May 1, 2024

Loretta Lynch Already Knew Comey Would Let Hillary Go Free When Announcing She Would Accept FBI’s Conclusion

Wait.. What? Loretta Lynch Already Knew Comey Would Let Hillary Go Free When Announcing She Would Accept FBI’s Conclusion

Loretta Lynch Already Knew Comey Would Let Hillary Go Free When Announcing She Would Accept FBI’s Conclusion

Additional text messages sent and received by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok have been handed over to Congress, reports the Associated Press.

According to an exchange between Strzok and Bureau lawyer Lisa Page, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch reportedly knew former FBI Director James Comey would let Hillary Clinton off the hook in her email investigation when she announced the Justice Department would “defer” to the FBI’s conclusion.

AP reports:

They reference Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision to accept the FBI’s conclusion in that case and a draft statement that former FBI Director James Comey had prepared in anticipation of closing out the Clinton investigation without criminal charges.

In another exchange, the two express displeasure about the timing of Lynch’s announcement that she would defer to the FBI’s judgment on the Clinton investigation. That announcement came days after it was revealed that the attorney general and former President Bill Clinton had an impromptu meeting aboard her plane in Phoenix, though both sides said the email investigation was never discussed.Strzok said in a July 1 text message that the timing of Lynch’s announcement “looks like hell.” And Page appears to mockingly refer to Lynch’s decision to accept the FBI’s conclusion in the case as a “real profile in courag(e) since she knows no charges will be brought.”

Lynch is suspected of aiding Clinton during the 2016 presidential election. The former Justice Department head has denied allegations she assured the Clinton campaign that the FBI’s email probe would not stretch far into the 2016 presidential race.

Former FBI Director James Comey testified to lawmakers that he confronted Lynch over what he perceived as a potential tipping of the scale for Clinton during the election. According to reports, when Comey confronted Lynch for the perceived bias, he was met with a “steely silence that lasted for some time,” before he asked to leave her office.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Comey admitted Lynch attempted to reframe the investigation into Clinton’s private email server. The chief legal officer of the United States allegedly directed Comey to refer to Clinton’s email probe as a “matter,” instead of an “investigation” or “probe.”

Source: Gateway Pundit
