July 27, 2024

Bravo Denies Rumors That Andy Cohen Is Leaving The Network: “Absolutely No Truth To This Story”

Don’t worry, Bravo fans, Andy Cohen isn’t going anywhere. The network addressed recent rumors that Cohen is in the process of “negotiating a departure package” at Bravo. A spokesperson for the reality network told Deadline, “There is absolutely no truth to this story and [the publication’s] source obviously has no clue about the situation.” The report […]

Holly Marie Combs confirms Alyssa Milano had Shannen Doherty fired from ‘Charmed’: She told network ‘it’s me or her’

Holly Marie Combs claimed Alyssa Milano had Shannen Doherty booted from “Charmed.” The “Pretty Little Liars” alum claimed on Monday’s episode of Doherty’s “Let’s Be Clear” podcast that she called a meeting with show producer Jonathan Levin in the early 2000s to get to the bottom of why her co-star was fired from The WB […]

Nolte: Hollywood Trembles as Dish Network Loses Another 64K Subscribers

The Dish Network lost 64,000 subscribers in the third quarter after losing 294,000 in the second quarter. This matters. This matters mucho. Overall, Dish lost 181,000 satellite subscribers, but it picked up 117,000 Sling TV subscribers. Sling TV is basically Dish in a streaming form. My math says that’s a net loss of 64,000, but

Pentagon leak suspect searched ‘leak’ on classified network after story broke: FBI

The suspect facing charges of leaking U.S. military intelligence documents searched classified intelligence reporting for the word “leak” after the story broke. Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman accused of leaking documents the Department of Defense says contain “sensitive and highly-classified material,” was charged Friday with unauthorized retention and transmission of national defense […]

Report: Underground Network Has Shipped 20,000 Abortion Pills Across U.S.

In the sixth months following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, an “underground abortion pill network” shipped at least 20,000 packs of abortion pills across the United States, “two sources with knowledge of the situation” told VICE News. According to the Thursday report:  The suppliers of these estimated 20,000 packets are neither

Wait, HGTV and the Food Network Make Movies Now?!

You know the content bubble is about to burst when HGTV starts making original movies, and baby, the soap is about to go everywhere. (Hopefully just not on any tufted suede sofas.) I’ll admit, I’m a little late to this news; HGTV and Food Network announced and released their slate of holiday originals last year.

More Infrastructure Sabotage: Germany Hunts Culprits of Cut Cables That Brought Rail Network to Knees

Already exacerbated fears about infrastructure sabotage were dramatically underlined at the weekend when two apparently coordinated acts against the backbone system which controls train movements saw Germany’s railway network grind to a halt for several hours. Europe has been suffering such attacks, often attributed to actors of the ultra-left, for many years. Backhaul communications  cables

Media Matters Gives Pass To Major Radio Network With Overlapping Board Membership

A longtime Media Matters director joined the board of Cumulus Media in 2018, and since then the radio network has been spared from the liberal media watchdog’s advertiser boycotts. Media Matters mentioned Cumulus at least 160 times before Tom Castro joined the radio network’s board in 2018. Media Matters has mentioned Cumulus just three times…

NBC Sports Network to Shut Down in 2021, NHL, NASCAR Move to USA Network

NBC Sports Network will cease operations in 2021 and transfer their sports rights to USA Network, according to an internal company memo. The network hoped to compete with ESPN, but suffered low ratings and took a beating when faced with factors such as the postponing of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the rising popularity of…

NETWORK OF GARBAGE: CNN Attacks Kanye Using Dead Mom, Mental Health, Wife’s Ex-Lover.

Every day is a new low for CNN. The far-left network has launched a smear campaign against rapper Kanye West over his support for President Donald Trump, using racial slurs to attack him and suggesting that he is mentally ill. The attack started on Tuesday when CNN host Don Lemon led a panel that mocked […]

This Is CNN: Network Slimes Kanye as ‘a Man Who’s Clearly Not Okay’

CNN political commentator S.E Cupp criticized President Donald Trump’s Oval Office meeting with hip-hop star Kanye West Thursday, accusing him of exploiting “a man who’s clearly not okay.” That sentiment was echoed by CNN’s chief media critic Brian Stelter, who repeated her descriptor of the meeting: “sad.” Sad. @SECupp said it best about the Kanye-Trump […]

Andrew Gillum’s ‘Maoist’ Support Network.

Andrew Gillum the Democratic candidate for Florida Governor, speaks during a campaign rally at the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades on August 31, 2018 in Orlando, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) News Analysis Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum’s political career has been nurtured by one of the country’s most powerful socialists: San Francisco […]

Fox Marks 67th Quarter As No. 1 Cable News Network.

