July 26, 2024

Swalwell: Trump Has Brought ‘Hell and the Chaos’ to Our Country

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that former President Donald Trump has brought “hell and chaos” to the United States. Host Joy Reid asked, “Are any of your colleagues concerned that members of Congress would be targeted if these people were put back on the street?” Swalwell said, “When the threats

Cory Booker: Trump Has Created Unimaginable ‘Chaos and Suffering In Our Country’

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said Wednesday on CNN’s “King Charles” that former President Donald Trump has “created chaos and suffering in our country that is unimaginable” with his Supreme Court picks who overturned Roe v. Wade. Booker said, “Donald Trump put on the Supreme Court people that he said his main litmus test was the overturning of Roe

Lord of the Flies: Congress Devolves into Chaos as Elbows and Insults Fly

Congressional tempers erupted Tuesday as members resorted to name-calling, alleged elbow throwing, and even an attempted committee brawl. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began the elevation of tensions with her introduction of a privileged resolution to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas which was shot down on the House floor Monday night after

SEAN HANNITY: Biden’s policies have resulted in nothing but widespread chaos here at home and abroad

FOX News host Sean Hannity gives his take on President Biden’s job as commander-in-chief and the White House’s reponse to attacks against U.S. forces in the Middle East on “Hannity.” SEAN HANNITY: Also tonight, Joe Biden is weakness embodied on every single level. He’s now mired in scandals and serious allegations of corruption. His policies […]

Republicans weigh rules change to avoid House floor ‘chaos’ during speaker vote

House cannot help Israel without a speaker FOX News senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram reports that having no speaker during an international crisis puts the House and national security in jeopardy. House Republicans walked out of a nearly three-hour conference meeting on Monday night united over a sense of urgency in needing to pick a […]

Massachusetts party descends into deadly chaos when suspect opens fire in ‘targeted’ attack

Officials in Massachusetts said that seven people were shot overnight at a party in Lynn, Massachusetts, just north of Boston, leaving one dead. Essex District Attorney Paul F. Tucker said one person is confirmed dead, two are hospitalized in critical condition and four others have non-life threatening injuries.  Lynn resident Brian Diaz told reporters his […]

Public safety report details chaos that ensued before deadly stampede at GloRilla’s New York concert

A deadly stampede that killed three at a rap concert in upstate New York was likely exacerbated by a crowd of people trying to get into the venue just as thousands of concertgoers who were inside were trying to exit, according to a report released Tuesday by public safety officials. The crowd surge erupted at […]

‘Followed By A Lot Of Chaos’: Pollster Says DeSantis ‘Not Running The Smartest Campaign’ Against Trump

A pollster Thursday said that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida was “not running the smartest campaign” against former President Donald Trump. DeSantis launched his campaign with a glitch-filled announcement and question-and-answer session on Twitter Spaces May 24 that saw over 700,000 people try to listen to the event. Since the event, he has struggled

Day of Chaos: Trump’s Arraignment Is Finally Here

After decades of evading legal repercussions, former President Donald Trump was arrested and arraigned on Tuesday in the city that built him, appearing before a Manhattan criminal court where he pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts.Trump faces a potential Jan. 2024 criminal trial over falsifying business records in order to conceal information from voters

New York Democrats in chaos with progressive left calling state party nearly as undemocratic as ‘North Korea’

Progressive New York Democrats have had enough of party leadership and are demanding the removal of the party chief and reforms to the entire apparatus after a disastrous 2022 midterm cycle for the state. Four U.S. House seats in New York flipped from Democratic control in the 2022 midterms, greatly contributing to Republicans retaking the […]

Kinzinger: Speaker Chaos Could Cause ‘Coalition Government’ with Dems

CNN contributor Adam Kinzinger said Thursday on “Anderson Cooper 360” that Republicans and Democrats in the House could create a “coalition” government” to end the ongoing failed Speaker bids of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Kinzinger said, “I think what we’re seeing in some of these, we don’t even know what a lot of these rule

Woke city policies in Austin, Texas blamed for street racing chaos

AUSTIN, Texas — Prominent voices blamed liberal, anti-cop policies for chaos in the city over the weekend after street racers took over city intersections, attacking law enforcement and setting people on fire in wild scenes which were caught on video. “Austin voters wanted a Mayor, City Council, and [George] Soros [funded] DA who treat cops […]

Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Elaine Chao’s ‘Family Is Fused Closely to the Chinese Government’

The family of Elaine Chao, former transportation secretary and wife of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), has extensive financial ties to China’s government, Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, noted on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. On…

Chaos in the Senate: Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention

Chaos erupted at the end of the second day of the second impeachment trial of now former President Donald Trump as House Democrats were forced to withdraw from the record a statement a GOP senator said was falsely attributed to him after Senate Democrats lost control of the proceedings while they sought to wrap up…

Elaine Chao’s Ties Exposed/Mitch McConnell Acknowledged Biden As President-elect

US Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, the husband of U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, has suddenly surrendered in the election battle. On Dec. 15, he not only acknowledged Biden as president-elect, but also warned the Republican Party to not to oppose the congressional certification of the electoral votes, or there would be trouble. In the […]

“I’m Totally Freaked Out”: Brazil’s Elite Fleeing Bloodshed And Chaos

Amid the economic, political, and social collapse, Brazil has been described by many as being in the midst of a “zombie apocalypse” as years of corruption and violence spectacularly implodes all at once. Horrified by the out of control violence and pessimistic about the nation’s political and economic outlook, thousands of wealthy Brazilians are now […]

Normalizing the Chaos in California

ANALYSIS/OPINION: Liberal policy failure is all around us and destroys lives every day. In California, the destruction of society and individual lives has become so overwhelming, the state’s liberal overseers now spend their time covering up where they can and normalizing the chaos as much as possible. Since 2013, when now-liberal icon Eric Garcetti was […]

2017: The Year Venezuela’s Socialism Caused Undeniable Chaos.

