July 26, 2024

On this day in history, September 28, 1781, the Siege of Yorktown begins

The Siege of Yorktown, Virginia, the decisive battle in America’s shocking triumph over the mighty British Empire in its War of Independence, began on this day in history, Sept. 28, 1781.  The siege ended three weeks later, on Oct. 19, with the surrender of the British garrison led by Lord Charles Cornwallis.  George Washington’s Continental […]

Extremists at the vanguard of a siege: The Jan. 6 panel’s last word

A video of former President Donald Trump is shown on a screen, as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol holds its final meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington on Dec. 19, 2src22. | Jim Lo Scalzo/AP Photo Far-right extremists who believed they were answering Donald Trump’s call to

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters

Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of Congress on Jan. 6 were not […]

Trump: US Election System ‘Under Coordinated Assault and Siege’

President Donald Trump on Wednesday asserted he won the 2020 election and said America’s election system is under siege. Trump, speaking in a video from the White House that he released on social media, said his job as president is to defend the laws and Constitution of the United States and that he’s determined to protect […]

Nicaraguan forces lay siege to symbolic city

MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Nicaraguan national police and armed pro-government civilians laid siege to a symbolically important neighborhood that has recently become a center of resistance to President Daniel Ortega’s government. Government forces began advancing on the Monimbo neighborhood in the city of Masaya before dawn Tuesday. Speaking from the capital of Nicaragua, independent and investigative […]


The 2016 election was divine providence intervening in America with the election of Donald J Trump. It was a great victory for the American People. However, the enemies of America have been working tirelessly to undermine, thwart and destroy every policy item of President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” agenda. They have been losing many […]


In this explosive presentation, international journalist Alex Newman exposes the shadowy “Deep State” as well as the “Deep State Behind the Deep State.” Typically, Americans think of the Deep State as the growing constellation of bureaucracies and “intelligence” agencies working to subvert Trump. But in this presentation, Alex will expose the unseen powers behind them–the […]

The Left’s Siege of Our Universities

Below is Barbara Kay’s review of David Horowitz’s new book, “The Left in the Universities” which is volume 8 of The Black Book of the American Left, a multi-volume collection of David Horowitz’s conservative writings that will, when completed, be the most ambitious effort ever undertaken to define the Left and its agenda. (Order HERE.) We encourage […]


New Zealander Trevor Loudon has done it again, producing an extraordinary, hard-hitting, timely documentary about a subject crucially important to America’s survival. The target of his just-released video is “Antifa,” which is the name adopted by the violent mobs of masked, black-clad anarchist/communist thugs that have been rampaging throughout America for the past year. If the American […]

America Under Siege: Soviet Islam

With President Trump executing missile strikes in Syria and radical Islamic terrorism being as big a threat as it ever has been, we need to understand how these oppressive regimes and extremist ideologies got started and are empowered. Working with Dangerous Documentaries, director Judd Saul and conservative commentator Trevor Loudon have compiled a team of […]

MOVIE NOW LIVE: “America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”

  “Only a coalition of Islamists and Marxists can destroy the United States.” Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez, AKA Carlos the Jackal Soviet Islam is the second episode in the five-part America Under Siege webseries releasing over the course of 2017. Each episode investigates the growing influence of revolutionary Marxists and their allies in different sectors of […]


They’ve fought to stop the inauguration.   They’re fighting to destroy our nation While 700,000 protesters are converging on Washington D.C. for Inauguration Day—in addition to anti-Trump rallies planned in dozens of cities across the country—the political groups behind the protests remain shrouded in mystery. As Fox News Channel first reported, Civil War 2017 uncovers […]

Trump Doubles Down: Media Distracting From Fact That 2nd Amendment Is ‘Under Siege’

On August 10 – one day after being savagely attacked for describing Hillary Clinton’s plan to “abolish the Second Amendment” – Donald Trump doubled down and pointed out that the media is simply distracting from the fact that the Second Amendment is “under siege.” Trump was speaking to a group of miners in Abingdon, Virginia, […]

Ted Cruz says Europe is ‘under siege,’ slams Obama’s ‘willful blindness’

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is calling on President Obama to “remove the blinders” in the fight against “radical Islamic terrorism” following an attack in Nice, France, Thursday evening that left at least 80 dead. “Tonight, our close ally France is reeling from yet another major attack apparently carried out by radical Islamic terrorists,” Cruz said […]
