January 13, 2025


Fox News host Tucker Carlson says Democrats used Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick’s death for their political agenda. All of these tapes as a matter of public record must be released through the Internet to the world plain and simple

The left’s attempted destruction of Kavanaugh is obscene.

The overwrought hysteria among the Democrats who are pretending to take seriously Christine Blasey Ford’s ridiculous accusation that Brett Kavanaugh groped her 36 years ago is disgraceful.  It is an all too obvious ploy to keep Kavanaugh off the SCOTUS.  That she has suffered emotional problems stemming from what she describes as an assault is ridiculous as […]

Smoking Gun Memo Laid Out Left’s Assault on Conservatives.

A strategy memo compiled by George Soros-funded activist groups as President Trump was being inaugurated last year foretold and seemed to lay the groundwork for many of the political difficulties Trump now faces and the politics-related strife now roiling the nation. The memo takes on a heightened importance as the politically-driven censorship of conservatives by […]

The Left’s Long War on Conservative Free Speech.

In the competition of ideas, you can’t win the game if you’re not on the playing field. That’s why Silicon Valley bigwigs’ stubborn refusal to put business above their own personal partisan biases doesn’t just rankle. It reeks. Equal access to social media is not just about sharing food pics, pet videos, makeup tutorials and […]

The American Left’s Selective Outrage.

Repeatedly pointing out the American left’s obvious dishonesty, hypocrisy and selective outrage seems pointless. And yet, I feel compelled to do so. For example: Fake news media created a 24/7 media firestorm over Trump’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels before he became president. Due to recordings by Trump’s lawyer, CNN has excitedly gone […]


Pro law-and-order immigration advocates in America whine about the emotional arguments and unhinged publicity stunts used by the open borders/abolish-ICE anarchists to sway public opinion. But, when they use these emotional arguments, the abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) crowd are merely playing to their own personal strengths: irrationality, magical thinking, and projection. The important issue is […]

The Left’s Trump-Putin Meltdown.

Just another nail in the coffin of the Leftist establishment’s credibility. In a press conference with Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump refused to validate the findings of a deeply corrupt and compromised intelligence community that has been working assiduously since before he was even elected to discredit and destroy him, and now the sky is falling. […]

The Left’s Drumbeat of Hysteria Is Leading Toward Violence Against Conservatives.

Because of the ever-descending moral and intellectual state of the mainstream news media, there has been no outcry against the leftists who call President Donald Trump and all Americans who support him Nazis. Indeed, members of the media now regularly do so. Without that outcry, this labeling will only increase; and this steadily increasing drumbeat […]

Must-See Moments: The Left’s Rhetorical Tailspin.

ďťż The Daily Signal’s Facebook Live show “Top 10” features the top news stories of the week. Is leftist rhetoric out of control? This week, we discuss rhetoric and civil discourse, as lawmakers and leftist activists call for continued harassment of Trump administration officials. Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement announcement spawned a whole new level of […]

What the left’s anti-Second Amendment crusade is really about.

This discusses a reaction to the gun control debate. I am convinced that the left’s war on the Second Amendment has nothing to do with public safety (even if some of their foot soldiers believe it individually, and even though the argument is renewed frequently, especially but not exclusively if a gun is used in […]

The Left’s Chilling Refusal to Stop Flirting With Marxist Ideas.

The New York Times just can’t stop talking about communism. Recently the Times ran an editorial headlined  “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” The piece, written by Jason Barker, a professor in South Korea, is about what one would expect from a defense of communism. As one Federalist writer noted, it was “beyond parody.” […]

The Left’s Siege of Our Universities

Below is Barbara Kay’s review of David Horowitz’s new book, “The Left in the Universities” which is volume 8 of The Black Book of the American Left, a multi-volume collection of David Horowitz’s conservative writings that will, when completed, be the most ambitious effort ever undertaken to define the Left and its agenda. (Order HERE.) We encourage […]

As Sexual Assault Gains Attention, the Left’s Silence on Bob Menendez Is Deafening.

