July 27, 2024

Mark Levin: Schweizer’s ‘Blood Money’ Is ‘Jaw-Dropping’

Fox News host Mark Levin said Sunday on his show “Life, Liberty & Levin” that Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer’s new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans was “jaw-dropping.” Levin said, “A journalist who uncovers really seedy muck in our government and by certain populations. And Peter Schweizer.

Mark Levin: If Elected, Trump Can Pardon Himself from State Charges, Too

Gage Skidmore/Flickr Conservative radio host and litigator Mark Levin argued this week that former President Donald Trump can pardon himself from state charges if he wins the presidency, under existing Department of Justice policy and the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause. Levin has outlined his argument several times on the Mark Levin Show. Conventional wisdom holds that

Mark Levin: ‘The greatest threat we have is China

Fox News host Mark Levin laid out his concerns about Russia and China’s growing alliance with each other and China’s growing presence worldwide Sunday on “Life Liberty & Levin.” He highlighted Chinese President Xi Jinping’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin as a main cause of concern, but argued the “greatest threat we have is […]

Mark Levin: Joe Biden Is the ‘Human Pandemic’ –

Tuesday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin, author of “American Marxism,” blasted President Joe Biden for the proliferation of antisemitism that he alleged was coming from the left and elected Democrats.Levin also hammered Democrats for promoting critical race theory and an effort to indict former President Donald Trump by…

Mark Levin: Chuck Schumer Should Be on Trial –

Wednesday on FNC’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin argued Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-NY) should be on trial for the remarks he made in 2020 about the U.S. Supreme Court, which was perceived to be as a threat against Associate Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell…

Peter Schweizer to Appear Sunday on ‘Life, Liberty, & Levin’ for Full Hour

Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer will appear Sunday on conservative talk radio host Mark Levin’s television show, Life, Liberty, & Levin, to discuss his groundbreaking investigative research into the Biden family corruption. The one-hour episode will air at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on Fox News Channel. During his radio show on Thursday, Levin said Schweizer, the…

Mark Levin on Pennsylvania’s crucial appeal to SCOTUS

The following is my transcription of Mark Levin’s opening monologue describing and educating about the goings-on in Pennsylvania and its crucial appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. The transcription was taken from last night’s (12-6-2020) Life, Liberty, and Levin. Hello America I’m Mark Levin and this is Life Liberty and Levin and […]

Mark Levin slams Democrats for treatment of AG Barr, calls Obama a ‘pathological liar’

“Life, Liberty and Levin” host Mark Levin appeared on “Watters’ World” Saturday and criticized Democrats for their treatment of Attorney General William Barr during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, calling it a “disgrace.””I’ve never seen a senior official of any administration ever treated like that,” Levin said. “This hearing should have been [about] how do…

Mark Levin: Trump in ‘Great Shape’ When It Comes to the Law, Impeachment.

ï»ż   Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin said he thought President Donald Trump was in “great shape” on what would be impeachable given the alleged indiscretions of which his opponents are accusing him occurred before his presidency. Levin cited case law, noting that the standard for presidents and vice presidents […]

Mark Levin: “Donald Trump Is in the Clear” – Cohen Hush Money Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution (VIDEO)

Conservative author and radio-TV host Mark Levin went on with Sean Hannity after Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts — including two campaign finance violations involving payments to silence women he believed could be detrimental to the 2016 presidential campaign. On Monday Mark interviewed the former FEC Chairman on his show. Professor […]

Mark Levin: Trump Should Pull MORE Security Clearances.

“Life, Liberty, & Levin” host and bestselling author Mark Levin appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program Wednesday to praise President Donald Trump for revoking former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance, citing the former Obama official’s past support for a socialist candidate funded by Russia. “So how did this man ever get a security […]

Mark Levin: Mueller a ‘Greater Threat’ to United States Than Putin

Robert Mueller Former DOJ official and host of “Life, Liberty and Levin” Mark Levin said special counsel Robert Mueller is a “greater threat to this Republic and Constitution than anything Vladimir Putin did during the [2016] campaign.” Levin, who worked as a deputy to Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese, said Mueller is “threatening to take […]

THE COUP IS STILL UNDERWAY: Every American Must Watch This Episode of Life, Liberty & Levin.

