July 26, 2024

CNN’s Burnett: New Biden Family Payment Evidence ‘Doesn’t Look Good’

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” host Erin Burnett stated that the new developments regarding payments to the Biden family do not look good. While speaking to NYU Law Professor Ryan Goodman, Burnett asked, “[O]n a certain level, just as a layperson, you hear this and it doesn’t sound good. There’s a guy whose name

House Budget Chair Yarmuth: Some People Who Could Use Direct Payment Won’t Get It

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Cross Connection,” House Budget Committee Chair John Yarmuth (D-KY) stated that under the coronavirus relief bill, “there will be people who could use” the $1,400 direct payments “who will not get it, but, again, 250 million people will.” Yarmuth said, “I think that what you have to say is we’re…

Mark Levin: “Donald Trump Is in the Clear” – Cohen Hush Money Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution (VIDEO)

Conservative author and radio-TV host Mark Levin went on with Sean Hannity after Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts — including two campaign finance violations involving payments to silence women he believed could be detrimental to the 2016 presidential campaign. On Monday Mark interviewed the former FEC Chairman on his show. Professor […]

NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews.

An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid $40,000 to settle with an assistant producer on his show, “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” in 1999 after she […]

BREAKING: FEC Complaint Filed Against Clinton Campaign, DNC For Hiding Russian Dossier Payment

The Washington Post published a bombshell on the discredited Trump dossier on Tuesday.  As Kristinn Taylor reported earlier on The Gateway Pundit the WaPo article claims the 2016 presidential campaign of Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier alleging Russian ties with the presidential campaign of Republican Donald Trump and sordid […]

Obama Blocks Congressional Inquiry Into Our Non-Ransom, Leverage Payment To Iran

So, will we ever find out the internal dynamics of the $400 million non-ransom that used for leverage by an administration that said we don’t pay ransom, even though it was stipulated that the monies wouldn’t be handed over until the four detained Americans were released? In other words, it was a ransom. Yet, the […]

5 Ways To Tell Obama’s Lying About The Iranian Ransom Payment

The Wall Street Journal published a blockbuster report on Wednesday exposing the fact that “the Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran.” The $400 million in cash was part of a $1.7 billion settlement over a military arms […]

WATCH: Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters Believes Obama Admin’s $400M Cash Payment to Iran ‘Smells to High Heaven’

Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters told Fox News Wednesday that the Obama administration’s secret cash payment of over $400 million to Iran was “definitely a ransom or a bribe” to secure the release of four American hostages. Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (Image source: YouTube) “On some pathetic level … I have to feel sorry […]

Stunning Report: Obama Administration Made Secret $400M Cash Payment to Iran as Detained Americans Were Released

The report states that the United States sent “wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies” into Iran on an “unmarked cargo plane.” U.S. law forbids transactions with Iran with American currency. The U.S. and European officials who spoke to the Journal didn’t specify exactly when the airlift of cash occurred, but the […]
