July 26, 2024

Biden Administration’s Naval ‘Coalition,’ Warnings Fail to Deter More Houthi Attacks in Red Sea

The Biden administration’s ballyhooed naval coalition scrapped together for the sole purpose of deterring missile and drone attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen is failing. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced on December 19 during a trip to the Middle East that the United States was standing

Shutdown standoff: White House preps for Johnson to fail

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is pursued by reporters as he walks to his office at the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 6, 2src23. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Washington this morning is waiting for House Speaker Mike Johnson to release his plan to keep the government funded past Friday, with Johnson and other leaders planning to brief

Biden in Israel: President’s biggest national security test is one he can’t fail

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Saturday, Oct. 7, was Israel’s 911.  And it’s become President Joe Biden’s biggest national security test. So far, he’s all in.  “Israel has to respond, they have to go after Hamas,” Biden said Sunday on “60 Minutes.”   Done right, American leadership will keep the Abraham Accords peace process […]

Republicans fail to get top recruit for Wisconsin Senate

Rep. Mike Gallagher had publicly broken with former President Donald Trump after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and reaffirmed he would not support Trump in 2src24. | Francis Chung/POLITICO A top potential recruit in Wisconsin’s Senate race declined to run — despite a concerted campaign from national Republicans to lure him into the

PAID TO FAIL? San Diego business owner criticizes costly plan to buy hotels to house homeless, ‘huge failure’

A San Diego business owner and CEO is skeptical city leadership’s plan to turn four hotels into housing for homeless people will foster lasting results. “They’re just trying to clean up a little bit of the people and get them out of the public’s vision so they can get voted back in,” Kate Monroe told […]

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Expect More Banks to Fail Due to Years of Low Interest Lending

First Republic won’t be the last bank to fail, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney warned Fox Business host Larry Kudlow in an interview Monday following JPMorgan Chase’s acquisition of the failed bank. “All of the banks that expanded their balance sheets extremely large during our zero percent era are now running into big problems,” Carney

Here’s how the debt crisis could end if Biden-McCarthy talks fail

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speak to reporters outside the White House after a meeting with President Joe Biden. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo Even before Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy held their first debt limit meeting, many lawmakers were already thinking about a backup plan

Russia’s New ‘Large-Scale War’ Plan Is Already Doomed to Fail

Russia appears to be laying the groundwork to summon hundreds of thousands more men across the country to take part in the war against Ukraine.Lawmaker Andrei Kartapolov, the head of the State Duma’s Defense Committee, lamented in an interview with RBK on Wednesday that the country doesn’t have enough mobilized reserve forces for a “large-scale

Woke Fail: ‘The Bachelorette’ Premiere Ratings Hit Historic Low After Host Chris Harrison Was Removed over ‘Racism’

Ratings for the latest series premiere of the ABC dating show The Bachelorette have tanked following the exit of the show’s longtime host Chris Harrison, whom the cancel mob accused of racism after he defended a contestant who attended a sorority event featuring antebellum-style ball gowns. The show returned to ABC without Harrison (replaced by series alums Tayshia…

Texas Democrats Fail To Stop Election Reform Bill From Advancing, But Weakened Measures Significantly

Republicans in the Texas House passed a sweeping election reform bill early Friday, but not before reaching an agreement with Democrats that weakened provisions they deemed the most problematic. Senate Bill 7, which passed 81-64 around 3 a.m. local time, was initially delayed by Democrats after they deployed procedural delays and hours of questions toward…

‘Collusion’ Fail: Trump Slaps Even More Sanctions On Russia; Russia Issues Snarky Response.

“Let us welcome the United Sanctions of America!” All that “collusion” really hasn’t paid off for Russia, which has once again been slapped with more sanctions by the Trump administration, this time for trying to poison a former spy and his daughter. If Russia doesn’t satisfy certain demands over the next few months, even more […]

Media Fail: Trump’s Approval Rating Improved During Manufactured Border Outrage.

