July 27, 2024

Emotional support dog reunited with owner after going missing 2 years ago: ‘I kind of lost hope’

An Indiana woman was shedding tears of joy after she was reunited with her emotional support dog, who went missing two years ago. Samantha Powers and her pup Loki could barely contain their excitement when she arrived at the Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control Center Friday after she received a call telling her dog […]

California pastor advises all to put our hope in God in tough times: ‘Don’t give up’

“Thus says the Lord: ‘Keep justice, and do righteousness, For My salvation is about to come, And My righteousness to be revealed’” (Isaiah 56:1).  This verse comes from 56th chapter of the Book of Isaiah, one of the latter prophets in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.  Isaiah, whose name means “the Lord […]

Warner Bros. Delays ‘Dune: Part Two’ to 2024 in Hope of Hollywood Strikes Ending Before Press Tour

Aug. 24 (UPI) — Warner Bros. announced Thursday that Dune: Part Two would be postponed until 2024. The official social media account now lists the release date as March 15. Dune: Part Two was previously scheduled for release Nov. 3, two years following the release of the first part. The two-part movie adapts Frank Herbert’s

Torres: Biden’s age isn’t ideal but ‘best hope’ to win

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) departs a vote at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 3src, 2src23. | Francis Chung/POLITICO NEW YORK — Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday faulted Democrats for not doing more to cultivate the “next generation of leadership,” adding it wasn’t ideal that President Joe Biden was mounting a reelection bid at age

Republicans’ best hope for Wisconsin Senate is a Trump critic

Mike Gallagher, a 39-year-old former Marine, is widely viewed as a rising star in the GOP thanks to his vocal stance on China policy and prolific fundraising. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo A public break with former President Donald Trump has been career suicide for many an ambitious GOP lawmaker in recent years. It might

Mike Braun: Democrats Hope Illegal Aliens Become ‘Voters’ Through Open Borders

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) told Breitbart News Saturday that Democrats hope illegal aliens will become future “voters” through America’s open southern border. Braun served as one of the 17 Senate Republicans that traveled to see the crisis unfolding at America’s southern border. The migrant crisis has emerged less than 100 days into President Joe Biden’s administration.…

‘I Hope That Happens’: Trump Reacts To Rumors Meghan Markle Is Planning Presidential Bid

March 17, 2021 10:20 AM ET Former President Donald Trump told “Fox News Primetime” host Maria Bartiromo in a Tuesday interview that he hopes Meghan Markle makes a presidential run in 2024. “I hope that happens. If that happened, I think I’d have an even stronger feeling toward running,” Trump said when Bartiromo asked about…

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope Mike Pence Comes Through for Us’ on January 6th

President Donald Trump on Monday urged Vice President Mike Pence to oppose the congressional certification of the 2020 election on Wednesday. “I hope that our great Vice President comes through for us,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Georgia for Republicans Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in their runoff election on Tuesday. Trump…

Hope for a Failed Election

VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images Clear evidence is being exposed that the 2020 election was fatally compromised. The facts strongly suggest that Donald Trump won the election. But time is running out to set things right, and ensure it doesn’t happen again. Major conservative and grassroots leaders stand behind a lawful election, I signed with […]

Intel Chair: FBI, DOJ Obstructing Trump Probe in Hope of Dem Takeover in Congress.

The chair of the House Intelligence Committee accused the FBI and Department of Justice of stonewalling a sprawling investigation into claims the Trump campaign colluded with Russia with the hope of running out the clock until the November elections, when they anticipate Democrats will regain control of the House and dissolve an ongoing probe that […]

Homeschooling: The Best Hope for America’s Future.

A 7 year old in 2nd grade came home and said, “Mom, Dad, guess what. Our teacher read us the funniest book. It was so silly. It was about a prince who was getting married, but he didn’t marry a princess. He married a prince! Isn’t that so silly Mom?” The book read to the […]

The Nuclear Option — Collapsing News Network: CNN, MSM Hope Raunchy Sex Scandal Ends Trump.

First they tried to beat him at the polls. They lost miserably. Then they unleashed America’s most powerful and penetrating espionage apparatus against him at the height of the presidential campaign. And got caught red-handed. Once he assumed the White House, they tried beating him with a sprawling federal investigation into “Russia collusion” — only to […]

White House Losing Hope Hicks.

