July 27, 2024

‘Sabrina the Teenage Witch’ star Melissa Joan Hart stuns fans with ‘crazed’ new selfie: ‘You ok?’

An iconic actress who rose to fame as the star of a hit television show from the 1990s has stunned her fans in a new photo. Melissa Joan Hart, who played Sabrina Spellman on Sabrina the Teenage Witch from 1996 – 2003, posted a close-up selfie taken on set during her new project. In stark contrast from […]

Trump: NY AG James Lawsuit ‘Continuation of Witch Hunt’ –

Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday on FNC’s “Hannity” that New York Attorney General Letitia James’s civil lawsuit was a “continuation of a witch hunt.” Trump said, “She campaigned on it four years ago. It was a vicious campaign, and she just talked about Trump, and we are going to indict him, and we are going to

The Witch Hunt Turns One

On Thursday, one year since the launch of the Mueller probe, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis received a copy of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s previously withheld “scope memo.” Mueller’s team has been claiming secrecy over national security concerns but the judge wasn’t buying it. “C’mon man!” Ellis said. “We don’t want anyone with unfettered […]

Joe DiGenova: Trump WON’T TESTIFY in ‘Bad Faith’ Mueller Witch Hunt (VIDEO)

BREAKING NEWS. Former personal attorney for Trump Joe diGenova said the president will not testify in Mueller’s corrupt, “bad faith” investigation. Fox News: Joseph diGenova, a former Trump personal lawyer and U.S. attorney, said Sunday that the president will not agree to be interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller in his Russia collusion probe because […]

Trump Torches Mueller Witch Hunt: “The FBI Takes Everything But They Never Took the DNC Servers” (VIDEO)

On Wednesday, President Trump conducted a joint news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from Palm Beach, Florida. A reporter asked the president about Mueller and Rosenstein and the Russia investigation, prompting Trump to point out the FBI never even took the DNC’s servers in order to conduct a forensic inspection. “There was no […]

DEEP STATE SCANDAL=> Robert Mueller STILL Relying on Hillary-Funded Phony Dossier as “Road Map” For Russia Witch Hunt.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still relying on Hillary’s phony Russia dossier as a “road map” for investigative leads, reports Paul Sperry.Paul Sperry reports via Real Clear Investigations: Special Counsel Robert Mueller is continuing to use a controversial 35-page dossier financed by the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign as a “road map” […]

“Jaw-Dropping” Text: Peter Strzok Admitted Mueller Witch Hunt Was Likely a Nothingburger.

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok may not like the President, but that doesn’t mean he believes Trump officials colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. In what is being described as a “jaw-dropping,” text message, Strzok told Bureau lawyer Lisa Page that he felt special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation was likely a nothingburger. Daily […]

The Never-Ending Mueller Witch Hunt: An Affront to the Constitution.

Over the holidays, Robert Mueller, the special counsel, leaked word to the hate-Trump media that in the coming year of 2018, he would not stop with a simple failure to find any truth in the “Russian collusion” charges against POTUS Trump.  In a display of truly Stalinist police abuse, Mr. Mueller will keep going until he finds […]

“Brilliant Evisceration”: Former Prosecutor Explains Why Mueller Witch Hunt Epitomizes Obama-DOJ-FBI Corruption

In a thought-provoking piece penned by Andrew C. McCarthy, the former prosecutor explains why Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe sums up the moral decay suffered by the Justice Department and FBI under former President Obama. How corrupt is the DOJ? Read this brilliant evisceration by @AndrewCMcCarthy https://t.co/zpjwP4go1D Here's a taste: pic.twitter.com/o3qCqpM6yz — Roger Kimball (@rogerkimball) November […]

**BREAKING** Mueller Files First Charges in Russian Witch Hunt — ARRESTS AS SOON AS MONDAY!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed the first charges in his investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election. The nature of the charges are sealed and arrests may take place as soon as Monday. CNN reports: A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by […]
