July 26, 2024

LAURA INGRAHAM: The left is on a search and destroy mission against classic American literature

Angle: The Book Ban Lie Laura Ingraham discusses the Democratic narrative surrounding the ‘so-called conservative book ban’ on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’ Laura Ingraham discussed how parents are waking up to the left’s push for sexually graphic novels for kids in schools on “The Ingraham Angle.” LAURA INGRAHAM: Now they believe, I think, that if they […]

It’s ‘End Times’ For All Of Those Working To Destroy The World

In these darkest of days when self-crowned ‘leaders’ here and afar are deliberately walking the world backwards, comes 2023, a true harbinger of better days to come.Even as we gather with loved ones to celebrate the Birth of Our Lord, we can take heart in knowing that those better days are on the way. Better […]

Report: DOJ Told Court It Fears Trump Could Destroy Documents

The Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly told U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart Thursday that it wants the affidavit that authorized a search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home sealed for fear he will destroy documents. The report, by Mark Meredith of Fox News, came as Reinhart indicated that he was prepared to release portions…

Carlson: MLB ‘Encouraging the Destruction of Democracy’; Biden Willing to Destroy Baseball to Increase Democrats’ Power

Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson discussed the controversies involving the Georgia General Assembly’s efforts to shore up election integrity through the legislative process, which has resulted in a backlash from Democrats and corporate America.Carlson questioned the wisdom of Major League Baseball’s decision to remove its all-star game from Atlanta and aggressive…

Iowa GOP Congresswoman: Bill Gates’ Push to Eliminate Beef Would ‘Utterly Destroy’ U.S. Livestock Industry

Ethan Miller/Getty Images Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) said Monday that Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates’ mission to have “rich countries, such as the United States and western Europe, eat 100 percent synthetic beef would “utterly destroy” the American livestock industry and hurt the economy. “Bill Gates just proposed that the US move to 100% synthetic beef!…

Breaking: More Strzok-Page Text Messages Show Coordination of FBI-DOJ to Destroy Trump with Planted Media Leaks.

Sara Carter joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss the latest Peter Strzok – Lisa Page text messages that show a coordination between the FBI and DOJ in their efforts in 2017 to detroy the sitting US President Trump. The lovebirds Strzok and Page discuss news reports they leaked to the press and the […]

Boom! Watch Trump CEA Kevin Hassett Absolutely DESTROY Barack Obama’s Lies on the Economy (VIDEO)

Barack Obama broke precedent as a former president and trashed his successor President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy. Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama had the worst economic recovery in US history; Obama is […]

Flashback: Hillary Predicted Trump’s Tax Plan Would Destroy Millions of Jobs. It’s Doing Precisely the Opposite.

At the final 2016 presidential debate, Hillary Clinton cited “independent experts” (namely, this guy, whose predictions about President Trump’s impact on the economy have been proven laughably wrong thus far) in asserting that Trump’s tax plan would cost the US millions of jobs and risked plunging the economy into another major downturn — the latter […]

Memo Released: Deep State/Media Collusion to Destroy Trump Exposed.

The FBI and DOJ used a news article published on Yahoo! News to bolster its case for surveillance of Trump campaign associate Carter Page, deliberately omitting or unaware that the information in the article had the same source as the infamous “dossier” itself, according to the House Intelligence Committee memo released Friday. If the memo’s […]

Another CNN Race Problem: Employees Directed to Destroy Donna Brazile’s Credibility

A very bad week for CNN just got a whole lot worse. Tucker Carlson of Fox News addressed the explosive allegation that CNN is doing what it has done so many times before to protect the Clintons and the Democrat Party: destroy a black person. Carlson says CNN management directed employees to destroy Donna Brazile’s […]

No, Trump Didn’t Destroy Flake. Flake Destroyed Flake, And Now He’s Cynically Pandering.