White House communications director Hope Hicks is leaving the White House, after serving President Donald Trump for the first 13 months of his administration. The news was first reported by the New York Times. Hicks was working for Trump before he decided to run for president, but transitioned easily into campaign political communications and ultimately […]

Roy Moore and the Triumph of Hope Over Money

The campaign of Roy Moore was overwhelmed by a flood of GOP Establishment political cash, but it was not defeated. Millions were squandered in an effort to beat back Moore, but in the end it was the GOP Establishment that was vanquished. The full accounting of how much money was spent in the attempt to […]

Missouri Democrat: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’

She deleted the comment, but the Internet is forever. A Democratic state lawmaker in Missouri posted a now-deleted comment on Facebook expressing hope that the president would be assassinated. It all started with a post from Missouri Democrat State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal on her personal Facebook page, where she voiced her disgust at President Trump […]

Reports: Hope Hicks To Become White House Communications Director

Well, there’s been a lot of turnover at the White House communications office. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was the first to helm the office, and then Michael Dubke took over for less than 100 days, which reverted back to Spicer for a bit, and finally the tumultuous ten-day tenure of Anthony Scaramucci. Scaramucci’s […]

Trump Has Message For Michelle Obama After She Said There’s No Hope

President-elect Donald Trump said Michelle Obama didn’t mean “it the way it came out” when she said that under Trump “now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like.” During a thank you rally in Mobile, Ala. Saturday, Trump stood out in pouring rain and explained to the crowd of thousands gathered what he thought […]

Trump On Hillary: ‘I Hope She Gets Well Soon. I Don’t Know What’s Going On’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reacted to Hillary Clinton’s health issues by saying Monday: “I hope she gets well soon. I don’t know what’s going on.” Trump was silent on Sunday as news broke that the Democratic presidential nominee passed out and was rushed out of a 9-11 memorial service in New York. Her campaign later […]

Trump’s Message of Hope, Growth and Glory

Republican nominee Donald Trump delivered a message of hope to Americans on the campaign trail yesterday in a major economic policy speech that ought to finally make Hillary Clinton’s campaign management team break out in a cold sweat. Trump is no Ronald Reagan but some of the Gipper’s legendary optimism oozed out of the candidate […]

Trump’s Home Run Speech Delivers Compassion and Hope

Our corrupt and wildly out of touch media is already running with its well-coordinated “Trump’s Dark Speech” narrative. But when you live in the Emerald City of DC or Manhattan or their respective suburbs and America is going your way by increasing the size of central government, allowing the mentally ill (transgenders) into your daughter’s […]

“Hope and Change” Becomes “Death and Destruction”

President Barack Obama laid the groundwork for the Black Lives Matter movement in his first term when he said that the Cambridge, Massachusetts police “acted stupidly” after an African-American professor was arrested in his own home. It turned out the white policeman was protecting the home from what he thought was a burglary. Although the […]

Ted Cruz: Our Last, Best Hope

America needs something better than a feedback loop for popular resentment. We need a real leader. America’s elite is arrogant and corrupt, but the state of the American people is just as alarming. America had 90% adult literacy in 1790, when only half of Englishmen and a fifth of Spaniards and Italians could sign their […]

Benghazi Victim’s Mother: ‘Special Place In Hell’ For People Like Hillary, “I Hope She Enjoys It There’ – VIDEO

Patricia Smith, whose son Sean was killed in the 2012 terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, responded to Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s statement about her being “absolutely wrong” by saying there’s “a special place in hell” for people like Clinton “and I hope she enjoys it there” […]

Carson Slams CNN: ‘At Some Point I Hope We Have Some Responsible Media’ On Immigration [VIDEO]

GOP presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson had some choice words for the media and their coverage of immigration. Appearing on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” fill-in host Jim Acosta asked Carson about reports that he had called for “drone strikes” along the southern border. Acosta asked, “You said that the United States should consider using drone strikes […]

Hope and Change in Obama’s Cuba: 2 days after U.S. opens embassy, over 200 dissidents violently arrested

Less than 48 hours after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shunned Cuban dissidents from the U.S. Embassy in Havana, over 200 dissidents have been arrested. In Havana, 60 members of The Ladies in White, the renowned pro-democracy group composed of the wives, mothers and daughters of Cuban political prisoners, were arrested — along with […]
