May 7, 2024

FAR LEFT PROTESTERS Announce Plans to Shut Down Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

Far left protesters announced on Thursday at a press conference that their goal next week is to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

Protesters from Disrupt J20 have several events organized to disrupt the Trump Inauguration next week.

The group announced several activities next week including protesting the DeploraBall on Thursday night and numerous protests on Inauguration Day.

Via NTK Network:

NTK reported:

#DisruptJ20 organizer Legba Carrefour said Thursday that #DisruptJ20 members were “not in favor of the peaceful transition of power.”

The left-wing protest organization, #DisruptJ20, met Thursday to announce its intentions and plans to obstruct the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20. The group’s website reads: “We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies. If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over.”

“We need to stop the peaceful transition of power,” Carrefour said at a press conference at St. Stephen’s Church in Washington, DC. “We need to stop this kind of fascist government from coming to power.”
