July 26, 2024

Media Hyping Trump’s Age as He Turns 78: ‘Giving Off the Old, Drunken Uncle Vibe’

Former President Donald Trump turned 78 on Friday, and the establishment media are already hyping his age, claiming he is showing signs of aging, like President Joe Biden, who turned 81 in November. Matthew Foster, a professorial lecturer at American University, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that Trump has a “drunken uncle vibe.” Foster’s comment comes as several

Armed Chicago tow truck driver turns the tables on suspected drive-by shooter

A concealed carry holder in Chicago turned the tables on a suspected drive-by shooter who opened fire on a group of people after a car crash, according to a report.  “The shooting happened so quickly, I didn’t have time to react,” witness Lorenzo Hernandez told ABC 7 via a Spanish translator. “In Chicago, you go […]

‘This Is a Biohazard Issue’: Delta Flight Turns Around Due to Passenger’s Diarrhea Accident

A Delta flight en route to Barcelona, Spain, from Atlanta, Georgia, was forced to turn around due to a passenger having diarrhea all over the plane. The airline pilot called the incident into air traffic control two hours into its eight-hour flight on Friday.  “This is a biohazard issue,” the pilot shared to air traffic

Supreme Court turns away veterans in case over 1966 hydrogen bomb accident

The justices not did comment in turning away an appeal from Victor Skaar, an Air Force veteran in his mid-8srcs. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal on behalf of some U.S. veterans who want disability benefits because they were exposed to radiation while responding to a

Pink-obsessed mom turns cottage into pastel-colored ‘dream home’

A pastel-obsessed mom in Britain is set to spend another £190,000 — or about $240,000 in U.S. dollars — on her pink-filled home to “eradicate all elements that are black, gray or beige.” Sophia Ferrari-Wills, 35, lives in a pastel pink “paradise,” according to SWNS.  It’s a 1960s cottage she bought and began transforming in […]

I have 100 Barbie dolls and only dress in pink — I worry it turns off men

She’s a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world — literally. Katie Loveday, 18, models many aspects of her life after the famous character — she owns more than 100 Barbie and Bratz dolls, dresses in pink from head-to-toe and decorated her bedroom and even her car in the same color. However, the UK woman fears […]

North Carolina murder suspect turns himself back in after being released by mistake

A North Carolina murder suspect who was mistakenly released from custody this week due to an incorrect court order saying his charges had been dismissed turned himself back into authorities on Saturday.  Jaylan Noah Davis, 25, was arrested late last year in the shooting death of Arthur Mikulski, 42, on Nov. 26.  He was charged with […]

Trump: ‘No Coincidence’ DOJ Indicted Me ‘Same Day’ FBI Turns over Doc Alleging Biden Bribery Scheme

Former President Donald Trump highlighted Tuesday his indictment came the same day House Republicans reviewed a document that is alleged to tie then-Vice President Joe Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme. Trump spoke at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club following his arraignment at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on

‘Dogville’ Turns 20: The Most Misunderstood Cannes Movie Ever

Like a hulking doorstop of a classic novel, Lars von Trier’s 2003 film Dogville is an endurance test, a summit to be climbed with great effort. And celebrating the 20th anniversary (along with a 4K restoration now playing on streaming service Mubi), the film is now enjoying its earned reputation as a difficult, but rewarding

Expect ‘plot twists and dramatic turns’ in race to succeed Santos

“The MAGA madness that George Santos [above] represents is not him alone,” said Zak Malamed, the founder of a PAC funding young candidates. | Francis Chung/POLITICO ALBANY, N.Y. — The story of George Santos has been one of the strangest in modern political history. The race to replace him could be just as messy. It’s

Elderly Philadelphia man running errands turns tables on would-be robbers, emptying his gun

An elderly Philadelphia man turned the tables on a pair of armed men who allegedly tried to rob him, pulling out his own gun and exchanging fire with the suspects.  “At night, I would keep my hand on my pistol in my pocket in case I have to pull it out,” 71-year-old Henry Joel told […]

Gun rights hearing turns chaotic amid arrest of Parkland parent

A gun rights hearing on Capitol Hill escalated Thursday into a verbal altercation between two lawmakers amid the arrest of a parent whose son died in 2src18’s Parkland, Fla., school shooting. The fracas during a joint hearing held by the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees began when Patricia and Manuel Oliver shouted aloud about

