July 26, 2024

Obama, Clapper were briefed on reports of Clinton campaign’s Russia collusion narrative, Durham report shows

Former President Barack Obama and his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, were both briefed in 2016 on reports that then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton planned to vilify Donald Trump by claiming he was colluding with Russia to win the election, according to the final report from Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the original Trump-Russia […]

John Durham Dismisses A Laundry List Of Dems’ Trump-Russia Collusion Claims One By One

Special Counsel John Durham directly refuted claims by Democratic Congressmen that there was evidence former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, according to his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Durham was asked by Republican Rep. Kevin Kiley of California about accusations made by Democratic Reps. Jerry Nadler of

Russia collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on dossier before surveillance warrant.

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign. Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from […]

Collusion? Coincidence? The First and Third Kavanaugh Accusers Have Something in Common.

You don’t have to be a detective to see what’s going on here with Judge Brett Kavanaugh. President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee has been engulfed in controversy, as multiple women have lobbed sexual misconduct allegations against him. They’re serious allegations, but they’re also without evidence or corroborating witnesses. The New York Times has been unable […]

Bob Woodward: I Looked For Two Years…There’s No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion.

The Washington Post’sBob Woodward is out with Fear, a comprehensive insight into the inner workings and machinations of the Trump White House. CNN and MSNBC loved it, especially all the gossip about the infighting, calling the president names, the lack of respect, and the supposed chaos that reigns within the halls of the Trump White House. […]

Woodward: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion.

The Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward arrives at Trump Tower in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2017. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Bob Woodward, whose bestselling anti-Trump book Fear has got Washington tongues wagging, told talk show host Hugh Hewitt on Friday that despite looking “hard” for two years, he could find no evidence of collusion between […]

Senate Intel Chairman Burr: 19 Months Into Investigation, Still No Evidence of Russian Collusion.

Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee Richard Burr once again came out and defended President Trump against Russia witch hunt. Burr, no ally of the President said on Wednesday in a FOX News interview that 19 months into the investigation and he has seen no evidence that Donald Trump […]

Russian Oligarch And Putin Pal Admits To Collusion, Secret Meetings

Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a close associate of Vladimir Putin, has gone on record with The Hill‘s John Solomon – admitting to colluding with Americans leading up to the 2016 US election, except it might not be what you’re thinking. Deripaska, rumored to be Donald Trump’s “back channel” to Putin via the Russian’s former association […]

President Trump Responds to Manafort Conviction “Nothing to do With Russian Collusion” (VIDEO)

“NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIAN COLLUSION” – President Trump President Trump responded Tuesday afternoon after a jury found his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort guilty on 8 felony counts. The President spoke to the press shortly after he landed in Charleston, West Virginia as he headed to his rally. “It doesn’t involve me but I […]

BOOM: THE REAL RUSSIA COLLUSION CONSPIRACY! The FBI, DOJ and DNC All Sought Dirt on Trump from Former MI6 Agent Steele While He Was Being Paid By Russians!

The DNC, FBI and the DOJ all sought dirt on Presidential candidate and then President Donald J. Trump.  They were willing to work with UK MI6 Agent Christopher Steele who was also working with Russians at the same time.  This is the real Russia Collusion story. Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele was all over the […]

Brennan, the Spooks, and Russian Collusion.

The FBI is being held accountable for its role in spy operations against the Trump campaign. John Brennan’s CIA should be held accountable as well. An editorial by Holman Jenkins in the Wall Street Journal on June 29, 2018 recommends an investigation of the CIA’s involvement in the 2016 election, and I agree. The WSJ’s […]

‘Collusion’ Fail: Trump Slaps Even More Sanctions On Russia; Russia Issues Snarky Response.

“Let us welcome the United Sanctions of America!” All that “collusion” really hasn’t paid off for Russia, which has once again been slapped with more sanctions by the Trump administration, this time for trying to poison a former spy and his daughter. If Russia doesn’t satisfy certain demands over the next few months, even more […]

FBI Launched Investigation Two Years Ago — Still No Collusion Found.

It has been two full years since the FBI formally launched its investigation into the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, but it has yet to find any evidence of collusion with Russia. The collusion theory was first floated in the media by Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, on July 24, 2016, two days […]

Exclusive–Gregg Jarrett: ‘Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax’ a Scheme to Clear Hillary, Undo Election.

Fox News Channel legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, author of The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump, described the “Trump-Russia collusion” as “an effort to undo the election.” He offered his remarks during a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Breitbart News Senior Editors-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and […]

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: A Short History Of Democrat-Spy Collusion

Who what where when why? The desiderata school teachers drill into their charges trying to master effective writing skills apply also in the effort to understand that byzantine drama known to the world as the Trump-Russia-collusion investigation. Let’s start with “when.” When did it start? We know that the FBI opened its official investigation on […]

Real Russian Collusion the Dems and MSM Ignore.

