July 26, 2024

Over 200 inactive oil, gas wells plugged in New Mexico

Land managers in one of the top oil and gas producing states in the U.S. have plugged more than 200 inactive wells on state trust lands. The work has resulted in a nearly 20% decrease in the number of abandoned wells on state trust lands. The state has saved taxpayers at least $20 million in […]

Republican Lawmakers Raise Questions over $200 Million Park Service Grant to Pelosi’s District 

National Park Service (NPS) Director Chuck Sams told Congress that President Joe Biden’s Interior Department ordered him to transfer $2srcsrc million in federal funding to a park in Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) district, drawing increased scrutiny by House Republicans. Last week, Sams reportedly told Congress that Interior Department Fish and Wildlife and Parks Assistant Secretary

200 Companies Oppose Voter ID Laws–Many Require IDs for Use of Service

Two hundred corporations issued a joint statement opposing election integrity legislation similar to Georgia’s recently passed voter ID law, while many require identification to use their services. The signed letter includes PayPal, Major League Baseball (MLB), United Airlines, Microsoft, Uber, and Cisco, who called on “elected leaders in every state capitol and in Congress to work across…

Reports: Nearly 200 National Guard Members Test Positive for COVID-19

Nearly 200 National Guard members who deployed to Washington, DC, after a riot at the Capitol and in advance of the inauguration, have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are quarantining in nearby hotels, according to reports. Politico reported Friday that more than a hundred National Guard members have tested positive for COVID-19 and several…

Palestinian fury as Trump admin cuts $200 million in aid.

The Islamic University of Gaza (credit: Mo7aisen). The Palestinian Authority and Hamas have suspended talks with the U.S. in the wake of the opening of our Jerusalem embassy, but money still talks.  The Trump administration has just used a funding cut as a way of telling them that their old strategy isn’t working anymore.  Both governing bodies.  But rest […]

CNN And MSNBC Say ‘Impeachment’ Over 200 Times In Just One Day.

Anchors and pundits on cable news networks CNN and MSNBC uttered the word “impeachment” 222 times in just 18 hours on Wednesday. Talking heads on the respective networks went apocalyptic over news of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort being convicted of financial crimes and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to campaign finance […]

Hillary Clinton Claims There Have Been ‘Over 230’ School Shootings Since 2012 — She’s Off By About 200

Hillary Clinton tweeted out a misleading statistic in the aftermath of the deadly school shooting this week in Florida. Clinton tweeted a claim that there have been “over 230” school shootings since the Sandy Hook shooting, which occurred in 2012. The statistic comes from the gun control group Everytown. The statistic is misleading because it […]

Nearly 200 Dems Vote Against Bill to Protect Babies Who Survive Abortions.

Friday marks the 45th March for Life in Washington, D.C. Tens of thousands of pro-life activists have arrived in the nation’s capital to defend the rights of unborn children. What better day to pass a piece of legislation that protects those precious lives. PASSED: The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. All life is worthy of […]

Democrats Kill Off Trump Super-Rally: Announce NO BUDGET DEAL Without DACA Amnesty – Market Plunges 200 Points!

The Dow Jones broke 25,000 for the first time on January 4, 2018. It’s been only seven days and the Dow Jones just broke 26,000 on Tuesday! But all of that changed today at 2:00 PM. Democrat Whip Steny Hoyer announced they would be no budget deal this week without DREAMER Amnesty. Hoyer tweeted this […]

Over 200 Killed in Egypt Mosque Attack; UPDATE: Trump Renews Call for Travel Ban.

Massacre: More than 200 Killed in Egypt Mosque Attack UPDATE: On Twitter, President Trump renewed calls for a travel ban after the terror attack in Egypt. Will be calling the President of Egypt in a short while to discuss the tragic terrorist attack, with so much loss of life. We have to get TOUGHER AND […]

Trump administration crackdown on MS-13 gang nets more than 200 arrests.

More than 200 MS-13 gang members were arrested in a major sweep called “Operation Raging Bull,” the Trump administration announced Thursday.  (Reuters) Underscoring its promise earlier this year to crack down on a brutal gang, the Trump adminstration on Thursday announced the arrests of dozens of members of MS-13. “Operation Raging Bull,” conducted Oct. 8-Nov. […]

Las Vegas shooting: At least 50 dead, more than 200 injured in massacre

A gunman turned a Las Vegas concert into a killing field Sunday night, murdering at least 50 people and injuring more than 200 others in the deadliest mass shooting in modern United States history. The suspect, who was killed, was identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, a local resident. Authorities also said they were “confident” Paddock’s […]

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO – Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Paid $200 For Me to Abort His Baby

NEW YORK — In a rare exclusive interview, Gennifer Flowers, who says she had a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton, opened up about what she described as the experience of having an abortion after she says she found out she was pregnant with Clinton’s child. Flowers stated that Clinton personally paid $200 for the abortion […]

200 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President

According to many political commentators, there is simply no contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. While Clinton may be a flawed candidate, Donald Trump is, on the other hand, “manifestly unfit.” They bolster these claims with listicles of hundreds of supposedly disqualifying things that Trump has said or done throughout his time in public […]

Guccifer 2.0 Hacks Personal Information of 200 Democratic Politicians

The hacker known as Guccifer 2.0 posted the personal information, including email addresses and cell phone numbers, of nearly 200 Democratic politicians on his website. The hacker claims the information was stolen from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Wall Street Journal: The hacker, or group of hackers, going by the name “Guccifer 2.0” said the […]

More than 200 Marines were stranded, look what Trump did

Like searching for needles in a haystack, the media is combing through Donald Trump’s past for anything even remotely negative that hasn’t yet surfaced. It’s a shame for journalists that they’re mostly leftists; their jobs would be easier if they chose to dig into Hillary’s past. While they dig for negative bits in Trump’s past, […]

More than 200 retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran deal

The number of retired generals and admirals signing on to a letter to Congress rejecting the Iran nuclear deal continued to swell Thursday, with some 214 of the former high-level U.S. military officers putting their stamp on the document that asserts the “agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous” and “introduce new threats […]

Hope and Change in Obama’s Cuba: 2 days after U.S. opens embassy, over 200 dissidents violently arrested

Less than 48 hours after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shunned Cuban dissidents from the U.S. Embassy in Havana, over 200 dissidents have been arrested. In Havana, 60 members of The Ladies in White, the renowned pro-democracy group composed of the wives, mothers and daughters of Cuban political prisoners, were arrested — along with […]

Here Are the Rest of America’s More Than 200 Sanctuary Cities

Kate Steinle’s murder in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant who had multiple felonies on his record and had been deported five times is, sadly, a recurring problem in our society; and one that far too often gets swept under the rug. When asked by a reporter whether he kept coming back to San Francisco […]

Nearly 200 Cuban Dissidents Arrested, Nobody Cares #ThanksObama

In Havana, four dozen members of The Ladies in White were arrested as they attended Sunday Mass. Also arrested were male supporters, including democracy leaders Antonio Rodiles, Angel Moya and independent journalist Juan Gonzalez Febles. In Santiago, over 80 activists of the Cuban Patriotic Union (UNPACU) were beaten and arrested, including some who had been […]
