July 26, 2024

Dad stopping superintendent from shaking daughter’s hand at graduation sparks cries of racism: ‘Don’t want her touching him’

A Wisconsin father was caught on camera shoving aside a school administrator to stop him from shaking his daughter’s hand during her high school graduation — an incident some are saying appears racially charged. “That’s my daughter,” the father, who is white, was heard saying as he leaped to the graduation stage and shoved aside Baraboo […]

Kanye West Accused Racism and Antisemitism in Harassment Lawsuit

Rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West has been hit with yet another lawsuit, this one from a former employee alleging racism, antisemitism, and harassment. A former employee filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in a California court claiming that the Yeezy brand chief told students that he was being persecuted by Jews. Former West employee Trevor

‘Casual Racism’ Cited as ‘Great British Bake Off’ Scraps National-Themed Weeks

The national-themed challenge weeks once a central part of the Great British Bake Off are no more. The segments have been scrapped in the upcoming 2023 series after some angry viewers cried “racist” and slammed the rounds as insulting to the natios featured. The show had a Japan week in 2020, a German week in 2021

‘Broke My Heart’: Simone Biles Charges Racism in Viral Irish Gymnastics Video

Simone Biles has accused an Irish gymnastics competition of racism after video surfaced of a young black girl appearing to be passed up for a medal. At the same time, the white participants all received one. The video was of an event called Gymstart in Dublin in March of 2022. In the video, a young

Comic Hasan Minhaj Admits He Makes Up Stories About Experiencing Racism –Life Acquaintances

Comedian Hasan Minhaj has admitted to inventing several first-person tales of facing discrimination — including a racist attack on his daughter — that undergird his standup comedy act and his politically-themed TV shows. Minhaj, born in 1985 in the United States to Muslim Indian immigrants, made a name for himself on The Daily Show and his

Left-wing UK lawmaker suspended after claiming Jews can’t experience racism

A left-wing U.K. lawmaker has been suspended after arguing in a public letter that Jewish people cannot be the victims of “racism.” Diane Abbott, was suspended as a Labour Party whip on Sunday after widespread backlash. She released a statement on Twitter apologizing for her remarks on Sunday and expressing her wish to “disassociate myself […]

Tennessee House speaker pushes back on ‘false narrative,’ racism accusations after expulsion of two Dems

After two Black Democratic state lawmakers were expelled for joining anti-gun demonstrations last week, protests again engulfed the Tennessee Capitol Thursday.   Democratic State Rep. Gloria Johnson survived her expulsion vote but has since accused Republicans of racism, arguing she only remained in her position because she’s White.  Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton, […]

Connecticut Bill Would Force School Nurses to Train on ‘Systemic Racism,’ ‘Anti-Blackness,’ ‘Gender Diverse Youth’

A measure in the Connecticut legislature would force school nurses to be trained on the tenets of critical race theory, including “systemic racism, explicit and implicit bias, micro aggressions, racial disparities, anti-blackness and experiences of transgender and gender diverse youth.” The training is attached to training on endometriosis — an often painful disorder of the

Woke Lancet Blames Premature Deaths on ‘Racism’ and ‘Xenophobia’

Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP The once-respectable Lancet medical journal has once again taken a deep dive into woke politics, publishing an entire series on “racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and health.” “Racism, xenophobia, and discrimination exist in every modern society causing avoidable disease and premature death among groups who are often already disadvantaged,” the Lancet contends in this

CNN: ‘Panic’ over Critical Race Theory Because White People ‘Afraid They Might Be Complicit in Racism’

CNN has found an explanation for what it calls the nationwide “panic” over Critical Race Theory: white people are “afraid that they might be complicit in racism” and that they will be “blamed for their ancestors’ crimes,” the network reported Tuesday. CNN has been defending Critical Race Theory for nearly a decade, ever since Andrew…

Woke Fail: ‘The Bachelorette’ Premiere Ratings Hit Historic Low After Host Chris Harrison Was Removed over ‘Racism’

Ratings for the latest series premiere of the ABC dating show The Bachelorette have tanked following the exit of the show’s longtime host Chris Harrison, whom the cancel mob accused of racism after he defended a contestant who attended a sorority event featuring antebellum-style ball gowns. The show returned to ABC without Harrison (replaced by series alums Tayshia…

Tom Hanks: Schools and Hollywood ‘Must Portray the Burden of Racism in Our Nation’

An op-ed from actor Tom Hanks published by the New York Times Friday urges Americans to “learn the truth about the Tulsa Race Massacre.” The June 4 op-ed landed days after the 100th anniversary of one of the most disgraceful incidents in American history, where between May 31 and June 1, in 1921, the city…

Cotton: Biden Admin Says Same Things about American Racism that China, USSR Used to Say

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Primetime,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) reacted to U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s statements about racism being a part of America’s founding documents by saying that under the Biden administration, our own diplomats are saying the same things about America that we used to hear Chinese or Soviet…

Hulu Will Stream ‘1619 Project’ Docuseries Adaptation to Acknowledge ‘Systemic Racism’ of America

Hulu has announced it will stream the planned docuseries adaptation of the New York Times‘ “1619 Project,” the controversial and widely discredited series of articles that sought to establish 1619 — the year the first slaves came to America — as the true founding of the United States. As Breitbart News reported, the New York…

‘They Have Turned Racism Upside Down’: Leo Terrell Blasts ‘Reparations’ In COVID-19 Relief

March 15, 2021 11:33 PM ET Fox News contributor Leo Terrell lashed out at Democrats during a Monday evening appearance on “Hannity.” Terrell argued that the funding included in the latest coronavirus relief package was racist because it was targeted toward black farmers, saying Democrats had “turned racism upside down.” (RELATED: ‘That Is A Lie!’:…

Gillibrand: White Capitol Rioters Exposed ‘Institutional Racism’ in Policing, Black Protesters ‘Would Have Been Shot’

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” that the way white rioters that breached the U.S. Capitol were treated by law enforcement on Wednesday exposed “institutional racism” in law enforcement. Gillibrand said, “One of my other concerns, Neil, is that we did not prepare for this riot in…

Donald Trump Condemns Racism on Anniversary of Charlottesville Riots.

