July 26, 2024

GREG GUTFELD: The media will crown any Republican who wins in 2024 ‘public enemy number one’

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Happy wedding day, everybody. Oh, man, make this weekend. No, I’m sorry. It’s just a measly 524 days till the 2024 election. The same amount of time it took Joe Biden to read Charlotte’s Web as a freshman in college. So welcome back into the spotlight Iowa, […]

Bill Barr: ‘Reckless’ Trump in Legal Peril Because He Is ‘His Own Worst Enemy’

Former Attorney General Bill Barr said Thursday on “CNN Primetime” that former President Donald Trump has legal troubles because he is “reckless.” Anchor Kaitlan Collins said, “You’ve said that you believe your former boss has dug himself a hole when it comes to this investigation and the documents investigation. What do you mean by that

Economist sounds the alarm on the ‘greatest enemy to the US dollar’: ‘It’s the US Treasury’

China and Malaysia revived a decades-old proposal that would reduce dependency on the U.S. dollar during a meeting between Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Chinese leader Xi Jinping last week. The resurfaced Asian Monetary Fund would also lessen reliance on the International Monetary Fund. Economist and “Currency Wars” author Jim Rickards warned that while […]

Who is the Enemy?

The truth is chilling, the ‘creme de la creme’ of analysts & strategists on this subject bring the information out. Trevor Loudon, JR Nyquist and Cliff Kincaid do a great job at it.  Bringing this information to the public is critical.    

Nolte: Poll Reveals 58% Believe ‘The Media Are Truly the Enemy of the People’

Rasmussen Reports, one of the country’s most reliable pollsters, found 58 percent of likely voters agree “the media are truly the enemy of the people.” Which means 42 percent of Americans are stupid. The question doesn’t mince words. Straight out, people were asked: “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: The media ‘are truly…

Pinkerton: John Kerry Isn’t the First Massachusetts Democrat Accused of Assisting an Enemy

The news about John Kerry is startling. The former U.S. senator from Massachusetts and secretary of state, now President Joe Biden’s climate czar, is accused of leaking sensitive—possibly classified—information to an enemy power, Iran.  The accusation surfaced in a news story about the supposedly off-the-record comments by Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, made in March…

Duckworth: McCarthy ‘Violated his Oath’ Standing with ‘Enemy of the Constitution’ Trump

Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) Thursday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” proclaimed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was “standing with the enemy of the Constitution” by meeting with former President Donald Trump. Anchor Anderson Cooper said, “Looking at the picture of Kevin McCarthy down at Mar-a-Lago today gripping and grinning with the man who promoted the…

America is in a Great Danger of an EMP Attack by Enemy Nations

What is an electromagnetic pulse (EMP)? An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is the electric wave produced by nuclear blasts that can knock out electronics and the electrical grid up to 1,000 miles away. The disruption could cause catastrophic damage and loss of life if power is not restored or backed up quickly since millions of people would […]

China is an Existential Enemy of America and Taiwan

Map of China and Taiwan, surrounding nations, and the East China Sea and the South China Sea. On January 23, 2021, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said China sent eight bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons and four fighter jets into its air defense identification zone just southwest of the island. The next day China sent six […]

The new and devolved Democratic Party considers you the enemy.

The Kavanaugh confirmation battle exemplifies the current social and political civil war caused by the leftists who have taken over the Democratic Party.  The leftists are outraged that the rest of the country does not share and follow their beliefs. This leftist rage has its roots in using the federal courts to achieve desired political results […]

How Did the ‘Mainstream Media’ Become the ‘Enemy of the People?’

The New York Times building in New York City on July 27, 2017. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Since the 2016 elections, Donald Trump has been calling the so-called “main-stream media” the “enemy of the people” and a whole lot of those “people” have loved him for it. Now the “enemy” is fighting back. On Thursday, Aug. […]

Trump Clarifies: ‘FAKE NEWS’ the ‘Enemy of the People,’ Not All Media.

President Donald Trump clarified that he did not believe that all media were “the enemy of the people,” reminding critics he only felt that way about the “fake news” media. “It is the FAKE NEWS, which is a large percentage of the media, that is the enemy of the people!” he wrote on Twitter, referring […]

BOOM! President Trump: America’s Greatest Enemy Is Fake Liberal News “Promulgated by Fools!”