Former U.S. attorney and special counsel Joe DiGenova and ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino were both masterfully interviewed by Mark Levin last night. The result was stunning. As many of you know, I follow the dual scandals of the DOJ’s exoneration of Hillary Clinton and persecution of Donald Trump, eh, rather closely. This interview revealed […]

MARK LEVIN: Obama Likely Knew Hillary Clinton PAID FOR FISA Warrant To Surveil Trump Campaign (VIDEO)

On Monday, nationally-syndicated radio host Mark Levin said he believes former President Obama knew about Hillary Clinton’s role in the FISA warrant used to surveil the Trump campaign. LEVIN: “Now we know why Schiff and the rest of them are fighting so hard. Now we know why the left-wing pretorian guard Democrat media are fighting […]

Listen: Mark Levin praises Trump’s ‘enormous humility’ in wake of health care defeat.

Following the embarrassment of pulling the Republican plan to replace Obamacare on Friday just minutes before a full House vote, President Donald Trump vowed via a broadcast message from the Oval Office to let Obamacare “explode” and make Democrats own it. “So what would be really good with no Democrat support — if the Democrats, […]

Radio Commentator as Ideological Propagandist: The Case of Mark Levin

Will Rogers, the famed political humorist, once quipped that “Twenty men can enter a room as friends and someone can bring up the topic of Tariff, and you will find nineteen bodies on the floor with only one living that, and you will find nineteen bodies on the floor with only one living that escapes.”[1] Even […]

Levin: Fox News ‘Imploding’; Megyn Kelly ‘Out of Control,’ ‘Auditioning’ for a Bigger Forum

Wednesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin excoriated the Fox News Channel and “The Kelly File” host Megyn Kelly days after Kelly and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a surrogate for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, had a heated exchange over accusations Trump was a “sexual predator.” Levin declared Fox News […]

‘Treason’: Mark Levin Slams Obama Admin for Conspiring With Iran – AUDIO

Is the Obama administration conspiring with Iran? After listening to the State Department’s press briefing on Wednesday, when spokesman Marc Toner basically admitted as much, Mark Levin sure seems to think so. First, the background. Wednesday morning Sens. Marco Rubio and Mark Kirk introduced legislation that “prohibit[s] Iranian access to the U.S. financial system and […]

Levin: ‘I Fear We’re Going To Get Blown Out’ Because Of Trump’s ‘Tweeting Problems’ [AUDIO]

During the Thursday broadcast of his radio show, Mark Levin stated he worries Republicans are “going to get blown out” in the general election. “Do you think this is going to help the Republicans win?” Levin said of the spousal-feud waged by Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. “No.” “As a matter of fact, I’m starting […]

Mark Levin SLAMS dishonest media coverage of Iowa Caucuses – VIDEO

Mark Levin opened his show today discussing the dishonest media coverage from last night’s Iowa Caucuses which Ted Cruz won. Levin points out the media is playing up Rubio getting 3rd place as though Iowa was a victory for Rubio. But he says it wasn’t. Rubio came in 3rd just like the polls showed beforehand. […]

Mark Levin: TPP Would ‘Destroy The Constitution’ And Put Us On A ‘Fast Track To Hell’ [AUDIO]

Mark Levin blasted the Trans-Pacific Partnership, likening it to the “Destroy-The-Constitution deal.” Appearing on Sirius XM Patriot 125 on Monday, Levin explained the TTP, which is 6,000 pages long, 2 million words and 30 chapters. “The people who are required to comply with it are not going to comprehend it.” (RELATED: Obama’s Convoluted TPP Agreement Is THREE TIMES […]


Ted Cruz on the Mark Leving Show and in the Sean Hannity Show.

Mark Levin: ‘The Forerunner to War Has Begun’

(CNS News) – On his nationally syndicated radio show September 30, 2015, Mark Levin warned that “the forerunner to war has begun.” “I told you last year this was the start of World War III,” stated Levin, “and here we go, slowly but surely. And this fool, and the fools in the Democrat Party and […]

Mark Levin Says Who Should — and Who Shouldn’t — Be the Next House Speaker

WASHINGTON — National syndicated radio host and conservative author Mark Levin doesn’t believe any of the current House Republican leadership should be the next speaker of the House. In a brief interview with TheBlaze after speaking at the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, Levin named Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) as […]


Syndicated radio host and bestselling author Mark Levin spoke to over 1,000 “fellow patriots” on Sunday night at his “favorite place,” the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Levin signed copies of, and discussed his youth-focused book Plunder and Deceit: Big Government’s Exploitation of Young People and the Future. He described this new project as a collection […]