Fox News marked its 67th consecutive quarter as the leading network in cable news this month. FNC, which is celebrating its 22nd anniversary this weekend, finished the third quarter of 2018 as the number one cable news network across total day and primetime viewers. According to Nielsen Media Research, Fox averaged 1,401,000 million total viewers in […]

You’re Being Torn Apart: Trump Torches CNN For Its Garbage Russian Collision Story; UPDATE: Network Stands By Its Trash Reporting.

President Trump went on a tear against CNN yesterday, tweeting “CNN is being torn apart from within based on their being caught in a major lie and refusing to admit the mistake. Sloppy Carl Bernstein, a man who lives in the past and thinks like a degenerate fool, making up story after story, is being […]

Sessions Announces Indictments Tied To Massive Chinese Fentanyl Network.

The announcement from Sessions came after the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned Jian Zhang, owner of a chemical company based in China, and four financial associates from China who worked directly for Zhang. The five Chinese nationals allegedly used Zhang’s company, Zaron Bio-Tech, to import large amounts of fentanyl and even […]

This Is CNN: Host Admits Network Peddles Fake News…Sort Of.

CNN is President Trump’s favorite punching bag. In fact, it’s the Right’s favorite punching bag. The network has tried to position itself as a middle of the road network that has panels of rabid advocates ripping each other apart for ratings. The network is also on an insufferable self-righteous track with their “fact first’ campaign, […]

The Nuclear Option — Collapsing News Network: CNN, MSM Hope Raunchy Sex Scandal Ends Trump.

First they tried to beat him at the polls. They lost miserably. Then they unleashed America’s most powerful and penetrating espionage apparatus against him at the height of the presidential campaign. And got caught red-handed. Once he assumed the White House, they tried beating him with a sprawling federal investigation into “Russia collusion” — only to […]

BREAKING: Stephen K. Bannon Steps Down from Breitbart News Network.

Stephen K. Bannon has stepped down from Breitbart News Network, where he served as Executive Chairman since 2012. Bannon and Breitbart will work together on a smooth and orderly transition. Bannon said, “I’m proud of what the Breitbart team has accomplished in so short a period of time in building out a world-class news platform.” […]

‘How to Commit Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale’: Part II of Project Veritas Investigation into Clinton Network

The second video in James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas investigation of the 2016 election reveals what O’Keefe describes as “Democratic Party operatives tell[ing] us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale.” Part one in O’Keefe’s investigation unraveled what appears to be an elaborate web of Democrat-trained provocateurs who have been instigating violence at […]

Iran Expanding Terror Network in Latin America! – 90 MILES FROM USA

Iran is solidifying its foothold in Latin America, sparking concerns among U.S. officials that the Islamic Republic will enlist these regional allies in its push to launch terror attacks on U.S. soil, according to conversations with congressional sources. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has been on a diplomatic tour through key Latin American countries known […]

Russian Spies Accessed Democratic Computer Network – Wash. Post

  Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday. “The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system they also were able to read all email and chat traffic,” the […]

Univision Television Network Boasts It Helped Elect Obama

Imagine if Fox News Channel launched an advertising campaign after the 2014 election with the Republican Party elephant logo, and instead of three stars in the logo, spelled out “F-O-X.” Imagine if the advertisements read: Opposing the administration wasn’t enough … it took Fox News … we reach persuadable voters. It isn’t hard to imagine […]

Watch: VIDEO: Pamela Geller on One America News Network with Liz Wheeler Discussing the Muslim Invasion of Europe

Here is a first look at my interview with Liz Wheeler scheduled to broadcast later this week. Snippets: LW: 25-year old Muslim migrant from Libya threatens to kills sponsor family… related to radical religious beliefs? PG: We don’t know the details, but it is likely that he thought of them as heretics, or apostates, or […]

The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group

The announcement from Donald Trump’s campaign that the Republican frontrunner will “definitely not” partake in Thursday night’s Fox News debate has sent shock waves throughout the nation’s political scene. At a press event Tuesday evening, Trump seemed to cite disparate treatment from the network as his reasoning for not participating. “What’s wrong over there, something’s wrong,” […]

…Breitbart News Daily — FBI Expert: ‘Vast Majority’ of U.S. Mosques/Islamic Centers Part of ‘Jihadi Network’…

On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily (6AM-9AM EST) on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, former FBI counter-terrorism Special Agent John Guandolo argued that the “vast majority” of the 2,200 Islamic organizations, centers, and mosques in the United States are a part of a broader “Jihadi network” intent on imposing Sharia Law in America. Guandolo told host […]
