July 26, 2024

Durham: Igor Danchenko, Source for Fraudulent Steele Dossier, Was Paid FBI Informant 2017-2020

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) paid Igor Danchenko, the source of the most salacious claims in the fraudulent “Steele dossier,” as a “confidential human source” (CHS) during the years President Donald Trump was under investigation. A filing unsealed Tuesday by Special Counsel John Durham in his prosecution of Danchenko for lying to the FBI notes

Russia collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on dossier before surveillance warrant.

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign. Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from […]

FBI Dealt Blow By DC Judge; Must Address Measures Taken To Verify Steele Dossier

The FBI has been dealt a major blow after a Washington DC judge ruled that the agency must respond to a FOIA request for documents concerning the bureau’s efforts to verify the controversial Steele Dossier, before it was used as the foundation of a FISA surveillance warrant application and subsequent renewals. US District Court Judge […]

More Questions on Nellie Ohr – Was She Behind the Creation of the Fusion Dossier? And Did She Work for Fusion, the CIA and the FBI?

We reported on yesterday the all-out efforts to protect Nellie Ohr from being connected to the Spygate scandal. Was she the creator of the fake and slanderous Trump – Russia dossier and “the heart of our hunt for Red November?” As we reported yesterday, according to Zero Hedge, the head of opposition research firm Fusion […]

Exposed: the Deep State’s Authorship and Publication of the Dossier.

The Internet is full of information, some of it not well researched or considered, but every now and then a star appears on the horizon. To my mind the new star is Yaacov Apelbaum, who, using his considerable technical skills, has produced a masterpiece of well-documented analysis underscoring the nonsensical and partisan nature of the […]

Giuliani slams Strzok for refusing to admit different versions of Trump dossier

Rudy Giuliani on Thursday slammed the “totally phony” Russia probe after anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok refused to identify the individuals who apparently handed the bureau three different copies of the salacious Trump dossier. “Isn’t that called collusion or conspiracy to gin up a totally inappropriate, totally illegally wire based on national security? And doesn’t […]

Five Major Problems Regarding John Kerry’s State Department and the Trump Hoax Dossier.

NEW YORK — Numerous officials from John Kerry’s State Department have been fingered for playing roles in the distribution – and in one case, possibly also the compilation – of the largely discredited, 35-page anti-Trump dossier. President Trump has been facing news media scrutiny for tweeting on Sunday about “leaking, lying and corruption at the […]

Documents Link Putin’s ‘Favorite’ Oligarch and Obama Official Who Aided Author of Anti-Trump Dossier.

NEW YORK — Jonathan M. Winer, the Obama State Department official who acknowledged regularly interfacing and exchanging information with the author of the largely discredited 35-page anti-Trump dossier, signed disclosure forms for his former firm to represent a Russian billionaire known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s favorite oligarch. The detail, being brought to light herein, […]

The Clinton Dossier Gang That Knew Nothing.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism. “I know nothing,” isn’t just the motto of Sergeant Schultz. It’s also the Clinton motto. And Christopher Steele, the Brit whom the Clinton campaign hired to find out things for them, […]

Devin Nunes: Deep State FBI and DOJ Fought Hard to Hide from Congress that Hillary and DNC Paid for Crap Dossier.

House Intel Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Lou Dobbs on Wednesday to discuss the unprecedented resistance by Deep State FBI and DOJ to hide the truth about the Russian dossier. For months the deep state refused to cooperate with Congressional leaders on who funded the poorly written Russian hit-piece on Donald Trump. Rep. […]

SARA CARTER: John Kerry Officially Under Investigation As Dossier Probe Targets Obama State Department.

Fox News c0ntributor Sara A. Carter reports that former Secretary of State John Kerry’s “possible role,” in the Steele dossier is officially under investigation. Carter reports: The House Select Committee on Intelligence is now investigating former Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s possible role into the unverified dossier paid for by the Democratic National Committee and […]

DEEP STATE SCANDAL=> Robert Mueller STILL Relying on Hillary-Funded Phony Dossier as “Road Map” For Russia Witch Hunt.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still relying on Hillary’s phony Russia dossier as a “road map” for investigative leads, reports Paul Sperry.Paul Sperry reports via Real Clear Investigations: Special Counsel Robert Mueller is continuing to use a controversial 35-page dossier financed by the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign as a “road map” […]

FBI Obsessed with Hoax Trump ‘Pee Pee’ Dossier but Couldn’t Follow Threat Tip Bearing Name of Florida Mass Shooter.

The FBI has dedicated an untold number of resources to an investigation based on the infamous, 35-page largely discredited anti-Trump dossier alleging unsubstantiated collusion with Russia and claiming without any evidence that Donald Trump engaged in sordid sexual acts caught on video. Yet that same dossier-obsessed FBI is now facing scrutiny for allegedly taking few […]

BuzzFeed Hired Another Fusion GPS to Save Clinton-Steele Dossier

Wouldn’t it be smarter to start from scratch? Come up with a fancy new dossier (which will turn out to have been funded by Kamala Harris) that alleges Trump is really doing the bidding of Sweden. It would at least be something new. But instead here we are with a cat gif site hiring Obama’s […]

BOOM! Sen. Tom Cotton Asks FBI Director Wray if Dossier Author Was Employed by Putin-Linked Oligarch – WRAY WON’T ANSWER! (VIDEO)

