July 26, 2024

Carter Page Wants A Say At Sentencing Of Ex-FBI Lawyer Involved In FISA Abuse

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page hopes to speak at the upcoming sentencing for the former FBI lawyer who altered an email about him during the Crossfire Hurricane probe.  Page is also seeking restitution due to what he calls “malicious and intentional” crimes carried out by Clinesmith.  Clinesmith pleaded guilty on Aug. 19 to altering…

Confirmed: The Obama DOJ Had Secret Rules For Obtaining FISA Warrants Against Journalists.

This has been known for a while: the Obama Department of Justice has spied on journalists. They tracked James Rosen, formerly of Fox News. They seized the phone records from Associated Press reporters.  Now, The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and Freedom of the Press Foundation have released document showing that in 2015, […]

BREAKING: President Trump Orders Declassification of Some FISA Court Documents, All Texts From Russia Investigation.

After months of requests, President Trump declassified a number of FISA court documents late Monday afternoon and directed the relevant government agencies to release them to the public. “At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence […]

At long last, here come the declassified FISA warrants (and more)

We’ve known for almost a month that, according to Joe DiGenova, the process of declassification has been underway for the FISA warrants that enabled spying on the Trump campaign, along with other documents related to the Russiagate fraud.  Now Jonathan Swann of Axios reports that the process is so close to complete that: President Trump is expected to declassify, […]

Disturbing – FISA Court States No Hearings Conducted Before Issuing Title-1 Warrant Allowing Surveillance Over Trump Campaign…

Well this is troubling on many levels. According to a responsive filing from the FISA Court (full pdf below), there wasn’t any hearing on the sketchy FISA application submitted by the DOJ/FBI to conduct FISA Title-1 surveillance on Carter Page. Even more disturbing, according to the secret court, it is customary to just accept and […]

REPORT: President Trump to Declassify June 2017 Carter Page FISA Renewal App Signed By Rod Rosenstein.

Look for President Trump to declassify the June 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal this month, says investigative reporter, Paul Sperry. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then-Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe both signed off on the June 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal–things could get interesting! Screenshot of Rosenstein’s signature on June 2017 FISA renewal […]

8 KEY TAKEAWAYS: A Deep Dive Into The Scandalous FISA Warrant Used To Spy On The Trump Campaign.

For those who haven’t had the time to review the 412-page FISA application that was used to spy on the Trump campaign, I’ve culled a few key highlights. 1. The Application Lied About Carter Page Carter Page is described as “an agent of a foreign power”, which was and is clearly not the case. Carter […]

Chairman Devin Nunes: American People Will Be “Shocked” If Remaining Pages of Carter Page FISA Application are Unredacted…

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes told Maria Bartiromo today that the American public will be “shocked” when/if we see the remaining blacked out portions of the FBI’s FISA Title-1 Surveillance Application against Carter Page. The House Intelligence, Judiciary and Oversight committees have requested that President Trump declassify 21 additional pages from […]

Here are the SIX BIGGEST DEEP STATE LIES from the FISA Memo to Spy on Republican Candidate Donald Trump and His Campaign.

The FISA memo used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on President Trump was released last week. Although heavily redacted, the biggest lie in the FISA application is what was not shared. We now know that the Steele Dosier was materially the sole support for the FISA application the FBI used to […]

BREAKING: Newly Released Docs Related to FISA Warrants on Carter Page Confirm Obama FBI, DOJ Misled Courts.

On Saturday, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced documents related to the FISA warrants on Trump’s former campaign advisor, Carter Page were released by the FBI — and arrived at JW headquarters. Almost one year ago to the day, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ for the following documents: Copies of all […]

DEVELOPING: DOJ Releases Docs Related to FISA Warrants on Carter Page.

On Friday, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced documents related to the FISA warrants on Trump’s former campaign advisor, Carter Page were released by the FBI — and were on the way to JW headquarters. Almost one year ago to the day, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ for the following documents: […]

A Review of the DOJ/FBI FISA Application Release…

Why publicly release the FISA application? After all, even with the voluminous redactions, it is very unusual and it would have been exceptionally easy to deny any FOIA request under the auspices of national security. To highlight this question, consider how stunned Fran Townsend was at the release: “Having run The Justice Dept office responsible […]

Chairman Nunes Calls For Testimony From 17 FBI, DOJ Officials On FISA Abuse During 2016 Election.

House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) is calling for 17 FBI and DOJ officials to testify on Capitol Hill about FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election. FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are among the officials Nunes is calling to testify. Fox News reported: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wants 17 […]

It’s Official: Republicans Introduce Resolution for Second Special Counsel to Investigate FBI and FISA Abuse.

Twenty-five House Republicans have introduced a resolution officially calling for a second Special Counsel to investigate FBI misconduct and FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election. “Here’s the now filed 12 pg[page] H.Res.907 w[ith] 25 original cosponsors, detailing misconduct at highest levels of DOJ/FBI re FISA abuse, how/why Clinton email probe ended & Trump-Russia probe […]

Nunes: FBI May Have Violated Criminal Statutes In FISA Application To Spy On Trump Adviser Carter Page

The FBI may have violated criminal statutes, as well as its own strict internal procedures, by using unverified information during the 2016 election to obtain a surveillance warrant on onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee charged Thursday in a letter obtained by Fox News. House Intelligence Committee Chairman […]

How the Criminal Referral on Christopher Steele Corroborates the Nunes FISA Memo.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call via AP Images) A criminal referral on Christopher Steele by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), sent on Jan. 4 to the Justice Department and the FBI, is now declassified — and it helps corroborate the claims in the […]

Susan Rice Memo Implicates Obama, the DOJ and FBI in Spying on Opposition Candidate Trump – Using Dirty FISA Warrants.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. Rice wrote the email to herself on her last day in office to document a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting between President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former […]

Here’s the FISA Memo Nobody’s Talking About. It’s Much More Damning Than the Much-Discussed Nunes Version.

