July 27, 2024

Israel Faces ‘Color Revolution’ as Opposition Protests, Gantz Wants New Elections

Israel faces the prospect of a U.S.-backed “color revolution” in the middle of its war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza as the opposition backs street protests against government, and a key cabinet minister has demanded new elections. A “color revolution” is a coup d’état accomplished through mass protests targeting the existing government, elected or not

Breitbart Business Digest: A Tax Day Reminder That Elections Matter

Tax Day Cometh
 We made it, fam! It’s another Tax Day. For some, April 15 is a day that can fill an American citizen with pride. It shouldn’t. Your money is almost certainly getting squandered by the federal government in ways both well known and mysterious. (If you need examples, see Breitbart.com literally any day

EU Illegal Migration to Continue to Increase in 2024, Will Play Major Factor in Parliament Elections: Report

Illegal migration into the EU will rise in 2024 despite promises of ‘cracking down’ from politicians and will be a major factor in upcoming elections, a think tank predicted. This week, the Frontex European Border and Coast Guard Agency reported that recorded illegal migration into the EU hit its highest level since 2016 during the

How a flood of congressional retirements is rocking the 2024 elections

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s decision not to seek reelection almost certainly means his party will lose the West Virginia Senate seat he’s held since winning a special election in 2src1src. | Anna Rose Layden/Getty Images A surge of lawmakers calling it quits the past three weeks is on the verge of putting Congress on pace

Virginia legislative elections seen as a key 2024 bellwether

The polls have closed in Virginia, where the battle for control of the state government has grabbed outsized national attention. Unlike Kentucky and Mississippi, there’s no gubernatorial or any other statewide contests in Virginia. But the legislative elections in the Commonwealth may end up being the marquee ballot box showdown on Tuesday. National Democrats and […]

Right-Wing Populists Set for Large Gains in EU Parliamentary Elections

Polling has projected populist and conservative-leaning blocs to make significant gains in the next European Union parliamentary elections, as support for centrist parties wanes in the wake of growing discontent over failures on immigration and the green agenda. A review of national polling figures conducted by the POLITICO website has predicted that next June’s European

Greece’s conservatives win landslide victory in elections

Greece’s conservative New Democracy party won a landslide victory in Sunday elections, handing its leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis a second term as prime minister.  New Democracy’s win in Greece’s second election in five weeks inflicted a stinging defeat on their main rivals, the left-wing Syriza party. Kyriakos Mitsotakis leader of center-right New Democracy, center, arrives at […]

Former Trump campaign staffer subpoenaed by DOJ is now working for House committee on elections

The House Administration Committee has broad jurisdiction over elections — from campaign finance law to voting rights and election administration. | Charlie Riedel/AP Photo A former Trump campaign staffer who was subpoenaed by the Department of Justice as part of its investigation into the plot to overturn the 2src2src election, is currently serving on the

McCarthy: If GOP Plays Games in Speaker Elections, Dems ‘Could End Up Picking Who the Speaker Is’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Monday on Newsmax TV’s “Spicer & Co.” that if Republican members “play games,” the Democrats may end up picking the next House speaker. Anchor Sean Spicer said, “We’ve had a couple of these folks that say that they won’t vote for you on the show. When we ask

McCarthy, Emmer get House GOP nods during rift-ridden leadership elections

Emmer’s win also shatters a perceived conference curse: That NRCC chairs can’t move to higher roles in leadership, despite successful results at the ballot boxes. His victory at the closed conference meeting followed a 188-31 vote by House Republicans to nominate GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy for speaker over challenger Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), whose candidacy

Pinkerton: Two Silver Linings of the 2022 Midterm Elections 

There’s no point in beating around the bush: The Democrats had a good midterm.  They won a Senate seat in Pennsylvania, and if they hold on to their seat in Georgia, they will end up plus one in the Senate (and if they lose Georgia, they still keep their majority with the vice president as

Top Senate Republicans push forward amid calls to delay leadership elections

But the election may be different this time. In addition to the trio circulating the letter, Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) also want to delay the elections. Hawley says he will vote against McConnell as leader, and Senator-elect Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) has said the Senate

Elon Musk’s Twitter to Delay Verification Changes Until After Midterm Elections

Elon Musk’s Twitter will reportedly delay changes to its verification system until after the upcoming midterm elections. The New York Times reports that according to an internal post viewed by the publication and confirmed by two sources familiar with the decision, Twitter is delaying the rollout of its $8 monthly subscription service verifications until after Tuesday’s midterm

‘Bibi Is Back!’: Exit Polls Show Netanyahu With Majority Bloc in Israeli Elections

Exit polls predicted Tuesday evening that former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be able to form a majority bloc and return to power in a new coalition government, according to Israeli news sources. Netanyahu’s party, the Likud, looked set to be the largest party, with other parties on the right winning enough seats to join…

Radical Democrat Priorities in Biden’s First 100 Days: Packing Courts, Amnesty, Reparations, Federalizing Elections, DC Statehood, Banning Electoral College

The Democrats have proposed, within President Joe Biden’s first 100 days, radical initiatives contrary to Biden’s “back to normalcy” campaign sold to the American people. Accordingly, the Democrats have introduced the following radical initiatives: Packing the courts, amnesty, reparations, federalized elections, D.C. statehood, and banning the Electoral College. These radical ideas and proposals run counter to what Biden said during…