Last week FOX News reported that Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), the top senator on the Senate Intelligence Committee, was caught communicating with a lobbyist for Putin-linked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Senator Warner reached out to the lobbyist linked to Deripaska because he wanted to speak with Fusion GPS dossier author Christopher Steele. Senator Warner communicated […]

Former Obama Official Confirms Steele Dossier Was Given To State

An official at former President Obama’s State Department has confirmed a claim made by Republicans that British spy Michael Steele and allies of Hillary Clinton gave him intelligence reports claiming that President Trump was compromised by the Russians. In an op-ed for the Washington Post titled “Devin Nunes is investigating me: Here’s the Truth,” former […]


Sean Hannity in his Opening Monologue explains the attempted Trump Takedown that the explosive memo released today discloses.  Jay Sekulow and others also discuss why the FBI and DOJ lied to the FISA Court. ï»żï»ż

5 Things You Need To Know About The Bombshell House Intelligence Memo.

The memo is out, and it’s damning. But it’s not the end of the Mueller investigation. In fact, the memo provides evidence that if President Trump were to fire Mueller, he’d be doing so on the false pretense that the entire investigation was predicated on a Hillary/DOJ/FBI/Obama nexus of coordination. The memo itself disproves that […]

MEMO RELEASED: FBI Officials Knew Political Origins of Dossier, But Used It Anyway.

The House Intelligence Committee released its classified memo detailing alleged abuse by senior FBI and Justice Department officials on Friday, after the president approved its release. The memo was released without any of the redactions sought by the FBI and the DOJ. Read it below: fisa-memo by breitbartnews on Scribd Sources tell @FoxNews the White House […]

Who Really Created the Trump Dossier?

In the very early nineties, the Democrats were as obsessed with cocaine as they are now are with Russia. The cocaine in question was alleged to have been bought by Vice President Dan Quayle. The 1992 election was coming up. The decades of corruption, slime and lies by the Clintons were about to pay off. […]

Whoopsie: James Clapper States “Clinton-Steele Dossier” Was Used for FISA Surveillance “Extension”

Gotta love the professionally obtuse former DNI James Clapper. As much as he is a stuttering doofus, and therein showcases his political value for the former administration; and to the extent that Clapper has previously stated there was no attempt by the DOJ/FBI to gain a FISA authorized approval for surveillance on any Trump campaign […]

Senate Judiciary Chair Grassley Confirms Russia Dossier “Unverified in 2016” When Obama FBI Used it to Obtain FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) confirmed Wednesday from the Senate floor the Russia dossier was “unverified in 2016” when Obama’s FBI/DOJ used it to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his private associates. Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported: “BREAKING: Senate Judiciary chair Grassley today from floor of Senate […]

Three Key Questions About John McCain’s Role in Distributing the Hoax Trump Dossier.

TEL AVIV — Recent disclosures raise significant questions about Sen. John McCain’s role in delivering the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia to the U.S. intelligence community under Barack Obama’s administration. McCain’s office has not responded to numerous Breitbart News phone and email requests for comment seeking clarification on the […]

Report: FBI Used Unverified Anti-Trump Dossier to Obtain FISA Warrant.

Glenn R. Simpson, former Wall Street Journal journalist and co-founder of the research firm Fusion GPS. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) The FBI used the unverified anti-Trump dossier alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians to obtain the warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA), investigative journalist Sara Carter reported Wednesday. Representatives of four […]

Bongino on Dossier Probe: “This is the MOST EXPLOSIVE SCANDAL – And It’s Getting Ready to Burst!” (VIDEO)

In today’s society, there’s an obvious double standard for those who are conservative. Dan Bongino, a former secret service agent and current Fox News contributor, stated via Twitter that, “If George W. Bush had been in office when a bogus counterintelligence investigation was opened up on the Obama campaign team, the media, and liberals, would […]

Criminal Charges for the British Spy of Dossier Infamy?

The freelancing foreign spy who concocted the discredited Fusion GPS dossier to undermine President Trump may soon get his comeuppance now that senators are demanding a criminal investigation into his 2016 election shenanigans. The criminal referral comes as Michael Wolff’s gossipy book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, debuts as a bestseller, causing […]

Fusion GPS Admits They Used Dopey Trump-Hater John McCain to Pass Russian Dossier to Intel Community.

Fusion GPS knew they needed to find an extremely gullible politician to pass on their fake dossier about Trump hiring hookers to piss on bed to the US intelligence community
 And they found one! John McCain was more than eager to pass the ridiculous document to the intelligence community out of his unhinged hatred for […]

Senate Judiciary GOPs Request Criminal Investigation of Dossier Author Christopher Steele.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have recommended a criminal investigation of Christopher Steele, author of the Trump dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS. In a January 4, 2017 letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the committee wrote they had reason to believe that Steele, a former British spy, […]

House Intel Committee Chair Tears Into DOJ & FBI for Stalling, Lying About Russia Dossier Subpoenas

Back in August, congressional subpoenas were issued to the DOJ, seeking documents and testimony relating to the scandalous (and uncorroborated) Fusion GPS dossier. The deadline of those subpoenas was ignored, and the DOJ claimed that the documents in question did not exist. Unfortunately, that was a lie. At least, that’s the claim made by House […]

Report: How Fusion GPS and the Obama Administration Weaponized the Trump Dossier

Did the Obama administration launch an investigation into the Trump campaign based solely off of unverified political opposition research? And was that “research” dressed up and given more credibility than it should have? It appears that way based on an investigation of open-source information by Tablet. The outlet’s investigation begins with a June 24, 2017, Facebook […]