According to the latest FOX News poll President Donald Trump has a better rating than Presidents Obama and Reagan at the same point in their presidencies.President Trump’s approval is now at 45%. And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media. The liberal media hates this president and continues to spread Fake News on […]

WATCH: Syrian army says ‘enemy’ rocket attacks strike at military bases.

Israeli Air Force F15 planes fly during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel, December 27, 2017.. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS) An opposition source said one of the locations hit was an army base widely known as a recruitment center for Iranian-backed […]

Louis Farrakhan: ‘Jews are my enemy,’ ‘white folks are going down’

In a Sunday speech, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said “white folks are going down” and said the “Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out.” (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio) Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that “the […]

The Case for Engaging the Real Enemy

  In the wake of the Parkland shooting, there have been reactionary steps erroneously taken in Florida. The following bills should be rejected: Senate Proposed Bill 7022 – Firearm Safety (this bill should be called the “Furthering Disarmament Bill”) Senate Proposed Bill 7024 – Public Records (it should be called the “Silencing The Truth Bill”) […]

INCREDIBLE: Son Of Founder Of Hamas Defends Israel, Calls Palestinian Authority ‘Greatest Enemy Of The Palestinian People’

On Monday, Mosab Hassan Yousef, whose father was a founding member of Hamas, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council as the council discussed alleged Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights, all too typical, as the council will not discuss human rights violations committed by countries such as Syria, Sudan, Iran, or North Korea. Yousef, speaking […]

Freedom Caucus Is an Ally, Not an Enemy in Draining the Swamp

President Donald Trump’s tweet that it’s the House Freedom Caucus that “we must fight” shows there may be a little confusion about what “draining the swamp” means or, at the very least, what it looks like. The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We […]

Top 10 Reasons and More Why George Soros Should Be Considered an Enemy of America (Video)

Several years ago, Human Events put together a list of the top 10 reasons people should be afraid of George Soros. Depending on how closely you’ve been following the news lately, George Soros is a name that tends to come up in almost any conversation that deals with anything of global significance. The video below […]


Over the past decade, a highly coordinated, well-funded campaign has been underway to fundamentally alter the composition of America’s state courts.  The campaign’s goal: exclude conservative, rule-of-law judges from the bench.  This campaign has been bankrolled by billionaire George Soros. The report published by American Justice Partnership provides complete details, shows that this multi-million dollar […]


This is the REAL Face of Terror. George Soros is engineering a global migrant crisis to end America as we know it. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton says she wants to allow Syrian refugees in numbers far greater than anyone ever imagined. According to a report released on Thursday, George Soros’s Open Society Institute successfully influenced Obama to […]

Exclusive — Donald Trump: ‘The Real Enemy Is Hillary Clinton’

Presumptive Republican nominee for President billionaire Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday evening that “the real enemy” lies ahead in likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump’s interview with Breitbart News came before the polls closed in Indiana, just as he was wrapping up winning the GOP nomination for the presidency. It was still unclear […]

Helping the Enemy – Barack Obama Gave Cuba All They Desired and Got Little In Return

After President Obama moved on his own to normalize relations with Cuba, White House officials told reporters they were confident that the thaw between the countries would result in positive change in Cuba. How’s that working out? Not well. Political dissidents were rounded up before and after Obama’s visit last month. The Columbia Journalism Review […]

Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a Geopolitical Enemy of the United States and its Allies

Russia has been violating the START arms treaty signed with the United States and the Intermediate Missile Agreement for some time as recognized by the Department of State. President Barack Obama has not taken any action to stop dictator Vladimir Putin as he is rapidly improving Russia’s nuclear arsenal and modernizing its weapons. Bill Gertz […]

SOROS: National Borders Are The Enemy

The preeminent funder of border-busting campaigns in the U.S. and overseas now openly admits his efforts in Europe are aimed at destroying national borders on that continent. The unusually frank statement from frequent coup kingpin George Soros comes after Hungary’s prime minister accused him of helping to orchestrate the ongoing invasion of the landlocked nation […]

Hillary Clinton proudly declares roughly half the country is her ‘enemy.’

Last night’s Democrat debate was filled with ugly moments. Many of them were supplied by an audience that seemed positively giddy in its anti-American, anti-capitalist fervor, but several came from the candidates themselves. Chief among these was a line that was probably intended as a throwaway joke, but ended up revealing an awful lot about […]
