July 27, 2024

Report: Underground Network Has Shipped 20,000 Abortion Pills Across U.S.

In the sixth months following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, an “underground abortion pill network” shipped at least 20,000 packs of abortion pills across the United States, “two sources with knowledge of the situation” told VICE News. According to the Thursday report:  The suppliers of these estimated 20,000 packets are neither

Apple to invest $350 billion in U.S. economy and create 20,000 jobs.

Money repatriated as a result of the tax bill will fund some of Apple’s spending Apple Inc. AAPL, +0.23%  announced on Wednesday that it planned to contribute $350 billion to the U.S. economy over five years, through new jobs, a second headquarters, and a series of investments. Apple is expecting to pay a repatriation tax […]

French City Cancels Christmas Market, Can’t Afford € 20,000 in Security Costs After ISIS Attacks

Christmas Tree German Christmas Market Berlin This week, the French city of Lyon announced it would cancel its world-famous Christmas market after seven years, as costs to protect the market against potential terror threats escalated to € 20,000 — a price the city could not afford. Security around Christmas markets in Europe has increased following Tunisian […]

BREAKING: Dow Jones hits 20,000 for first time ever

The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened above 20,000 points Wednesday, passing the milestone number for the first time in its 120-year history. U.S. stocks consistently rallied after Nov. 9, the day after the election, with traders anticipating massive deregulation under Donald Trump‘s presidency. But the Dow stalled out just below 20,000 for for more than […]

Project Veritas: Illegal $20,000 Wire Transfer to AUFC Caught on Tape

In Part IV of Project Veritas’ undercover video series documenting the sinister activities of the organized left, James O’Keefe shows how his team was able to gain access to longtime community organizer Robert Creamer’s sleazy operations. “We had people posing as donors, political consultants, interns, overseas financial advisors, and activists,” O’Keefe explains in the video. One of […]


A massive rally in Jacksonville, Florida at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena.  The arena holds 16,000 people seated, in addition there were approximately 3,000 to 4,000 people standing in the middle of the arena, for a total of about 20,000 people.  People were outside  trying to get in, but all seats were taken.   The […]

More than 20,000 illegal alien criminals released in 2015

According to figures supplied to Congress by the Department of Homeland Security, more than 20,000 illegal aliens convicted of a crime were released into American communities in 2015. More than half of that number were convicted of DUI, making them a danger on American roads. But thousands were convicted of assault while several hundred were convicted […]

WATCH the videos that made 20,000 Israelis SUE Facebook over “Palestinian” incitement

The incessant incitement by the Palestinian authority against the Jews has led to utter savagery on a now daily basis. Unspeakable barbarity, much like ISIS — while the world blames Israel.   “This year’s ‘Intifada of the Knife’ has been mainly driven by social media and incitement by Palestinian TV and leaders.” Video from Rebel […]

1 Year Later: US Bombings Fail to Weaken Islamic State; IS Has Over 20,000 Fighters, $360M

A year after the United States started its campaign to attack Islamic State positions in Iraq and Syria, there is little change in the numeric strength of the terror group or its ability to execute terror attacks, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. “We’ve seen no meaningful degradation in their numbers,” an anonymous defense official told […]
