February 7, 2025

WATCH: Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters Believes Obama Admin’s $400M Cash Payment to Iran ‘Smells to High Heaven’

Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters told Fox News Wednesday that the Obama administration’s secret cash payment of over $400 million to Iran was “definitely a ransom or a bribe” to secure the release of four American hostages. Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (Image source: YouTube) “On some pathetic level … I have to feel sorry […]

Stunning Report: Obama Administration Made Secret $400M Cash Payment to Iran as Detained Americans Were Released

The report states that the United States sent “wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies” into Iran on an “unmarked cargo plane.” U.S. law forbids transactions with Iran with American currency. The U.S. and European officials who spoke to the Journal didn’t specify exactly when the airlift of cash occurred, but the […]
