February 7, 2025

Republicans Are Right to Demand a ‘Dirty’ Debt Limit Bill

President Biden portrays House Republicans as hostage-takers for demanding that deficit savings accompany any debt limit increase. He maintains that “clean” debt limit bills reflect typical Washington practice and that attaching new savings would set a dangerous new precedent that endangers future debt limit legislation.The president is entitled to his policy preference. But his position

Lance Reddick’s ‘John Wick: Chapter 4’ Farewell Does the Late Actor Dirty

Lance Reddick made everything better, whether co-starring as Baltimore police lieutenant Cedric Daniels in HBO’s The Wire, as Homeland Security special agent Phillip Broyles in Fox’s Fringe, or even as a variety of Albert Wexler clones in Netflix’s otherwise lame Resident Evil.A man of imposing stature whose deep, smooth voice exuded authority and menace in

Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War

Opening incriminating documents from the conflict up to the public could discourage Biden from escalating America’s role.How many Syrians did you vote to kill on Election Day? Thanks to our perverse political system, the answer will be revealed over the next four years if the Biden administration drags the U.S. back into the Syrian Civil…

Evidence Shows Dirty Rod Rosenstein is One of the Most Conflicted and Corrupt Officials in US History.

Rod Rosenstein by overseeing the Mueller “Witch Hunt”is the most conflicted individual in US history.  He created the memo recommending Comey be fired, he signed off on FISA warrant to spy on President Trump and he seriously discussed wiring himself and setting up the President.  Yet, in spite of these, he is the creator, overseer, […]

BREAKING: Dirty Cop Robert Mueller NEVER INTERVIEWED Bruce Ohr Despite Improper Role in FBI’s Trump Spying Scandal (VIDEO)

Investigative reporter John Solomon and Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday following the testimony of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees. John Solomon told Sean Hannity that from Ohr’s testimony today we now know that dirty cop Robert Mueller NEVER interviewed Bruce Ohr in his ongoing […]

Susan Rice Memo Implicates Obama, the DOJ and FBI in Spying on Opposition Candidate Trump – Using Dirty FISA Warrants.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. Rice wrote the email to herself on her last day in office to document a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting between President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former […]

For Real ‘Collusion,’ Look At Obama’s Dirty Dealings With Iran.

By now it should be readily apparent to all, even those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative is a spent force or as leftist political commentator Van Jones put it, “a big nothingburger.” Nearly a year has passed since the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller and not a scintilla of […]

Deafening Silence From Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey After New DOJ, FBI Investigations Launched.

Media was set ablaze this week after it was announced the DOJ reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation. The FBI is also investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible pay-to-play or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. It got worse for Comey… Fired FBI Director James Comey’s original Hillary Clinton statement was […]

Mueller’s Investigation is Unconstitutional – While Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey Walk Free… AG Sessions Needs to Go!

If Attorney General Sessions was doing his job, corrupt Hillary Clinton and disgraced former FBI Director James Comey would be in jail or in court, the entire Obama Administration would be under investigation for corruption and criminal activities, the leadership in the FBI and DOJ would be behind bars, and MS13 would be eliminated from […]

Paul Manfort Suing Dirty Cop Robert Mueller, DOJ and Rod Rosenstein.

Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort filed a civil lawsuit in a DC court Wednesday against Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and the Justice Department. The lawsuit alleges Mueller has gone outside of his scope as Special Counsel and the charges brought by Mueller have nothing to do with the 2016 presidential election. CNBC reported: “The […]

WATCH: Hillary Protected DWS for ‘Dirty Work’ Against Bernie

Monday on Fox New Channel’s “Hannity,” Peter Schweizer, the author of “Clinton Cash,” said presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton protected and promoted outgoing DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) for her “dirty work” as revealed by thousand of hacked emails released by Wikileaks which showed a bias against Clinton’s rival Sen. Bernie Sanders […]

The Iran Deal — a Corrupt and Dirty Game

The Obama administration, in its effort to forge a lasting foreign policy legacy, has not only forged what will most likely come to be regarded in the history books as the most perilous and feckless deal in the history of international treaties, but the way they have gone about it has shredded the very foundations […]