WSJ Columnist: Why is the Media Ignoring the Real Bombshell FISA Memo? We’ll bring you Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel’s tweetstorm in a moment, but I’ll take a stab at answering her question about the media right out of the gate.  Three possibilities: (1) The GOP hyped the Nunes memo, which quickly became the center […]

Batter Up – Chairman Goodlatte Requests FISA Court Documents From Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer…

As the 10-page Democrat declassification request (Schiff memo) is being reviewed by the executive branch, NSC, OLC and FBI/DOJ intelligence community, media are beginning to report on a previously unknown January 16th request made by House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte to the FISA Court that would render the Schiff memo entirely moot. Media just now […]

MARK LEVIN: Obama Likely Knew Hillary Clinton PAID FOR FISA Warrant To Surveil Trump Campaign (VIDEO)

On Monday, nationally-syndicated radio host Mark Levin said he believes former President Obama knew about Hillary Clinton’s role in the FISA warrant used to surveil the Trump campaign. LEVIN: “Now we know why Schiff and the rest of them are fighting so hard. Now we know why the left-wing pretorian guard Democrat media are fighting […]

TRUMP WAS RIGHT! FISA Warrant Allowed FBI to Spy on Carter Page And ALL OF TRUMP CAMPAIGN.

Back in March 2017 President Trump tweeted about Barack Obama’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign in 2016. POTUS Trump tweeted this in March. How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017 […]

GOP Lawmaker: Comey, McCabe & Ohr Should Be In PRISON For ‘Committing Fraud Upon FISA Court’

If Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), a former judge, had his way, ex-FBI Director James Comey, outgoing Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Justice Department official Bruce Ohr would be in prison. Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller reports: A FISA court judge has grounds to hold Department of Justice officials including Bruce Ohr in contempt of […]

5 Things You Need To Know About The Bombshell House Intelligence Memo.

The memo is out, and it’s damning. But it’s not the end of the Mueller investigation. In fact, the memo provides evidence that if President Trump were to fire Mueller, he’d be doing so on the false pretense that the entire investigation was predicated on a Hillary/DOJ/FBI/Obama nexus of coordination. The memo itself disproves that […]

Trump Attorney Goes Off on Deep State Over FISA Memo in Epic Rant (VIDEO)

On Thursday, an attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow went off on the Deep State over the FISA memo which is set to be released Friday. Sekulow even named FBI scalps collected so far as the swamp drains itself. Jay Sekulow posted a one minute video to his social media that is sure to get you […]

BREAKING: White House Reveals When Classified FISA Memo Is ‘Likely’ To Be Released.

A Trump administration official revealed late on Wednesday that the classified memo that alleges anti-Trump bias at the FBI and the Department of Justice will most likely be released tomorrow. JUST IN: Republican memo alleging anti-Trump bias at FBI and Justice Department likely to be released on Thursday – Trump administration official pic.twitter.com/FYePwLPvsM — Reuters […]

Whoopsie: James Clapper States “Clinton-Steele Dossier” Was Used for FISA Surveillance “Extension”…

Gotta love the professionally obtuse former DNI James Clapper. As much as he is a stuttering doofus, and therein showcases his political value for the former administration; and to the extent that Clapper has previously stated there was no attempt by the DOJ/FBI to gain a FISA authorized approval for surveillance on any Trump campaign […]

Senate Judiciary Chair Grassley Confirms Russia Dossier “Unverified in 2016” When Obama FBI Used it to Obtain FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) confirmed Wednesday from the Senate floor the Russia dossier was “unverified in 2016” when Obama’s FBI/DOJ used it to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his private associates. Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported: “BREAKING: Senate Judiciary chair Grassley today from floor of Senate […]

TRUMP ATTORNEY: We Are Hearing the FISA Abuse ‘Went Further Than Just Spying on Trump’s Campaign’ (VIDEO)

An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow said on his broadcast Jay Live Friday that he is hearing the FISA abuse went deeper and further than just spying on Trump’s presidential campaign. On Thursday, the House Intelligence Committee quietly voted to make available to fellow House members “a memo documenting abuse of the FISA program,” reports […]

‘PEOPLE WILL GO TO JAIL’: #ReleaseTheMemo Trends As Republicans Call For Releasing ‘SHOCKING’ Classified Memo Showing ‘FISA Abuses’ In Russian Collusion Investigation

On Thursday, Republican members of the House took to Twitter to call for the release of a classified intelligence memo they say could blow the lid off the Russian collusion investigation. House Intelligence Committee Republicans voted to make a classified report on FISA abuse available to House members, who could read the report behind closed […]

Report: FBI Used Unverified Anti-Trump Dossier to Obtain FISA Warrant.

Glenn R. Simpson, former Wall Street Journal journalist and co-founder of the research firm Fusion GPS. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) The FBI used the unverified anti-Trump dossier alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians to obtain the warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA), investigative journalist Sara Carter reported Wednesday. Representatives of four […]