President Trump’s job approval rating improved by five points during the establishment media’s manufactured outrage over Trump continuing the Obama administration’s policy of separating illegal alien adults from children at the border. According to the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, on June 8, Trump’s approval rating rounded out to an average of 42 percent, […]

Why Socialism Is Doomed To Fail

In The Consolation of Philosophy, the 5th century Greek scholar and Roman Consul Boethius wrote: “Compare the length of a moment with the period of ten thousand years; the first, however miniscule, does exist as a fraction of a second. But that number of years, or any multiple of it that you may name, cannot […]

Gun Control Fail: ‘Gun Violence’ Costs New York over $5.6 Billion Each Year.

New York has an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, universal background checks, and “gun violence” costs of over $5.6 billion a year. In other words, gun control is not working in New York, just as it has not worked in Chicago or Baltimore. The annual cost of “gun violence” was put forth […]

GUN CONTROL FAIL: Terrorists Use BANNED Guns To Murder 235 Egyptians, Media Fails To Report

Islamic terrorists ruthlessly murdered at least 235 Egyptians at a mosque on Friday when they detonated a bomb which forced mosque-goers to run outside where the terrorists were waiting with automatic rifles. Terrorists tried to prevent people from fleeing the area by blowing up cars and using them as roadblocks, Sky News reported. Officials suspect […]

AG Sessions: Sanctuary Cities That Fail to Comply with Immigration Laws Risk Losing Federal Dollars

Monday at the White House press briefing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned municipalities that have implemented the policy of sanctuary cities, which he described as making “our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the streets.” Sessions said the Department of Justice would require that jurisdictions that are seeking or applying for DoJ grants to […]

(Another) Media Fail: 57% Support Temporary Ban on Refugees From Terror-Exporting Countries

A strong majority of voters support a temporary ban on refugees from unstable and violent countries, Rasmussen Reports found. Nearly two-thirds of voters want the U.S. government to halt refugee resettlement until better controls to screen foreigners can be implemented, according to Rasmussen: A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57 […]

NYPD Chief: If FBI and Justice Dept. Fail To Garner Timely Indictments NYPD Will Go Public!

New York Police Department detectives working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner turned over a laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources tells SuperStation95. Congressman Weiner’s laptop contained 662,871 emails of which 11,112 […]

Epic Fail: Obamacare Enrollment Less than Half of What was Expected

Enrollment in Obamacare insurance programs on the state exchanges is less than half of what was predicted by the Congressional Budget Office in 2013. The CBO projected 24 million people would sign up on the exchanges in 2016. The actual number is 11.1 million. In addition to the lax enrollment numbers, it is estimated that […]

Obama Insiders Try to Explain Trump Phenomenon, Fail Spectacularly

According to past and present aides to President Barack Obama, the Republicans are “getting devoured by a candidate” (Donald Trump) who personifies “the anger agenda” because they stood “in the White House’s way at every turn.” The Obama insiders are right about one thing — Republican voters are angry. But perhaps these White House aides are too close […]

1 Year Later: US Bombings Fail to Weaken Islamic State; IS Has Over 20,000 Fighters, $360M

A year after the United States started its campaign to attack Islamic State positions in Iraq and Syria, there is little change in the numeric strength of the terror group or its ability to execute terror attacks, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. “We’ve seen no meaningful degradation in their numbers,” an anonymous defense official told […]

The newest Obamacare fail: penalties of $36,500 per worker

Hey, employers, don’t even think about reimbursing your workers’ health-insurance premiums. Beginning this month, the IRS can levy fines amounting to $100 per worker per day or $36,500 per worker per year, with a maximum of $500,000 per firm. This Internal Revenue Service penalty is not written into the Obamacare law. The amount is over […]

Media Fail to Expose Planned Parenthood

Once again, a courageous group of pro-life activists has produced a damning sting video of Planned Parenthood, and this one has exposed the most outrageous behavior yet. This isn’t the abortion conglomerate protecting pimps or statutory rapists as they seek abortions. This is the selling of the organs of babies after they’ve been killed. The […]