Georgia Elections Official Sterling: Media That ‘Criticized and Examined’ Every Trump Claim, Accepts Claims by Biden, Abrams ‘At Face Value’

During an interview with the “Fox News Rundown” podcast released on Thursday, Gabriel Sterling, the Chief Operating Officer for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office criticized many in the mainstream media, “who criticized and examined every claim of President Trump, takes similar claims from this president and Stacey Abrams and accepts it at face value.”…

Heres’s How Louisiana’s Special Elections Went

Louisiana voters in the state’s 2nd and 5th Congressional Districts went to the polls Saturday in the first two federal elections since the Georgia Senate runoffs. In the solidly-Democratic 2nd District, state Sens. Troy Carter and Karen Carter Peterson (no relation) had 36.1% and 23%, respectively, when the race was called and will advance to…

Democrat-Led House Passes H.R.1, Aimed to Federalize U.S. Elections

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed H.R. 1, otherwise known as the “For the People Act,” which Republicans warn will compromise election integrity and ultimately lead to the federalization of U.S. elections. The Democrat-led House passed the legislation on party lines, 220 to 210. A summary of the bill notes that it “expands voter registration…

Report of a Hack Attack of Our Elections from Rome

Now that even Fox News can’t be trusted to report the truth, some Americans are looking to journalists in other countries to inform them of what’s really going on. There’s an “affidavit” floating around purporting to be evidence of election theft. Report of a hack attack from Rome News about the scandal has been circulating […]

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Formally Introduce Resolution to Dispute 2020 Elections Results

Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania on Monday introduced a resolution to dispute the results of the 2020 election. The text of the resolution, first previewed in a memo on Nov. 27, states that the executive and judicial branches of the Keystone State’s government usurped the legislature’s constitutional power to set the rules of the election. […]

Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator

This year Tarrant County turned blue for the first time since the 1960s. Heider Garcia is the Tarrant County Elections Administrator. He was hired in 2018. He previously worked for Smartmatic for 12 years. He received his engineering degree in Venezuela in 2003. In 2010, He testified during a fraud investigation into the Smartmatic software […]

About 73% Biden Vote Margin Gain in PA from Areas Given $18 Million by Zuckerberg-Funded ‘Safe Elections’ Project

Seventy-three percent of Joe Biden’s 126,649 vote margin gain in Pennsylvania, compared to Hillary Clinton’s performance in 2016, came from the seven counties and one city in Pennsylvania that received more than $18 million from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) “safe elections” project. The CTCL provided more than $18 million…

Exclusive — House to Vote on McCarthy Resolution Admonishing Cities for Allowing Illegal Aliens to Vote in Local Elections.

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote next week on a resolution offered by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy that admonishes U.S. cities for allowing illegal aliens to vote in local elections, as has been confirmed to Breitbart News exclusively. The measure, which Democrats are expected to oppose, in two pages states that it is […]

Trump’s New Executive Order Is a Positive Step for Securing Elections.

President Donald Trump’s new executive order allowing the sanctioning of foreign individuals attempting to influence American elections is a necessary step in the right direction, but more can be done. The Heritage Foundation consistently recommends pushing back against nation-state actors who use cyber and other means to attack American interests. This new executive order is […]

White House: Impeaching Trump a ‘Sad Attempt’ by Democrats to Win Elections.

The White House responded to speculation Wednesday from the establishment media and Democrats that President Donald Trump could be impeached after his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, entered a plea deal with federal prosecutors. “The idea of an impeachment is, frankly, a sad attempt by Democrats. It’s the only message they seem to have going into […]

Omarosa vs. Trump: All about the midterm elections

Candidly, folks, I have not paid much attention to the Omarosa-Trump soap opera.  For the past few weeks, my wife Mary and I have been in Arizona with the Conservative Campaign Committee, intensely campaigning for Dr. Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate.  August 28 is the primary election. This may sound surprising coming from a black guy, but I […]

Limbaugh: Dems Using Russia Meddling ‘to Eventually Get Rid of Elections’

Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh argued the hype over Russian meddling in U.S. elections was an effort by the Democratic Party “to eventually get rid of elections.” Limbaugh said, “You realize as far as many Americans are concerned, every election going forward is not to be tainted depending on […]

What you need to know about Tuesday’s elections.

Tuesday’s primaries in Virginia, South Carolina, Nevada and Maine, as well as a special election in Wisconsin, have offered some hints as to what might be expected in November’s pivotal midterm elections. Not all of the races have been called as of early Wednesday morning — Maine’s experiment with ranked-choice balloting will delay the results there for […]

Rush Limbaugh: Democrats Have Done More to Damage Elections Than Vladimir Putin Could in His Dreams! (VIDEO)

Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper said Thursday evening on CNN it’s a good thing the Deep State FBI was spying on Trump’s camp. This is after he initially denied the Intelligence Community was spying on Donald Trump. The Deep State liars have gone from complete denial to celebrating the illegal spying. As reported earlier […]

Facebook Plans to Interfere in Elections — Around World!

Facebook Partners with Globalist Atlantic Council to Interfere in Elections Around the World Facebook has partnered with the Atlantic Council, whose members include arch-globalists like Henry Kissinger and Dina Powell, to “protect free and fair elections around the world.” Facebook announced earlier today that the Atlantic Council will provide it with “real-time insights and updates […]
