July 26, 2024

Dak Prescott can rewrite his Cowboys narrative with deep postseason run

No quarterback in the NFL is scrutinized with the level of intensity Dak Prescott is year after year. Much of that has to do with the inordinate amount of attention his team, the Cowboys, gets. Much of it has to do with the talent Prescott has around him. All of those things raise the expectation […]

Obama, Clapper were briefed on reports of Clinton campaign’s Russia collusion narrative, Durham report shows

Former President Barack Obama and his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, were both briefed in 2016 on reports that then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton planned to vilify Donald Trump by claiming he was colluding with Russia to win the election, according to the final report from Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the original Trump-Russia […]

Tennessee House speaker pushes back on ‘false narrative,’ racism accusations after expulsion of two Dems

After two Black Democratic state lawmakers were expelled for joining anti-gun demonstrations last week, protests again engulfed the Tennessee Capitol Thursday.   Democratic State Rep. Gloria Johnson survived her expulsion vote but has since accused Republicans of racism, arguing she only remained in her position because she’s White.  Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton, […]


Fox News host Tucker Carlson says Democrats used Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick’s death for their political agenda. All of these tapes as a matter of public record must be released through the Internet to the world plain and simple

Mayorkas: ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Narrative Is More Important than Congress’s Law

The 195srcs “Nation of Immigrants” narrative is more important than Congress’s laws, according to Alexandro Mayorkas, who is President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief. “Our goal is to achieve operational control of the border, to do everything that we can to support our personnel with the resources, the technology, the policies that really advance the

Climate Cult Leaders Don’t Believe Their Own Narrative

Sharm El Sheik, The ringleaders of climate alarmism do not actually believe the narrative of CO2-as-pollution that they are marketing to the public, and it’s easy to prove, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. All you really need to know is that production in Communist China […]

‘Mob Justice’: Owens Claims Chauvin Trial Was About Media’s ‘Power To Create A Narrative’

April 20, 2021 10:17 PM ET Conservative commentator Candace Owens alleged on Tuesday that the guilty verdict in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin was “mob justice” and an example of how the media controls the political narrative in America. “What we’re really seeing is mob justice,” Owens claimed on Fox News’ “Tucker…

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative.

Newly discovered statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which were allegedly “never publicly released,” dismantle the liberal gun control narrative that firearms are not regularly used in self-defense. What do the statistics show? As Reason noted, the CDC is legally unable to study gun control. However, in the 1990s, the federal agency […]

OLEG DERIPASKA OP-ED: The Ever-Changing ‘Russia Narrative’ Is False Public Manipulation.

In the comedy movie “Wag the Dog,” a fictitious U.S. president is on the cusp of losing an election over a real scandal. So a political spin doctor and Hollywood producer hired by his campaign instead distract the public by manufacturing “the appearance of a war” with Albania. The spin doctor explains: “It’s not a […]

Moscow Narrative Blows Back On The Dems – VIDEO

The Democrats have been in bed with Moscow for 70 years. Hillary Clinton’s  extensive Russia ties were partially exposed in my 2016 documentary The Enemies Within. The Dems were very unwise to push the Trump/Russia narrative. A case of the pot calling the kettle black. It was bound to blow up in their faces. Wouldn’t Hillary […]

The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future

Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding.  There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco.  As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.”  This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no […]

Commentary: Three facts that destroy the left’s anti-gun narrative

Since the mass shooting in Las Vegas that ended with at least 58 people dead and close to 500 injured, anti-gun progressives have been working overtime to convince the American people that gun owners’ rights should be greatly restricted, a move they say will make the United States a much safer place to live. The left […]

NFL Legend: Black Victimhood Narrative A Democrat ‘Political Strategy’ That Just Creates ‘Misery’

On Thursday, retired NFL safety Burgess Owens identified left-wing and Democrat policies and attitudes as forming the core of social dysfunction among blacks. He rejected the “socialist, liberal, Marxist” framing of blacks as put upon and victimized by whites. Owens offered his comments while joining Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity. Increasing “misery” among blacks is […]

Fake News: Associated Press Pushes ‘Safe Border’ Narrative to Critique Trump Wall

McALLEN, Texas — The Associated Press continues to push discredited claims of a safe border and half-truths about the existing fence in its latest attempt to discredit the building of a wall. In the latest border piece by the Associated Press, writer Frank Bajak visited the Rio Grande Valley to speak with a farmer and […]

3 Economic Facts That Counter Obama’s Recovery Narrative

President Barack Obama needs a reality check. Earlier this month in Indiana, he accused his critics of ignoring the “facts” and purporting “myths” about his economic record. But if Republicans are truly ignoring the facts, Obama should consider it a blessing. A quick look at the facts will show that Obama’s economic performance has been […]

White House’s False Narrative and Manipulation of the Media on the Iranian Agreement

President Barack Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser (and foreign policy alter-ego) Ben Rhodes has been the subject of intense criticism since May 5, 2016 when the New York Times Magazine profiled him. The writer of the article, David Samuels, highlighted his inexperience, arrogance, and lies. Rhodes referred to the American foreign-policy establishment as the Blob. […]


Let’s talk about what’s going on in Malheur Oregon and take back the narrative. What does the Constitution say about this? What are the precedents? Hear what Krisanne Hall, an attorney and former prosecutor has to say in this video. Also below a related article, a letter from a Common Law Superior Court Judge in […]
