July 27, 2024

Austin Bombings: Here’s What You Need To Know.

A string of deadly package bombs has Austin on edge as authorities ramp up efforts to locate the bomber, including activating hundreds of officers and federal agents, increasing the reward for information and issuing a public appeal to the bomber. Below is the latest on the developments in the Austin bombing case. The bombing Sunday […]

Egypt’s Coptic Christians Cancel Easter Celebrations After Palm Sunday Bombings

Churches in southern Egypt have canceled Easter Sunday celebrations in order to mourn the victims of dual suicide attacks on Palm Sunday. Dozens of worshipers were killed.   Christians in the region have been under attack by ISIS in recent years, suffering more than 40 attacks. According to the State Department, ISIS is waging a […]

44 Dead, Over 100 Injured: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Palm Sunday Dual Suicide Bombings Against Egyptian Coptic Christians

Egyptian authorities report that at least 44 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured in dual suicide bombing attacks against Egypt’s besieged Coptic Christian community. The explosions occurred as Christians joined together in prayer to commemorate the birth of Christ on Palm Sunday. Reuters reports: The first bombing, in Tanta, a Nile […]

Keith Ellison’s Saudi Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Jihadi Cleric, Bank That Funds Jihad Homicide Bombings

Keith Ellison should be the head of the DNC, because this is what they stand for. This is what they’re all about. They could have no more fitting front man. “Keith Ellison’s Saudi Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings,” by Brent Scher, Washington Free Beacon, November 29, 2016: Rep. […]

Giuliani: De Blasio’s Response to Bombings Proves He’s From Mars

Rudy Giuliani had some harsh criticism for the man who currently holds his old job title in New York. Mayor Bill de Blasio, Giuliani said in an interview with Circa, had no idea what he was doing after refusing to refer to this weekend’s string of bombings in New York and New Jersey as terrorism. In his initial […]

Obama to Speak at Baltimore Mosque Where Imam Condoned Suicide Bombings

President Obama is set to speak next week at a mosque which was led for over a decade by an Imam who justified suicide bombings in some circumstances and who helped found a mosque with ties to Al Qaeda. The President will visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday and deliver remarks there, the White […]

1 Year Later: US Bombings Fail to Weaken Islamic State; IS Has Over 20,000 Fighters, $360M

A year after the United States started its campaign to attack Islamic State positions in Iraq and Syria, there is little change in the numeric strength of the terror group or its ability to execute terror attacks, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. “We’ve seen no meaningful degradation in their numbers,” an anonymous defense official told […]