President Donald Trump again condemned racism on Saturday in reaction to the establishment media-fueled coverage of the first anniversary of the Charlottesville riots. “The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts […]

New York Times defends double standard in hiring writer with a history of explicit, hateful racism directed at whites.

See also: Let’s all thank Sarah Jeong for showing us what liberals think of white people The New York Times has provoked a firestorm with its hiring of Sarah Jeong as a member of its editorial board, despite apparently having checked her social media history and found explicitly hateful anti-white tweets in abundance.  Following criticism of […]

Make No Mistake: SJW Demands for Diversity Are Driven by Racism and Fear

Yes, I’m still exercised about “diversity” and the demands for “diversity” (of external characteristics, never, ever of thought) in everything from science to advertising. I’m obsessing about it because this is bad crazy, the sort of crazy that can destroy civilization and all we’ve built up. To the extent “diversity” is important, it’s a diversity […]

Alveda King: Starbucks Should Stop Funding Planned Parenthood if Serious about Ending Racism.

The pro-life niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. said that if Starbucks truly wanted to end racism, it would stop funding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Alveda King, who serves as director of Civil Rights for the Unborn at Priests for Life, noted in a column at the Washington Examiner the attempt by Starbucks Tuesday […]

No Whites Allowed at Georgetown Community Dialogue on Racism.

Georgetown University students who recently held a community dialogue event on a new proposal to arm campus police told their white peers that they weren’t permitted to attend. The event, which was highlighted by Robby Soave at Reason Magazine, took place at the end of April and was hosted by the student group, Georgetown United […]

POLLAK: On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Democrats Use Racism with Impunity.

Last week, an American political leader used race explicitly in an effort to win a policy debate over immigration. It was not President Donald Trump, whose alleged reference to “shithole countries” was, at worst, racist by inference. (He allegedly compared immigrants from Norway and Africa to argue for a merit-based immigration system, which was spun by critics as an […]

The Islamic Brew of Racism, Apartheid, and Slavery.

While the world is in a dither about America recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, it is, predictably, totally unconcerned about the constant and ongoing practice of “legally or culturally enforced discrimination and/or persecution based on a person’s race or national identity” – to wit, apartheid – in the Muslim world.  Consider that: Arab League states […]

Crooked Democrat Corrine Brown Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison – Blamed Corruption Charges on Racism (Video)

Former Democrat lawmaker Corrine Brown was sentenced to five years in prison today. The Florida Democrat stole money from a bogus charity for lavish parties and trips. Brown was charged with 24 counts of fraud in July 2016. Corrine Brown blamed her corruption charges on racism. ï»ż Unfortunately that race card couldn’t keep poor Corrine […]

‘Black Liberation’ Group Vows To Shut Down Black Friday Shopping To Fight Racism

A Seattle, Wash., black liberation group planned a Black Friday march to urge people to only shop at black owned businesses this Friday. Black Liberation Front-Seattle, an “assertive” group aimed at fighting racism, also launched a four-hour demonstration called “BlackLivesMatterFriday 4.0 -Racism. It Stops With Me” to show the country that racism is unacceptable. Approximately 10,000 […]

Racial Lies and Racism

Earlier this month, The New York Times ran an article titled “U.S. Rights Unit Shifts to Study Antiwhite Bias” on its front page. The article says that President Donald Trump’s Justice Department’s civil rights division is going to investigate and sue universities whose affirmative action admissions policies discriminate against white applicants. This is an out-and-out […]

Twelve Memorials that Must Be Removed if Democrats Are Serious About Erasing Racism

If Democrats seeking the removal of historical memorials tied to racist history are serious, they should be tripping over one another to get in front of a camera and call for the removal of memorials and namesakes to Presidents Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Sen. Robert C Byrd. These […]

New Hollywood Blacklist: Oppose Trump or Face Career Ruin, Racism, Sexism, Threats

The original Hollywood Blacklist of the 1950s was at least open and honest. There was a list, you were named, and you were informed. As immoral and indefensible as it was, those who were blacklisted at least knew where they stood. Today’s Hollywood Blacklist is quite different. Yes, your career is still threatened, but no […]

Obama Blames Putin For Hillary Loss. Or ‘Fake News’ Or Racism. Or, Maybe Obama Was An Awful President.

Barack Obama must find an excuse for Hillary Clinton losing a near-guaranteed presidential race. And he has: Vladimir Putin! White House spokesman Josh Earnest explained: You didn’t need a security clearance to figure out who benefited from malicious Russian cyberactivity. The President-elect didn’t call it into question, he called on Russia to hack his opponent. […]

Video Proof: Seven Instances of Hillary’s Clinton’s Naked Racism

Of course Hillary Clinton is a racist whose words, policies and indifference have only increased division, despair, misery and poverty in America’s predominantly black inner-cities. She stokes fear, and she preys on these communities with policies of dependence and nihilism. Trump is absolutely right when he says that Clinton sees people of color only as […]
