

Media, Political Elites Continue Their Hypocritical Attack on President Trump Over Arpaio Pardon

The Washington establishment media and political elites continue their hypocritical attack on President Trump’s pardoning of Maricopa, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The criticism began last week with their disingenuous outrage that the president would free Arpaio (charged with a misdemeanor), a Korean War veteran, 23 year tenured sheriff; a man who dedicated his life to […]

Nolte: 3 Reasons Trump’s Pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Awesome

Biases up front. I’m no fan of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The publicity-seeking, the grandstanding — that’s never a good look for a lawman. And the following might result in the revocation of my Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Platinum Card, but I did not approve of his treatment of prisoners. The tent cities. The pink underwear. The […]

EXCLUSIVE – Joe Arpaio Hits Back at John McCain, Declares After Pardon ‘I’m Not Going Away’

Speaking in a radio interview recorded on Saturday, former sheriff Joe Arpaio declared “I’m not going away” and hinted at a public career move one day after being pardoned by President Donald Trump. Arpaio also used the interview to hit back at Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for criticizing Trump’s decision to pardon the former sheriff […]

Jesse Jackson: Obama should follow Ford’s example – grant Hillary Clinton a pre-emptive pardon

Sorry, Jesse. Wrong again. The “Reverend” Jesse Jackson is nothing if not pious and holy. He’s a veritable paragon of virtue, and we’re all supposed to pay close attention to his proclamations. So, he’s issued the following encyclical: “Secretary Clinton has not been legally accused, and either tried or convicted of anything. President Obama should […]
