July 27, 2024

BREAKING: Dirty Cop Robert Mueller NEVER INTERVIEWED Bruce Ohr Despite Improper Role in FBI’s Trump Spying Scandal (VIDEO)

Investigative reporter John Solomon and Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday following the testimony of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees. John Solomon told Sean Hannity that from Ohr’s testimony today we now know that dirty cop Robert Mueller NEVER interviewed Bruce Ohr in his ongoing […]

More Questions on Nellie Ohr – Was She Behind the Creation of the Fusion Dossier? And Did She Work for Fusion, the CIA and the FBI?

We reported on yesterday the all-out efforts to protect Nellie Ohr from being connected to the Spygate scandal. Was she the creator of the fake and slanderous Trump – Russia dossier and “the heart of our hunt for Red November?” As we reported yesterday, according to Zero Hedge, the head of opposition research firm Fusion […]

President Trump: Bruce Ohr is a Disgrace and I Might Take Away His Security Clearance ‘Very Quickly’

Speaking to reporters on the way to Marine One at the White House Friday morning, President Trump said he is prepared to strip demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr of his security clearance.”Bruce Ohr is a disgrace. I will be taking it away very quickly,” Trump said, adding his wife also made him a disgrace. Ohr […]

In Frantic Text To DOJ’s Bruce Ohr, Christopher Steele Hopes “Important Firewalls Will Hold”

In March, 2017, two days before former FBI Director James Comey testified to lawmakers that the bureau had an open counterintelligence investigation into President Trump’s campaign, former British spy Christopher Steele sent an urgent message to Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr hoping that “important firewalls will hold” when Comey testified. The text message from […]

Devin Nunes says ‘pay close attention’: Top Obama DOJ official Bruce Ohr will become ‘more and more important’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said on Monday that Bruce Ohr, a former top official in the Justice Department, will become “more and more important” as GOP lawmakers look for evidence of power abuse and corruption at the highest levels of the Obama administration. “I think people should pay close attention to it,” […]

Did FBI Violate Woods Procedures?… Title I FISA Surveillance

The biggest of all BIGGER story aspects to the HPSCI Memo, in the downstream coverage, has been entirely overlooked by all Main Stream Media. The Department of Justice FBI FISA request was for “Title I” surveillance authority; this is not some innocuous request for metadata exploration – the FBI said American citizen Carter Page was […]

GOP Lawmaker: Comey, McCabe & Ohr Should Be In PRISON For ‘Committing Fraud Upon FISA Court’

If Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), a former judge, had his way, ex-FBI Director James Comey, outgoing Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Justice Department official Bruce Ohr would be in prison. Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller reports: A FISA court judge has grounds to hold Department of Justice officials including Bruce Ohr in contempt of […]
