July 27, 2024

Forget ‘quiet quitting,’ now there’s ‘rage applying’ — here’s why the latest workplace trend matters so much

American workers are facing challenging issues in today’s workplace, including layoffs (or the threat of layoffs), corporate reshuffling upheavals and a lack of employee recognition programs, according to human resource professionals.  In response to worker discontent, a new job trend called “rage applying” is surfacing across the landscape — affecting both employees and managers and […]

Media Matters Gives Pass To Major Radio Network With Overlapping Board Membership

A longtime Media Matters director joined the board of Cumulus Media in 2018, and since then the radio network has been spared from the liberal media watchdog’s advertiser boycotts. Media Matters mentioned Cumulus at least 160 times before Tom Castro joined the radio network’s board in 2018. Media Matters has mentioned Cumulus just three times…

Why Al Pacino Matters

Al Pacino (front) with Robert De Niro and Ray Romano in The Irishman (Netflix) Over the decades, through movies bad and good, he always makes the most of his part.A  lot of movie stars are on the short side — Robert Redford, Sylvester Stallone, Richard Dreyfuss. Despite being only about 5′8″, Paul Newman always managed to…

This Law Will Save Newborns After Botched Abortions From Murder. Here’s Why It Matters.

The majority of debate between pro-lifers and abortion advocates has centered around the 20-week abortion ban that failed in the Senate Monday. Another important bill, however, recently passed the House and would prevent babies who’ve been born after botched abortions from being murdered shortly thereafter. The U.S. House approved the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in January, and it […]

Sean Hannity Calls Media Matters a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to Free Speech

Fox News host Sean Hannity warned viewers Monday of the “clear and present danger” from anti-free speech groups such as Media Matters for America, in the wake of a controversy in which the left-wing activist group successfully got Keurig to stop advertising on Hannity’s show. “Conservative voices in this country for years we have been facing […]

Kaine’s bad performance matters more than you think

It is now a received truth of punditry that vice presidential debates don’t matter.  The humiliation Dan Quayle experienced at the hand of Lloyd Bentsen did not hand the presidency to Michael Dukakis, after all.  But I think this year could be different. The reason is fairly simple.  For the critical swing constituency, the uncommitted, the […]

Nothing Trump Says Matters as Much as What Hillary Did

The media largely ignored the fact that the father of the Orlando terrorist was placed behind Hillary Clinton Tuesday at a campaign rally, but also endorsed her and her gun control policies. Instead, they obsessed about a joke Donald Trump made during a rally, hinting at gun owners resisting efforts to confiscate their weapons under a Clinton […]

Four Times the Declaration of Independence Mentions God, and Why It Matters

Many historians call the Founding Fathers “deists,” and many of them were not true Christians — after all, Thomas Jefferson tore all the miracles out of the Gospels! But judging by the Declaration of Independence, our Founders were more religious than many think: our founding document mentions God no less than four times. This is […]

The Truth about Huma Abedin that Media Matters Doesn’t Want America to See

“Still don’t believe Media Matters functions as a propaganda machine to aid and abet Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations? Just  read its response to a Vanity Fair article titled Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem? The left-wing attack machine wasted no time in posting an article with false information and […]

Why Donald Trump Surged in the Polls (And Why It Matters)

Donald Trump is not a pleasant man. He is egotistical, vain, bombastic, often mean-spirited. He revels in his financial superiority, which he conflates with human goodness. When he contorts his mouth into a kind of tube as he talks, you brace yourself for something outrageous—and it nearly always emerges as expected. His likability quotient, at […]

Ted Cruz Reminds President Obama: “The US Constitution Matters”

“President Barack Obama is the first president we’ve ever had who thinks he can choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore.” (Senator Ted Cruz, March 6th, 2014) “It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” (Senator Ted Cruz, March 23rd 2015.) While liberals applaud how the smiling, slobbering, […]
