July 26, 2024

Exclusive – Ohio GOP’s Bernie Moreno: Sherrod Brown Does ‘Everything Possible’ to Hurt U.S. Workers

Ohio Republican Senate nominee Bernie Moreno told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday he is going to expose his “anti-worker” opponent, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), who has done “everything possible” to harm the nation’s workers. Moreno, who on Tuesday won the primary for the Republican Senate nomination in a blowout with a majority of support, joined

Your guide to an impeachment inquiry: Breaking down the GOP’s pursuit of Biden

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), left, and Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), right, are leading the inquiry. | Francis Chung/POLITICO House Republicans are entering a new phase in their potential impeachment of President Joe Biden — one that raises plenty of questions about what comes next. The GOP investigation, which centers on the business deals

Mike Johnson defends House GOP’s Israel aid plan

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson talks with reporters at the Capitol, Nov. 2, 2src23. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson defended his approach to redirect IRS funds to provide aid to Israel on Sunday, saying Republicans are “trying to be good stewards of the taxpayer’s resources.” “Instead of printing new dollars

House GOP’s Biden impeachment effort heads into final stage

“We get those depositions done this year and … then we can decide on whether or not there’s articles,” Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) told POLITICO. | Francis Chung/POLITICO House Republicans are closing in on a make-or-break moment in their drive to impeach Joe Biden, with GOP centrists remaining highly skeptical of the effort even

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘We Should Be Investigating’ GOP’s Impeachment Inquiry over Ethics

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (R-NY) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “All In” that House Republicans should be investigated for their conduct. According to Ocasio-Cortez, there were questions about ethics during the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. Discussing the hearing earlier today, anchor Chris Hayes said, “This was a really striking moment. There was larger text that altered

Exclusive – ‘So Out of Touch’: Utah GOP Senate Candidate Trent Staggs Slams Establishment GOP’s Mitt Romney

U.S. Senate candidate and Riverton, Utah, Mayor Trent Staggs told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that Utah voters are “tired” of Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) “misplaced or misguided passion against” former President Donald Trump and slammed him as “so out of touch” with voters.  Staggs joined the program following Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew

Ohio GOP’s constitutional amendment reform bid clears legislative committees

A proposal by Republicans in Ohio’s Statehouse that would raise the vote threshold required to amend the state constitution has advanced through both House and Senate committees. The plan coincides with a proposed abortion rights amendment, likely aimed at thwarting any potential it has to pass. While Democrats accuse the Ohio GOP of “legislative whiplash,” […]

The First 2024 Predictions Show GOP’s Path To Retaking The Senate Could Hinge On West Virginia

The road to a GOP Senate majority begins in West Virginia, according to pollsters and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). The 2024 West Virginia Senate race could decide whether or not the GOP takes back the Senate majority for the first time in four years, and the GOP looks poised to flip the seat

Dem Rep. Goldman: House GOP’s Corruption Allegation Against Biden ‘Complete Garbage’

Representative Daniel Goldman (D-NY) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that House Republicans’ allegations against President Joe Biden are “complete garbage.” Anchor Chris Hayes said, “Pointing to something and saying, ‘There’s something nefarious afoot’ is easier than saying what the thing is. In this case, they have gotten a lot of mileage from pointing to this

‘Normalize’ doomsday? Dems lambaste GOP’s latest debt-limit gambit

“As a Democrat, I actually look forward to them voting to put foreign investors ahead of American families for payment,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). | Francis Chung/POLITICO House conservatives are pushing their leaders on a politically doomed idea to lessen the blow of a U.S. debt default. The GOP plan — which has no

House GOP’s under-the-radar Hunter Biden problem: DOJ got there first

Republicans are looking at possible conflicts of interest by the Biden family writ large while the Justice Department homes in on potential crimes by Hunter Biden. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images House Republicans are itching to investigate Hunter Biden. But they have a problem: The feds got there first. Though their probes differ in focus and

‘Playing Politics’: DOJ Rejects Some of House GOP’s Requests on Biden Documents

The Justice Department (DOJ) informed House Judiciary Committee Republicans on Monday that it could not fulfill all of their requests relating to the investigation into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, citing the department’s “longstanding policy” about ongoing matters. The department told Judiciary Committee chair Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA)

House GOP’s help-wanted sign: One border funding chief

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann has made clear to GOP leaders he wants to head either the Energy and Water or the Labor and Health and Human Services panel instead of the homeland security spending panel. | Andrew Harnik/AP Photo Border funding will be one of House Republicans’ biggest causes next year. There’s just one hiccup: They’re

Unpacking the House GOP’s new rules: A handy guide to the changes

The House rules plan that amounted to Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s first legislative victory on Monday night brings much bigger consequences than 55 pages suggest — it will shape the chamber’s operations and what bills can win approval over the next two years. Adoption of the rules package is a routine step in setting up any

