July 27, 2024

John Kerry just proved he’s even more of a dolt than anyone imagined

What an unbelievable idiot: Biden “climate envoy” John Kerry actually said that if Russia makes “a greater effort to reduce emissions,” it might “open up the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do” in its barbaric war to conquer Ukraine. Kerry’s always been a self-regarding twit, but this might […]

John Kerry Praises Pope Francis for Letter Slamming U.S. over Carbon Emissions

ROME — John Kerry has congratulated Pope Francis for a new letter on the “climate crisis” in which the pope calls out the United States for its high per capita carbon emissions. On Thursday, Mr. Kerry — U.S. special presidential envoy for Climate — applauded the pontiff for his “powerful words” in Laudato Deum (Praise

UK climate envoy calls rapid green transition ‘idiotic’ during meetings with John Kerry

British Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Grant Shapps blasted calls Monday for a rapid shift from fossil fuels during meetings with U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry. Shapps’ remarks came during a U.S.-U.K. climate summit in which both President Biden and King Charles III participated on Monday morning. They were made in […]

John Kerry Claims the Administration’s Climate Policies Will Outlast Joe Biden

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry thinks the Biden administration’s climate policies will outlast the president and will survive a Republican administration. Biden’s special envoy told CNN that he believes that the climate policies will outlast Biden and won’t be able to be reversed if a Republican is elected president in 2src24. Kerry argued that the

Pinkerton: John Kerry Isn’t the First Massachusetts Democrat Accused of Assisting an Enemy

The news about John Kerry is startling. The former U.S. senator from Massachusetts and secretary of state, now President Joe Biden’s climate czar, is accused of leaking sensitive—possibly classified—information to an enemy power, Iran.  The accusation surfaced in a news story about the supposedly off-the-record comments by Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, made in March…

Kerry on Climate Refugee Protection: If ‘There Is No Ability to Live’ Somewhere, ‘You’re Very Much a Refugee’

During a town hall on CNN on Friday, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry discussed giving people fleeing climate change refugee protection and stated that we want to try to attack the root causes of migration, but if people “can no longer grow food or there is no ability to live, then you’re very…

Gutfeld Rips John Kerry: ‘Biden Made Him Climate Czar Because He Mistook Him For A Tree’

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld Tuesday dismissed President-elect Joe Biden’s cabinet picks and said he selected former Secretary of State John Kerry as his “climate czar because he mistook him for a tree.” “First there’s Kerry — what the morticians call a discount special,” Gutfeld said in his opening monologue on Fox News’ “The Five.”…

John Kerry: A Traitor for the Ages.

We had news this past week that John Kerry is undermining the United States once again, working with her enemies, this time the Iranian mullahs trying to salvage his deeply flawed Iran nuclear deal. Kerry’s notorious 2015 nuclear deal featured the transfer of billions of dollars (1.7 billion of it on pallets stacked with cash) to […]

Trump Slams John Kerry For ‘Illegal Meetings’ With Iran: ‘Was he registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act?’

As we pointed out yesterday, it’s now been confirmed that John Kerry had meetings with Iran where he was basically trying to undercut the Trump administration. He had no business doing it and Trump has taken notice. FOX News reports: Trump blasts John Kerry for ‘illegal meetings’ with Iranian regime President Trump blasted John Kerry […]

Brennan, Strzok And Kerry Allegedly Set “Spy Traps” For Trump Team; Hunt For FBI Mole Intensifies

Previously we reported on a disturbing op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by Kimberly Strassel suggesting the FBI had a mole within the Trump campaign. After a battle between House Intel Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein over the release of classified information that was so top-secret that the DOJ refused to show Nunes on the grounds […]

Donald Trump Hits John Kerry ‘Shadow Diplomacy’ on Iran Deal.

President Donald Trump criticized former Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday in response to a report detailing his lobbying efforts to save the Iran deal. “The United States does not need John Kerry’s possibly illegal Shadow Diplomacy on the very badly negotiated Iran Deal,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “He was the one that created […]

John Kerry Is Reportedly Colluding With Iran To Undermine American Foreign Policy.

Former secretary of state John Kerry is reportedly working with world leaders to undermine American foreign policy and try to salvage the Iran deal. According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a […]

SARA CARTER: John Kerry Officially Under Investigation As Dossier Probe Targets Obama State Department.

Fox News c0ntributor Sara A. Carter reports that former Secretary of State John Kerry’s “possible role,” in the Steele dossier is officially under investigation. Carter reports: The House Select Committee on Intelligence is now investigating former Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s possible role into the unverified dossier paid for by the Democratic National Committee and […]

Report: John Kerry Contacted Palestinians, Ordered Them To Not Work With Trump.

Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate John Kerry is allegedly working hard to insult the Trump administration to Palestinian leaders, according to a recent report from Hebrew Daily in Israel. Maariv, a local Israeli outlet, reported that Kerry has been using an intermediary named Hussein Agha to relay derisive, anti-Trump messages to the leaders of […]

John Kerry Issues Another Huge Lie: Israel Doesn’t Want Peace.

