July 26, 2024

U.S., South Korea, Japan Announce ‘Regular’ Trilateral Military Exercises in Biden Summit

The trilateral summit between the United States, South Korea, and Japan at Camp David, Maryland, on Friday produced several joint statements reaffirming the commitment of the three free nations to stand for Taiwan’s freedom, denuclearize North Korea, keep the Indo-Pacific free, and support human rights. The statement issued on Friday by President Joe Biden, South

Hornets announce LaMelo Ball suffered fractured right ankle vs. Pistons

The Charlotte Hornets announced that star point guard LaMelo Ball suffered a fractured right ankle against the Detroit Pistons on Monday night.  The injury was an odd one, as Ball was handling his dribble on the perimeter and didn’t make any contact with a Pistons player. However, when he planted to assess the defense again, […]

Flyer Purporting to Announce Rep. Gosar Fundraiser with Racist Holocaust Denier Sparks Uproar

An alleged announcement of a fundraiser for Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) with a person with a history of antisemitic and white nationalist comments has caused an uproar across the political spectrum. The document, with the appearance of a campaign flyer from Gosar’s reelection campaign, shows an image of the congressman and a man named Nick…

Los Angeles County Officials Announce Three Week Stay-at-Home Order

Los Angeles County announced Friday a temporary stay at home order effective Monday that urges residents to avoid being with people not in their household. “The temporary order will be in place for three weeks through Dec. 20 and will allow essential and emergency workers, and those securing or providing essential and permitted services, to…

Texas, Arizona announce troop deployments to Mexico border.

Washington (AFP) – The US states of Texas and Arizona on Friday announced plans to send National Guard troops to the southern border with Mexico after President Donald Trump ordered a thousands-strong deployment to combat drug trafficking and illegal immigration. The Texas National Guard said it would send 250 troops to the border within 72 […]

Democrats Announce Plan to Protect US Elections: Does Not include Voter ID, Includes Move to Soros-Linked Voting Machines.

House Democrats produced their report and plan on how to protect future US elections. They proudly posted their plan on the Government website. They did not mention if the Pakistani Awan brothers and wives helped them with their report. The Democrats based their analysis on the flawed premise that the Russians helped President Trump win […]

Democrats Kill Off Trump Super-Rally: Announce NO BUDGET DEAL Without DACA Amnesty – Market Plunges 200 Points!

The Dow Jones broke 25,000 for the first time on January 4, 2018. It’s been only seven days and the Dow Jones just broke 26,000 on Tuesday! But all of that changed today at 2:00 PM. Democrat Whip Steny Hoyer announced they would be no budget deal this week without DREAMER Amnesty. Hoyer tweeted this […]

FRANKENSTEIN STRIKES: More Companies Announce Bonuses, Wage Increases and Expansion, Thanks to Tax Reform.

If this destructive misery continues apace, I’m not sure there will be a single American still alive by the end of the holiday season.  You’ve heard the terrible news about Boeing, Fifth Third Comcast, Wells Fargo, AT&T — all of which are celebrating passage of the tax reform bill by some combination of paying out […]

Companies Praise Tax Bill, Announce Plans to Reinvest in Workers.

“Today” show host Savannah Guthrie accused Speaker Paul Ryan of living in a “fantasy world” this morning because he believes the GOP tax bill will lead to higher wages and significant economic growth. Well, it looks like that fantasy has become a reality. Since the bill passed the Senate (and re-passed the House), multiple corporations […]

FAR LEFT PROTESTERS Announce Plans to Shut Down Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

Far left protesters announced on Thursday at a press conference that their goal next week is to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Protesters from Disrupt J20 have several events organized to disrupt the Trump Inauguration next week. The group announced several activities next week including protesting the DeploraBall on Thursday night and numerous protests […]


In a move that Georgia Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp and others are describing as a major federal overreach, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is designating U.S. election systems critical infrastructure, a process previously handled on a state-by-state basis. Johnson said Friday that “Given the vital role elections play in this country, it is […]

Obama to Announce SCOTUS Pick UPDATED: It’s Merrick Garland

UPDATE: Politico is reporting the pick is Merrick Garland. President Obama will announce his pick to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court this morning. The announcement is scheduled to take place at 11 a.m. ET, but it will more likely happen closer to 11:30 a.m. ET because Obama is always late. “I’ve made […]


With time running out for his presidency, President Obama is hurrying to issue another executive order further infringing on Americans’ Second Amendment-guaranteed rights. It’s taken longer than expected, as the Obama administration and its friends in the gun-control movement have had to work around existing law and find areas where they can impose those additional […]


President Barack Obama is expected to announce in the coming days a new executive action with the goal of expanding background checks on gun sales, people familiar with White House planning said. Described as “imminent,” the set of executive actions would fulfill a promise by the President to take further unilateral steps the White House […]

Obama to Announce the ‘Biggest, Most Important Step We’ve Ever Taken’ on Climate Change — Here’s What It Means for Your Energy Bill

WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — President Barack Obama is mandating even steeper greenhouse gas cuts from U.S. power plants than previously expected, while granting states more time and broader options to comply. The tweaks to Obama’s unprecedented emissions limits on power plants, to be unveiled at the White House on Monday, aim to address a bevy of […]