The verdict is in. I pronounce Democrat leaders, left-wing feminists, and Beltway journalists guilty of gross negligence and hypocrisy over a senator in their midst. For the past 11 weeks, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., has been on trial for 18 counts of bribery, fraud, and corruption involving nearly $1 million in gifts and donations. The […]

Commentary: Three facts that destroy the left’s anti-gun narrative

Since the mass shooting in Las Vegas that ended with at least 58 people dead and close to 500 injured, anti-gun progressives have been working overtime to convince the American people that gun owners’ rights should be greatly restricted, a move they say will make the United States a much safer place to live. The left […]

The Left’s Embrace Of Political Violence Backfires In Berkeley.

Berkeley, California, descended into total chaos Saturday as right-wingers and left-wingers engaged in massive brawls throughout the college town. The violent scenes captured the attention of cable news and social media, and inevitably led to questions as to who should take the blame for the ordeal. Liberals on Twitter were quick to point the finger […]

The Left’s All-Out War on Trump

  Please don’t tell us conservatives that we need to find common ground with the left during this era of Trump. That would only advance liberals’ cause, because they have no intention of working with President Trump. They are conducting an all-out war against him and his administration, and appeasement efforts wouldn’t change that. What […]

The Left’s Alinsky Plan to Destroy the Trump Administration

When a former community organizer with little other experience became the Democratic Party nominee for president in 2008, conservatives began inquiring what, exactly, a “community organizer” does. That led to a surge of interest in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a secular Bible among Barack Obama’s cohort of left-wing radicals in Chicago. In the White House, as […]

The Left’s Retreat into Fantasy

The Left, it seems, has lost its grip on reality, and is dead-set on creating its own actuality. And the election of Donald Trump seems to have been the catalyst for the breakdown of the liberal mind.  Weeks after Trump’s unexpected victory, Hillary boosters are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that […]

Stress Expert: Media to Blame for Left’s Post-Trump Freakout

Dr. Pete Sulack, stress expert and founder of StressRX.com, told Breitbart News on Friday that the media bears some of the blame for the deep distress felt by some Hillary Clinton supporters, and the public unrest, after Tuesday’s election results. “The media is partly to blame for actively fueling fears of some kind of Nazi […]

The Left’s Ridiculous Response to Trump Election Is Why He Was Elected

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s shocking victory on Tuesday night, the left has lost its collective mind. The media continue to offer the narrative that Donald Trump is responsible for a mass swelling of violence and hate – even as leftists around the country riot, burning things and breaking windows. The media continue to […]

The Blaze’s Dana Loesch Torches The ‘Godless Left’s’ ‘Coordinated Assault’ On Constitutional Rights

The San Bernardino shooting that occurred earlier this month was horrific. Two radical Muslim shooters, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, took the lives of 14 people and wounded more than 20 in what is increasingly looking like a terrorist attack. The media’s reaction to the shooting was equally horrendous. On the day of the attack, […]

How Many Americans Must Die For The Left’s Gun-Grab To Work?

Monday marked the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre by evil psychotic Adam Lanza. This, of course, was just another opportunity for members of the left to stand on the graves of the children of Sandy Hook, claiming that their deaths could only be justified with a mass gun-grab.   Speakers including […]

San Bernardino killings a result of the left’s P.C. war against ‘hurt feelings’

In the hours following yesterday’s violence, progressive talking heads offered us every possible reason for the attacks. First it was workplace violence, then it was the work of lone wolf gun nuts, radical Christians, right-wing militias, and on and on and on.  The media was positively desperate not to suggest anything that could even hint […]

The Left’s Ugly Hatred of BEN CARSON

It’s a small man who delights in the misfortune of others, but I can’t help myself.  As much as I regret that he is being forced to deal with the vile underbelly of hatred emanating from the bowels of the Party of Slavery and Segregation, I am having a blast watching the left try to […]

The Left’s Tired War on Easter

“Jesus is a MYTH” blasted the Daily Mail on Good Friday, right in time for the celebration of Christians’ most sacred feast, Easter. Just last November, the same publication was reporting that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children by her. Christians by now are used to the mainstream media’s yearly attacks on […]