The former Secretary of State for Barack Obama, John Kerry, who has been infamously lying since his formative years as a politician, beginning with his lies about Vietnam, decided to trumpet one of his biggest whoppers: that Israel doesn’t want peace with the Palestinians. Recorded last year in Dubai, Kerry lauded the Palestinians, gushing, “The […]

FLASHBACK: When John Kerry Said Assad Destroyed “100 Percent” of His Chemical Weapons

When Syrian President Bashir al-Assad launched a chemical weapons attack on his own people in 2013, crossing President Obama’s red line and killing more than 1400 innocent civilians, a military response was put aside in favor of diplomatic talks. The talks prompted a promise from Assad to destroy 100 percent of his chemical weapons, which […]

Rubio: Nasty Things Were Said About Kerry And Clinton–No One Used Past Remarks To Smear Their Nominations

UPDATE: Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) was confirmed to be the 84th Attorney General of the United States last night in a party line 52-47 vote. In his closing remarks, Sessions also reiterated some of what Rubio said in this speech yesterday, namely the ability to get along and not take political disagreement personally. ***Original Post***Sen. […]

Congress Rebuffs Obama and Kerry for Abandoning American Policy on Israel

Congress’s decision goes a long way to restoring America’s reputation and integrity By a vote of 342-80 Congress resolved on 5 January 2017: “the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 undermined the long-standing position of the United States to oppose and veto United Nations Security Council resolutions that seek to impose solutions to […]

LISTEN: Kerry Admits Obama Watched ISIS Get Stronger Before Russia Took Lead

Shortly after a meeting took place between Secretary of State John Kerry and anti-Assad Syrians at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations on September 22, 2016, audio was leaked. The audio has come under new scrutiny after a clip was released in January in which Kerry appears to speak about President Obama’s knowledge of […]

10 Lies Secretary of State Kerry Told During His Big Middle East Peace Speech

On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech on his proposed plan for peace between Israelis and Arabs. His plan: blame the Jews, pretend that Palestinian terrorism and incitement isn’t representative of the actual Palestinian government, and then blather for 69 more minutes. His speech razed facts to the ground in a fashion […]

John Kerry ATTACKS Israel for Over an Hour, Encourages Islamic Terror

I am listening to John Kerry demonize, marginalize and blame Israel for Islamic Jew-hatred and the failure of the “peace process.” He viciously attacked Jews living in the Jewish homeland. He does not address the failure by Muslim countries and the “Palestinians” to accept the Jewish state. Nowhere does Kerry state that since the establishment […]


Senator Ted Cruz, always known as a staunch friend of Israel, issued a blistering statement on Facebook targeting Secretary of State John Kerry after Kerry’s speech on Wednesday. Cruz started by noting that Barack Obama and Kerry are using “their last breath in office” to strike at Israel, adding, “History will record and the world will […]

Kerry Attacks Israeli Government, Defends UN Resolution

Lame-duck Secretary of State John Kerry blasted the Israeli government at the State Department on Wednesday, and attempted to defend the Obama administration’s decision to let an anti-Israel resolution pass at the UN Security Council last week. Kerry delivered his remarks in the midst of a diplomatic fight with Israel, in which President Barack Obama stands […]

‘Leaked Document’ Puts Kerry At The Head Of UN Snub Of Israel

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly gave a Palestinian delegation his word that the U.S. would not impose a veto prior to the passing of a UN resolution against Israeli settlements, a “leaked transcript” claims. Kerry, along with White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice, reportedly told the Palestinians Dec. 12 that they wouldn’t […]

Shameful: Obama and Kerry engineer US abstention on UN vote condemning Israel

“Failure by the U.S. to veto the measure was seen as a double-cross of America’s key Middle Eastern ally, and attributed directly to outgoing President Barack Obama, who has had chilly relations with Israel throughout his eight-year tenure.” It’s Obama’s last betrayal of Israel and last stab at Netanyahu. This petty, treasonous Jew-hater will soon […]

FLASHBACK: Obama, Kerry And Clinton Mocked Romney For Warning About Russia – VIDEO

President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have both warned about Donald Trump’s friendly attitude towards Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Obama administration has said the Russians are working to get Trump elected by hacking the emails of political figures and organizations and releasing them to WikiLeaks.   Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney speaks critically about current […]

BREAKING: Wikileaks: Kerry Told Ecuador To Shut Us Down To Protect Hillary

Wikileaks has said that Ecuador cut off Julian Assange’s internet Saturday, shortly after publishing Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches. Assange’s organization revealed Tuesday that sources tell them United States Secretary of State John Kerry urged Ecuador to stop Wikileaks from publishing documents related to Clinton during a September meeting. Wikileaks claimed that the request from Kerry […]

John Kerry: You Media People Should Stop Reporting on Terrorism So People Don’t Know What’s Going On

Speaking from Bangladesh Tuesday morning, Secretary of State John Kerry suggested members of the media stop covering (Islamic) terrorism so people won’t “know what’s going on.” Kerry attempted to preempt his statement by implying media coverage creates copy cats and promotes more terrorism. “If you decide one day you’re going to be a terrorist and […]

GOP Senators To Kerry: Taxpayers Deserve The Truth About The Iran Ransom–I Mean, The Cash Transfer

Sorry, President Obama—the $400 million cash payment you gave to Iran isn’t going away, despite your amazing rhetorical skills that are known to have solved all of the world’s problems (I’m kidding of course). Last week, the president answered questions about he payments, where he said it wasn’t a secret, it was due to a […]

EXCLUSIVE: Human Rights Group Demands John Kerry Stop Profiting On Tibet Exploitation

International human rights organization Free Tibet is urging Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz to end their financial investment in a Chinese-owned company that operates in Tibet. In a May 17 letter to Kerry, Free Tibet Director Eleanor Byrne-Rosengren called the Kerry family investment in a Chinese company, called Tibet Water […]
