July 26, 2024

Fired Washington deputy, who stalked wife and violated no-contact order, sentenced to prison

A former sheriff’s deputy in Washington state who was fired last year has been sentenced to prison for stalking his now ex-wife and repeatedly violating a no-contact order. Michael Phipps, 50, pleaded guilty in Pierce County Superior Court to stalking, first-degree malicious mischief, three counts of violation of a no-contact order and disclosing intimate images, […]

European court rules Turkey violated rights in ByLock app cases

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the rights of a Turkish teacher who was convicted of terrorism offenses, were violated due to the heavy reliance on evidence related to his use of a phone app.  The Turkish government had presented the use of the ByLock encrypted messaging app as evidence of criminal […]

Liz Cheney’s Concession Speech May Have Violated Campaign Finance Rules

Soon-to-be former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) may have violated Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules at her concession speech due to an in-kind donation she apparently received from a former TV executive who advises the January 6 Committee. CNN’s Jeff Zeleny reported earlier Tuesday evening that Cheney’s anticipated losing speech would be set against a dramatic…

EXCLUSIVE: Top Biden EPA Nominee May Have ‘Violated’ Key Ethics Pledge, Watchdogs Say

Joseph Goffman, a top Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nominee, could have violated a key federal ethics pledge after using his government role to grant favors to former university colleagues, watchdogs say. Goffman corresponded with former colleagues at Harvard University using his government email, according to federal records, potentially violating his ethics pledge. “Considering his several…

Duckworth: McCarthy ‘Violated his Oath’ Standing with ‘Enemy of the Constitution’ Trump

Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) Thursday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” proclaimed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was “standing with the enemy of the Constitution” by meeting with former President Donald Trump. Anchor Anderson Cooper said, “Looking at the picture of Kevin McCarthy down at Mar-a-Lago today gripping and grinning with the man who promoted the…

Facebook’s ‘Favors’ for Obama Campaign May Have Violated Federal Law.

Controversy continues to swirl around how the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtained personal data from over 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge and used it to target ads to individuals in an effort to help Donald Trump be elected president in 2016. But a more serious case of apparent misconduct involves Facebook data going […]

Pollak: School Walkout for Gun Control Likely Violated Constitution.

The national school walkout for gun control that took place at many public schools across the country Wednesday likely violated the Constitution. That is because the government — in this case, public schools — made a special accommodation for a political viewpoint that it would not make for the opposing view, or for any other […]

Nunes: FBI May Have Violated Criminal Statutes In FISA Application To Spy On Trump Adviser Carter Page

The FBI may have violated criminal statutes, as well as its own strict internal procedures, by using unverified information during the 2016 election to obtain a surveillance warrant on onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee charged Thursday in a letter obtained by Fox News. House Intelligence Committee Chairman […]

BREAKING => Report: FBI Found Ample Evidence That Clinton Violated Federal Records Act

FBI investigators compiled enough evidence during their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s rogue email server to show that the former secretary of state violated federal records-keeping laws. She was also informed in 2009, her first year in office, that she had an obligation under the Federal Records Act to forward her State Department work emails to […]

Report: Clinton’s Possible VP Pick Violated Federal Law During Interview – VIDEO

One of Hillary Clinton’s prospective vice presidential picks violated federal law while giving a media interview earlier this year, a government watchdog report has found. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel found that Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro violated the Hatch Act during an April 4 interview with Yahoo News’ Katie […]


FBI Director James Comey outlined multiple reasons why Hillary Clinton violated the law in circumventing the Freedom of Information Act and Espionage Act over unsecured emails with classified  and SECRET information on them, but then said no “reasonable prosecutor” would bring this case before a judge. Are you out of your mind? “Although there is […]

Obama’s Iran Deal Violated the Constitution and Endangers the Security of the USA and its Allies

The Iran nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration violated the Constitution. No matter what President Obama may say about his right to do executive international agreements or deals, he does not have the authority to negotiate treaties with other nations without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. Article 2 Section 2 of […]