On Tuesday, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), a longtime critic of President Trump, announced he would not run for re-election in Arizona. That was no surprise, considering that his in-state approval numbers were down to 18%. But Flake then delivered a fiery sermon decrying Trump personally as well as the direction of the Republican Party more […]

Commentary: Three facts that destroy the left’s anti-gun narrative

Since the mass shooting in Las Vegas that ended with at least 58 people dead and close to 500 injured, anti-gun progressives have been working overtime to convince the American people that gun owners’ rights should be greatly restricted, a move they say will make the United States a much safer place to live. The left […]

Obama’s Progressive Socialist Attempt to Destroy Private College Education in America

America doesn’t have an unemployment problem – it has an education and skilled worker problem.  Right now, there are millions of available jobs all around the country with top companies offering good pay and benefits. However, the problem for these potential employers is a lack of skilled or properly educated workers. This is a massive […]

The Left’s Alinsky Plan to Destroy the Trump Administration

When a former community organizer with little other experience became the Democratic Party nominee for president in 2008, conservatives began inquiring what, exactly, a “community organizer” does. That led to a surge of interest in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a secular Bible among Barack Obama’s cohort of left-wing radicals in Chicago. In the White House, as […]

Watch Anti-Trump Rioters Clash With Police, Destroy Property

Thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators stormed the nation’s capital during Friday’s inaugural proceedings, destroying property and trading volleys with police. The chaotic confrontations turned much of the city’s downtown corridor into a disruptive, and at times, a riotous, protest field. Franklin Square — just blocks from the White House and the inaugural parade — was the […]

BREAKING: FBI Made ‘Side Deals’ to Destroy Top Clinton Aides’ Laptops – VIDEO

This was just your average FBI investigation, you see, in which the same woman was: (1) a subject of the probe, (2) a key witness in the probe, (3) a dubious immunity recipient, and (4) a lawyer to the primary subject — who was allowed to sit in on her quasi-client’s interview with investigators. And if that […]

Islam Academic: Migrants Want Eurabia, Globalists Using Migrants to Destroy The West

“The scholar of Islam and social sciences warned that large numbers of migrants are ‘calamitous’ for the European people, and that neoliberal elites see Islamic terrorism, and state bankruptcy and collapse as collateral damage in their pursuit of endless wealth.” These elites should be swept out, and the migrant invasion halted and reversed — if […]

Listen This Time or HUD Will Destroy Your City

America’s homeowners should be shaking in their shoes. The federal government has decided that people who have worked, saved and planned so they can buy homes in nice, safe neighborhoods of their own choosing, are racists. They charge that it is a “social injustice.” The government now claims that it’s unfair unless everyone can have […]

Muslim who beheaded priest to France: “We are going to destroy your country”

They tell us exactly how they mean to destroy us…. to our face and yet anyone who opposes this brutal, supremacist ideology is a “bigot” and “Islamophobe.” The Muslim beheader in the French church attack previously worked as a baggage handler at a French airport proving what I have contended for months — the real […]

FL Governor GOES OFF On Obama: “This Is Disgusting! I’m Fed Up With This… Destroy ISIS!” (VIDEO)

Florida Governor Rick Scott WENT OFF on Obama on Friday after the president came to the Sunshine State to politicize the Orlando massacre. Scott told America’s Newsroom, “I’m sick of this!” Bill Hemmer: Yesterday, the president came and said the fight against ISIS has been relentless. Do you believe that? Governor Rick Scott: It’s still […]


DES MOINES — Sen. Ted Cruz said here Saturday that the 2016 presidential race has entered a more serious phase following the shooting massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., and escalated his rhetoric on foreign policy with a vow to kill Islamic State terrorists. “If I am elected president, we will utterly destroy ISIS,” the Texas […]

Mark Levin: TPP Would ‘Destroy The Constitution’ And Put Us On A ‘Fast Track To Hell’ [AUDIO]

Mark Levin blasted the Trans-Pacific Partnership, likening it to the “Destroy-The-Constitution deal.” Appearing on Sirius XM Patriot 125 on Monday, Levin explained the TTP, which is 6,000 pages long, 2 million words and 30 chapters. “The people who are required to comply with it are not going to comprehend it.” (RELATED: Obama’s Convoluted TPP Agreement Is THREE TIMES […]


Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei went into a conspiracy-laden tirade on Saturday, blaming the “arrogant powers” for getting in the way of the Muslim world’s mission to unite and destroy Israel. “If the Islamic Ummah were united and relied on their own commonalities, they would certainly be a unique power in the international political scene […]

Obama’s Deal: $150 Billion to Iran to Destroy Israel with Conventional Arms

One of the most alarming and catastrophic elements being overlooked in yesterday’s give-away deal to the mullahs is that Iran will soon receive $150 billion dollars. With that money they can immediately go after Israel with tens of billions in horrific conventional weapons, missiles, bombers… way before any nuclear bomb is fully functional. Israel will […]