Robert Mueller’s politicized investigation into allegations that President Trump or the Trump campaign or some Trump associate somehow colluded with Russians continues unproven but unabated. Many think partisan politics ensure it will not be concluded or terminated before the fall 2018 elections. Federal District Court Judge T. S. Ellis may have rebuked Mueller for attempting […]

Trump Shreds Special Prosecutor Over Leaked List: ‘No Questions On Collusion’

A list of questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly wants to ask President Trump leaked out in less than a day, provided to The New York Times by “a person outside Mr. Trump’s legal team,” the Times says. The questions are run of the mill and vague, or as the Times breathlessly puts it, […]

Judicial Watch Finds New Classified Emails, Others Confirm Collusion Between State Department and Clinton Foundation.

Government watchdog Judicial Watch has found a series of new emails belonging to former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that contain classified information. They were stored on her unsecured server. Further, they show collusion between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. Out of 281 pages of new emails, ten contain classified information and “appear […]

DESPERATION: DNC Files Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Russia, Trump Campaign for Collusion.

The Democratic National Committee is suing the Russian government, the Trump campaign, and WikiLeaks for allegedly disrupting the 2016 campaign, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to keep a collusion narrative going ahead of November mid-term elections. The multi-million dollar lawsuit comes just one week after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reportedly told […]

House Intelligence Committee Completes Russia Probe: ‘No Evidence of Collusion’ Between Trump Campaign, Russians.

The House Intelligence Committee has found there was no evidence of collusion by the Trump campaign with Russians, according to a one-page summary of its findings released on Monday. “We have found no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” said the summary. The draft report, written by the […]

The Russian Collusion Story the Media Ignores.

Last week, a congressional committee released a jarring and persuasive report on Russian meddling in American politics. Despite a media feeding frenzy over anything tangentially connected to questions of Russian interference, this report went largely unnoticed. The U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s “Russia’s Social Media Meddling in U.S. Energy Markets” details Russian funding […]


The Schiff memo emerged at last on Saturday and President Trump called it a “total political and legal bust.” That charge was “ridiculous,” David French of National Review told Fox News, urging former FBI boss Robert Mueller to dig deeper and wider. While Democrats also support Mueller’s probe, they have been working three shifts to […]

Stop the ‘Trump Collusion’ Nonsense.

With the federal indictment issued Friday against the Internet Research Agency (IRA), we can finally end what has come to be known as “RussiaGate”: the involvement of Russian intelligence agencies in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the Wall Street Journal reports: The IRA’s opinion-influencing unit, set up in 2014 to exploit social media, had […]

‘No Collusion’ — Trump Declares Victory After Mueller Russia Indictments.

President Donald Trump reacted to the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russians for their attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. “The results of the election were not impacted,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “The Trump campaign did nothing wrong – no collusion!” The president also pointed out that Russia’s attempt to disrupt […]

Mueller Indictment: No Mention of ‘Collusion,’ Russians Posed as Americans to ‘Unwitting’ Trump Staffers.

TEL AVIV — Far from building the case for collusion, the indictment of Russian nationals and entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections documents a narrative that is far different from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign knowingly conspiring with Russia. The indictment was announced Friday by the Justice Department’s special counsel. The 37-page indictment […]

COLLUSION CRUMBLES: Mueller Targets Russians, Says Trump Team ‘Unwitting’

Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals Involved In Election Interference A federal grand jury issued indictments Friday for 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies suspected of interfering in the 2016 election, the special counsel’s office announced. According to the indictment, signed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Russian nationals began conspiring as early as 2014 to […]

Memo Released: Deep State/Media Collusion to Destroy Trump Exposed.

The FBI and DOJ used a news article published on Yahoo! News to bolster its case for surveillance of Trump campaign associate Carter Page, deliberately omitting or unaware that the information in the article had the same source as the infamous “dossier” itself, according to the House Intelligence Committee memo released Friday. If the memo’s […]

Source: Strzok Hadn’t Seen Evidence Of Collusion After 10 Months On Russia Probe.

After 10 months of leading the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, counterintelligence official Peter Strzok had not seen compelling evidence that President Trump or high-level campaign officials colluded with the Russian government, according to a person familiar with his thinking. That account comports with a May 19, 2017 text exchange between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that […]

For Real ‘Collusion,’ Look At Obama’s Dirty Dealings With Iran.

By now it should be readily apparent to all, even those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative is a spent force or as leftist political commentator Van Jones put it, “a big nothingburger.” Nearly a year has passed since the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller and not a scintilla of […]

‘PEOPLE WILL GO TO JAIL’: #ReleaseTheMemo Trends As Republicans Call For Releasing ‘SHOCKING’ Classified Memo Showing ‘FISA Abuses’ In Russian Collusion Investigation

On Thursday, Republican members of the House took to Twitter to call for the release of a classified intelligence memo they say could blow the lid off the Russian collusion investigation. House Intelligence Committee Republicans voted to make a classified report on FISA abuse available to House members, who could read the report behind closed […]
