July 27, 2024

Sacramento Bee Apologizes for Saying Charlie Kirk Called to ‘Lynch’ Transgenders

Gage Skidmore/Flickr The Sacramento Bee, a Northern California-based newspaper, has apologized for falsely claiming that Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk called to “lynch” transgenders. Charlie Kirk had been scheduled to speak at the University of California Davis on Tuesday when  Sacramento Bee opinion writer Hannah Holzer called the activist “another fascist” and said that

When David Lynch and Robert Altman Consoled Each Other Over the Oscars’ Bad Taste

The top headlines made by the 74th Academy Awards, hosted by Whoopi Goldberg on Mar. 4, 2002, were that Denzel Washington had joined Sidney Poitier as the only Black winners of the Best Actor prize (for Training Day), and that Halle Berry had become the first Black woman to take home Best Actress (for Monster’s

‘Harry Potter’ star Evanna Lynch says J.K. Rowling deserves ‘more grace’

March 2, 2023 | 4:16pm “Harry Potter” star Evanna Lynch says J.K. Rowling deserves “more grace” amid claims that the author is transphobic.David M. Benett “Harry Potter” star Evanna Lynch says J.K. Rowling deserves “more grace” amid claims that the author is transphobic. The actress — who portrayed Luna Lovegood in the film adaption of […]

‘Burn Them!’: Mob Tries to Lynch President Assassination Suspects in Haiti

An angry mob helped police in Haiti arrest at least 17 men on Thursday suspected of being part of a “commando” responsible for killing President Jovenel MoĂŻse the day before, later surrounding the police station and demanding to burn the suspects alive. Authorities announced late Thursday that they believed the full squad of assassins responsible…

DEEP STATE REDACTS APPENDIX 2 IN IG REPORT: DOJ Hides Damaging Material on Obama AG Loretta Lynch

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 28: U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Loretta Lynch is sworn in before testifing during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee January 28, 2015 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. If confirmed by the full Senate Ms. Lynch will succeed Eric Holder as the next U.S. […]

BREAKING: Members Of Congress Call For Criminal Investigation Into Comey, Hillary, Lynch.

On Wednesday, 11 members of Congress signed a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Director Chris Wray, and U.S. attorney John Huber asking them to conduct a criminal investigation into multiple members of the Obama administration. “In doing so, we are especially mindful of the dissimilar degrees of zealousness that has marked the investigations […]

Did FBI Violate Woods Procedures?… Title I FISA Surveillance

The biggest of all BIGGER story aspects to the HPSCI Memo, in the downstream coverage, has been entirely overlooked by all Main Stream Media. The Department of Justice FBI FISA request was for “Title I” surveillance authority; this is not some innocuous request for metadata exploration – the FBI said American citizen Carter Page was […]

Loretta Lynch Already Knew Comey Would Let Hillary Go Free When Announcing She Would Accept FBI’s Conclusion

Additional text messages sent and received by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok have been handed over to Congress, reports the Associated Press. According to an exchange between Strzok and Bureau lawyer Lisa Page, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch reportedly knew former FBI Director James Comey would let Hillary Clinton off the hook in her email investigation […]

Trump Rips Marshawn Lynch For Sitting During American Anthem While In Mexico.

President Donald Trump hammered Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch on Twitter Monday morning. Lynch refused to stand for the American national anthem when the Raiders played the New England Patriots in Mexico City. However, he had no problem standing for the Mexican national anthem. Marshawn Lynch sits during the US national anthem, stands for […]

It’s Not Over: Jill Stein Now Asking Loretta Lynch To Investigate Electoral College

The former Green Party candidate just won’t let things go. After attempting to initiate a recount in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Stein now wants Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate the “integrity” of the United States electoral system due to concerns from the recount effort. Read my attorney's letter asking @LorettaLynch to investigate the nation's […]

Loretta Lynch ‘Regrets’ Meeting with Bill Clinton

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Remember that infamous tarmac meeting between attorney general Loretta Lynch and the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, whose wife just so happened be under the threat of a federal indictment as she ran for president? So does Lynch: Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Sunday that the fallout from her tarmac […]

JUST IN: AG Loretta Lynch just got SUED over…

After much stalling and stonewalling, suddenly the wheels of justice appear to be moving fast and furiously (no pun intended). Many justice-minded Americans were encouraged to see the FBI reopen its case into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email use last week, even as ongoing Wikileaks revelations add to the already-high pile of […]

Report: Loretta Lynch Pressured Comey To Keep Voters In Dark About FBI’s Hillary Investigation

According to an administration official close to the situation, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pressured FBI Director James Comey to keep the reopening of the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server quiet. Citing the supposed Justice Department tradition of not influencing elections, Lynch and other department officials have reportedly expressed their frustration with Comey — an Obama-appointee […]

Report: AG Lynch Pressured Comey Not to Disclose Reactivated Hillary Probe

Of course she did, you might think to yourself — as the whole country seems to have become inured to the breathtaking insanity of this entire election cycle. But as Rich Lowry says, none of this is normal. USA Today is reporting that Attorney General Loretta Lynch urged FBI Director James Comey to suppress the fact […]

Attorney General Lynch ‘Pleads Fifth’ on Secret Iran ‘Ransom’ Payments

Attorney General Loretta Lynch is declining to comply with an investigation by leading members of Congress about the Obama administration’s secret efforts to send Iran $1.7 billion in cash earlier this year, prompting accusations that Lynch has “pleaded the Fifth” Amendment to avoid incriminating herself over these payments, according to lawmakers and communications exclusively obtained […]

Sources: FBI, DOJ Furious that Comey, Lynch Decided to Let Clinton off the Hook

FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 7, 2016, before the House Oversight Committee to explain his agency’s recommendation to not prosecute Hillary Clinton. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Three months after FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic press conference announcing his decision not to recommend an indictment in the Clinton email case, disgusted […]

Congress to Lynch: What Exactly Did You Allow The FBI To Investigate? Anything?