Inside the House GOP’s speakership crisis

Little did he know how much higher the heat had to climb in the House GOP conference before McCarthy could claim the gavel. Roy proved willing to negotiate as the week went on, but other dissenters — like Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) — dug in until the bitter end, setting up

Meet the House GOP’s newly crowned comedy king

Then Rep.-elect Tim Burchett reacts after drawing his number during the Member-elect room lottery draw on Capitol Hill in Washington, Nov. 3src, 2src18. | Susan Walsh/AP Photo Every class has its clown, and in the House GOP no one has earned that reputation quite like Rep. Tim Burchett. When the Tennessee Republican first met the

The GOP’s same-sex marriage evolution: A slow, choppy tidal shift

As much as some Republicans hope to counterbalance the chaos of the Trump years and a conservative Supreme Court majority’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage still plainly splits the GOP. | Jose Luis Magana/AP Photo Thom Tillis has helped ink plenty of bipartisan deals over the past two years. His advocacy for protecting

House Dems on GOP’s thin majority: Welcome to hell

“I don’t lie awake at night worrying about the bad legislation they are going to pass. Because I don’t think they’re going to pass it,” said Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.). Awaiting the outcome of just one true toss-up race, Republicans will have a majority of either four or five — giving McCarthy the sparest of

Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 266: Woke Warrior Down! Disney Fires Bob Chepak; Guest: Rep. Steve Scalise on GOP’s House Agenda

Host Alex Marlow begins today’s podcast with two big topics. First, Disney ousted CEO Bob Chepak and replaced him with former CEO Bob Iger. This is a big victory for the anti-woke. Chepak has been one of the most villainous figures in American media in recent years, as Alex explains. Then, Alex gets into the

GOP’s muted midterms jolt its House leadership rivalries

Multiple House Republicans are now questioning whether Rep. Tom Emmer, right, has a clear path forward in leadership after their hopes of a red tsunami faded into a likely red ripple. | Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images The reckoning over House Republicans’ disappointing midterm performance could arrive in the form of a shaken-up race for their No.

McCarthy reaches for the GOP’s brass ring: A unifying agenda

“From the first day I became leader, the whole job was: You got to unite before you can win. Unite the conference. And then, it’s much better to unite in the minority before you get there, so we’ve talked about the tough issues,” McCarthy said in an interview. “It is so you’re prepared on Day

Mace backs McCarthy on GOP’s debt-ceiling strategy

President Joe Biden on Friday vowed that he “will not yield” to GOP demands that Democrats cut entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security in exchange for avoiding a debt-ceiling standoff. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Budget Committee, on Sunday backed Biden’s stance. Pressed by Tapper on the potential toll of such

Inside the GOP’s heated, leaky race to lead a powerful House panel

“We knew early on whenever we got in the race that no one had it locked up,” Jason Smith said in an interview. “And the reporting early on said that it was a lock for Vern and we knew that it wasn’t, and I feel comfortable where we’re at.” Among the members who were willing…

McCaskill: Americans Will Reject GOP’s ‘Darkness,’ White Supremacy –

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that she was optimistic the Democratic Party would retain control of the Senate in the 2022 midterm elections because American voters will reject the Republican Party’s “darkness” and “white supremacy.” McCaskill said, “If someone would have told me when I came to the United…

CNN’s Stelter: GOP’s Partisan Outrage over Big City Liberals Is ‘Almost Pornographic’

CNN anchor Brian Stelter said Sunday on his show “Reliable Sources” that the news media is nationalizing outrage to the point that it is “almost paragraphic.” Time magazine columnist David French said, “What’s really important to understand is we live in something called negative partisanship. That means people are Republicans not so much because they…

DOJ Caves On House GOP’s Impeachment Threat, Turns Over Document That Set Off Russia Probe.

If there is one thing that has frustrated congressional investigators to no end, it’s the FBI/DOJ dragging its feet in releasing document relating to the Russia investigation, Hillary Clinton’s email, alleged FISA abuses, and the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Over one million pages in documents have been subpoenaed by Congress. Patience […]

Senate Judiciary GOPs Request Criminal Investigation of Dossier Author Christopher Steele.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have recommended a criminal investigation of Christopher Steele, author of the Trump dossier commissioned by Fusion GPS. In a January 4, 2017 letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the committee wrote they had reason to believe that Steele, a former British spy, […]

White House: Senate GOPs ‘Deplorable’ for Not Giving Supreme Court Nominee Hearing or Vote

Federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland walks with President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on March 16, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) WASHINGTON — The White House today borrowed the campaign-trail term “deplorable” to describe not voters but lawmakers who have blocked President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. There have been no […]

Budget BETRAYAL: GOP’s Path to Victory … for Hillary

At close to midnight Monday, Republican leadership in Congress – outgoing House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – dropped a bomb on members of their respective chambers: a budget bill secretly negotiated with the Obama White House. Without consulting GOP representatives elected on a promise of stopping the Obama agenda, the […]