Venezuela 2017: Socialist Policies Take Humanitarian Toll as Country Enters Dictatorship. Although Venezuela’s problems began with the election of the authoritarian left-wing revolutionary Hugo ChĂĄvez in 1998, 2017 was the year that the country’s problems became too catastrophic for even the world’s most ardent socialists to defend. Politically, the year has been defined by NicolĂĄs Maduro’s socialist […]

It’s About Creating Chaos

Remember, this is not about race. This is about creating chaos. This is about using divisive “issues” (basically, badly constructed straw men) to drive wedges between artificially identified “segments” of society. Divide and conquer. It’s about the revolution. Can’t bring about the revolution while people still have a cohesive society. Must have chaos to bring […]

Terror-Tied Group CAIR Causing Chaos, Promoting Protests & Lawsuits as Trump Protects Nation

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, aka CAIR, has helped launch a series of protests across the country and plans lawsuits related to President Trump’s recent executive orders on immigration. The orders are designed to keep Americans safer from terrorism by temporarily barring visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the […]

Guns in Violin Case, Weapons Cache in D.C. Before Inauguration: “Is Someone Unleashing Chaos?”

Is this more evidence of foul play afoot in Washington, D.C. ahead of the inauguration and one of the most contentious transfers of power in American history? There is simply no way to know, but with so many protests planned, so many in the establishment opposed to the Trump presidency and so much to gain […]

The Inauguration Chaos Is On Progressives

The Inauguration of President Elect Trump to be our 45th President appears to be becoming anything but a peaceful transition of power. There has been calls for the election to be considered illegitimate, call for impeachment, and even calls for assassination from those on the left who are upset at the outcome. Causing fear and […]

Media Claim Trump Transition Chaos. Trump’s Way Ahead of Schedule.

The media, desperately in search of a narrative to cast the incoming Trump administration as dangerously incompetent, are once again overplaying their hands. Instead of focusing on the nepotistic  fact that Trump relies heavily on his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his daughter, Ivanka – he invited them to a state meeting with Japan – they’re […]

COMPLETE CHAOS! At Opening of DNC in Philly – Chairwoman Marcia Fudge Silenced! (VIDEO)

DAY ONE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION— COMPLETE CHAOS! WOW! This is crazy! BERNIE SUPPORTERS SHUT DOWN THE WELLS FARGO CENTER during the opening by Chairwoman Marcia Fudge! Fudge replaced Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the chairperson after the Wikileaks document dump on Friday. The California delegates were chanting “Wikileaks! Wikileaks!” California Bernie delegates chanting “Wikileaks Wikileaks Wikileaks” pic.twitter.com/4wGOVYONCO […]

CHAOS IN ST. PAUL=> POLICE INJURED After #BlackLivesMatter Attacks Cops With Rocks, Rebar, Bottles, Fireworks, Molotov Cocktails

Several police officers have been injured by Black Lives Matter protesters who took over the I-94 freeway in St. Paul, Minnesota Saturday night over the deadly police shooting of Philando Castile, attacking police officers who tried to clear the road by throwing chunks of concrete, rebar, rocks, bottles, fireworks and Molotov Cocktails. The attacks have […]

Watch: Chaos at NV Dem Convention… Team Hillary Disqualifies Bernie Delegates… Clinton, Sanders Fans Clash

Supporters of Bernie Sanders lost their cool at the Nevada Democratic convention Saturday night after the Hillary Clinton campaign successfully challenged the credentials of 60 Sanders delegates–mostly for not being official Democrats.  Videos quickly emerged online showing Sanders supporters clashing with Clinton supporters and shouting down Clinton surrogate Senator Barbara Boxer of California. According to […]

Chaos in California? Donald Trump Protest Turns Riotous – VIDEO

   While Donald Trump was holding a rally in Orange County, California, the protests turned into a riot and became violent. Is there something about Trump that inspires such negative responses from communities he visits? Source: PJMedia

Campaign event chaos follows Trump from Chicago to Ohio

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Saturday encounter more violence on the campaign trail when somebody apparently got too close to the front-runner at an Ohio rally and the Secret Service stepped on stage, one day after violence forced Trump to cancel a rally in Chicago. The large, boisterous rally at an airport outside Dayton, […]

[WATCH] Chaos Ensues When Marine Confronts Bill Clinton About Benghazi

Michael Ingmire, uncle of Sean Smith who was killed in Benghazi, already gave them hell by responding to Hillary’s disgraceful lying denials the way average Americans do. “Hillary Clinton is a serial liar. Hillary Clinton has a hard time maintaining a consistent level of truth and that was proven today and it’s been proven before… […]

Black Friday Chaos has arrived

A woman seemingly snatches a vegetable steamer from a little boy’s hands. A girl slaps someone over a television. Men brawl on the floor of a mall. The scenes from this year’s Black Friday rush are predictably bizarre and troubling. And the worst part: there’s probably much more to come. In a clip from an […]