Since the non-indictment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was announced in July by FBI Director James Comey, a number of investigations have been launched by Congress in order to the process. As a result, new information about the case continues to imply Clinton and her aides received special treatment. News broke earlier this […]

Unreal! AG Loretta Lynch Cheers “Peaceful Protesters” in Charlotte After MASSIVE RIOTS AND LOOTING

UNBELIEVABLE! Attorney General Loretta Lynch cheers the “peaceful protesters” in Charlotte after the MASS RIOTING AND LOOTING!   What peaceful protesters? Where? Loretta Lynch: Now, most of the demonstrators gathered last night were exercising their constitutional and protected right to peaceful protest in order to raise issues and create change. These people are living in […]

New York Post: FBI Agents Tell Us Lynch and Clinton Struck a Deal on That Plane – VIDEO

Just one week before FBI Director James Comey announced the Bureau would not recommend charges be filed against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for storing and transferring top secret, classified information on multiple private, unsecured email servers, Attorney General Loretta Lynch had a private meeting with former President Bill Clinton on her private jet […]

Clinton Email Scandal: Why Loretta Lynch Should Resign

Corruption: Was Bill Clinton’s impromptu visit with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in a plane on the runway of Phoenix Sky Harbor airport just a social visit, as Lynch maintained? Or was it an improper contact by a man whose presidential-candidate wife is the target of an active FBI investigation? That we’re expected to believe Lynch’s […]

AG Lynch refuses to answer questions over 74 times – VIDEO

Congressman David Trott came to the conclusion that Loretta Lynch’s testimony was one big waste of time. Trott’s staff counted up the number of times the attorney general said she couldn’t answer a question or refused to give an “appropriate” response, and they had added up at least 74 instances prior to Trott’s questioning, during […]

Gowdy’s Questions For Lynch Reveal Hypocrisy Of Clinton Email Decision

A tense House meeting occurred Tuesday to discuss the handling of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email case. Most of the representatives present came to the same conclusion: Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s lack of transparency had broken the trust of the general pubic. Rep. Trey Gowdy was particularly harsh when it was his turn […]

Lynch Refuses to Answer Questions About FBI’s Failure to Bring Charges Against Hillary Clinton

Testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused to answer questions surrounding the FBI’s recommendation not to prosecute presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for using multiple private email servers to host and transmit top secret, classified information during her time as Secretary of State. “As you are aware, […]

James Comey, Loretta Lynch Called To Testify Before Congress Over Clinton Investigation – VIDEO

Republicans in Congress have called for Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey to answer questions regarding the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Comey will appear before the House Oversight Committee on Thursday to defend his decision not to recommend criminal charges against Clinton for her use of a private email server while secretary of […]

SURPRISE SURPRISE => Loretta Lynch: No Charges Against Hillary Clinton

Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Wednesday afternoon that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not face criminal charges in relation to her mishandling of classified information on her secret, private e-mail server. In a statement, Lynch said: Late this afternoon, I met with FBI Director James Comey and career prosecutors and agents who conducted […]

Attorney General Lynch Must Resign

She has broken the sacred trust of the American people. By meeting secretly with former President Bill Clinton – the husband of someone subject to an ongoing Department of Justice (DOJ) criminal investigation and a potential witness himself in that investigation – on a taxpayer-funded jet, she violated federal regulations and Department of Justice Standards […]

Loretta Lynch falls under the Clintons’ corrupting influence

She can’t help herself. Even yesterday, with the political world fixated on her meeting with FBI agents, Hillary Clinton had her flack mislead the public. A spokesman said she gave a “voluntary” interview, which is true only because she agreed to talk instead of waiting to be subpoenaed. The flack also said she was “pleased” […]

Source spills beans on Bill Clinton, Lynch meetup

An exclusive interview with a security source who was present at the unplanned meeting Monday night on a Phoenix tarmac between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lorretta Lynch has shed additional light on an unusual summit that is embroiling the AG in charges of favoritism. As attorney general, Lynch heads the Department of […]

Now Judicial Watch points investigators at Lynch

The fallout from Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s private, off-the-record meeting with ex-President Bill Clinton in an airplane at the Phoenix airport is expanding, with Washington watchdog Judicial Watch now asking the Department of Justice inspector general to investigate and reveal the results. “Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton severely undermined the already low […]

Donald Trump: Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Secret Meeting Shows ‘Rigged System’

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Bill Clinton was “terrible” and “horrible.” “It is an amazing thing,” Trump stated during an interview on The Mike Gallagher Show. “I’ve been talking about the rigged system, how it’s rigged,” he said, adding “this is terrible.” “It was really a […]