Texas armed robber runs for his life after store clerk turns the tables

An armed thief ran for his life from a southeast Texas convenience store after the clerk pulled out a gun and shot at the would-be robber. Detectives with the Sugar Land Police Department outside of Houston released video this week of a man who walked into the WB Food Mart, displayed a handgun, and discharged […]

Blue State Blues: Joe Biden Turns Out to Be the Socialist He Said He Wasn’t

Joe Biden claimed last fall that he was not the socialist that many conservatives, including myself, predicted he would be once in office. “I beat the socialist,” he protested. But those of us who were watching closely noticed that Biden had begun using the radical rhetoric of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Long after securing…

The Witch Hunt Turns One

On Thursday, one year since the launch of the Mueller probe, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis received a copy of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s previously withheld “scope memo.” Mueller’s team has been claiming secrecy over national security concerns but the judge wasn’t buying it. “C’mon man!” Ellis said. “We don’t want anyone with unfettered […]

DOJ Caves On House GOP’s Impeachment Threat, Turns Over Document That Set Off Russia Probe.

If there is one thing that has frustrated congressional investigators to no end, it’s the FBI/DOJ dragging its feet in releasing document relating to the Russia investigation, Hillary Clinton’s email, alleged FISA abuses, and the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Over one million pages in documents have been subpoenaed by Congress. Patience […]

Dozens arrested as second night of St. Louis protests turns violent

Police in St. Louis are bracing Sunday for a third day of protests following the acquittal of a white former police officer in the fatal shooting of a black man. A small group of protesters who refused to disperse Saturday night clashed with cops as protests turned violent for a second night in a row. […]

Venezuela: Wave of Arrests As Government Turns Against Elected Opposition

The arrest of four officials from the opposition in Venezuela, the removal from office of a further 11 and the issuing of arrest warrants against another five, demonstrates the Maduro administration’s tightening stranglehold on any form of dissent, taking repression to a frightening new level, said Amnesty International. “By removing opposition officials from their posts […]

McConnell Turns Nuclear Key After Dems Filibuster Gorsuch

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell triggered the so-called “nuclear option” Thursday morning, ensuring Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to succeed the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. The procedural maneuvering necessary to break the Democratic filibuster started at 11 a.m. Thursday, when a petition to end debate on Gorsuch’s nomination was filed, which began […]

Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’ [VIDEO]

Pithy former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes the recent Project Veritas video by James O’Keefe featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events, is a prima facie case of federal and state criminal activity. DiGenova says prosecutors should investigate everyone in the video, including Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s husband, […]

MUST SEE VIDEO=> Wow! Obama Tries to Trash Donald Trump and Turns into a Stuttering Mess

Poor Barack. He wanted to sound more powerful. He really did!The lame duck president went to Indiana today to hold a rally and trash-talk Donald Trump. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned. He turned into a stuttering mess. Barack Obama: If we turn against each other based on division of race or religion. If-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if we […]

Chaos in California? Donald Trump Protest Turns Riotous – VIDEO

   While Donald Trump was holding a rally in Orange County, California, the protests turned into a riot and became violent. Is there something about Trump that inspires such negative responses from communities he visits? Source: PJMedia

United States Turns to UN for Help With Immigration

In keeping with its expansiveness toward immigrants from south of the border, the Obama administration is now enlisting the help of an outside organization to more efficiently vet — and tacitly encourage — immigrants from Central America desiring to enter the United States as refugees. Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Wednesday that the […]

The State Department Turns Its Back on SYRIAN CHRISTIANS and Other Non-Muslim Refugees

  Over the past five years of Syria’s civil war, the United States has admitted a grand total of 53 Syrian Christian refugees, a lone Yazidi, and fewer than ten Druze, Bahá’ís, and Zoroastrians combined. That so few of the Syrian refugees coming here are non-Muslim minorities is due to American reliance on a United […]

US Navy Turns 240 Today, Here’s Why Obama Shouldn’t Reduce Its Capabilities Further

On this day in 1775, the U.S. Navy was created by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Throughout its illustrious history, the U.S. Navy has helped protect American citizens and interests around the world by protecting freedom of navigation, maintaining air superiority, and projecting American power abroad. Navy personnel have admirably served in conflicts since […]
